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Grantaire stared at his good friend, who had died at the barricade, and his first thought was, Is he a ghost?

"Oh my friends, my friends, don't ask me, what your sacrifice was for! Empty chairs at empty tables, where my friends...shall meet no more," Marius finished, tears on his face. He sat down at a table, and seemed lost in thought.

"Marius? You're alive?" Grantaire said. However, Marius did not hear him.

"You're invisible, and also can't be heard." Lily said from behind him.

Grantaire turned, both shocked and relieved. "You saved Marius?"

She smiled. "No, I did not. Someone else did. He was supposed to be the only survivor. Alone in the world. But since you and a couple others survived, he won't be."

Watching Marius, Grantaire felt a stab of heartbreak. "How long does this last for? Us being invisible, I mean."

"Probably about five more minutes?" she said, shrugging. "So, have I answered all your questions?"

He met her gaze, with several questions actually. "Why? Why did you save us?"

She gave him a sad smile. "Because ever since I found out about Les Misérables, I've been so disappointed and unhappy, because you hadn't survived. You hadn't had a chance at your happy ending. I knew you loved Enjolras, and I wanted you to have a chance at his approval. That was all I needed."

"Will you return to your home now?" He asked.

She shook her head. "There was only enough of that potion for one trip. I'm stuck in this world." She grinned when he started to speak. "Don't feel sorry for me; I...did not like it at home. Most my family had recently died, and I was stuck with my awful father and stepmother. I would have done anything to get away from them."

"And now it seems that my friend Prouvaire has taken to courting you."

She blushed. "I didn't expect that to happen; it just did."

At that moment, Marius got up, and left the room. Lily gestured after him. "Follow him. Soon you should be able to call out to him, and he'll hear you."

She made to leave as well, but he caught her arm. "Thank you, Lily," he said, meeting her eyes with sincere gratitude. "I cannot express my appreciation enough."

"You have no need to; I already know. Why don't you grab a bottle of wine on your way out? You can leave some coins if it feels like thievery."

He laughed. "It seems you know me too well."

Lily chuckled as well. "I do. Now, please pardon me. I must get home." And with that, she was gone.

Grabbing a bottle of wine (and in fact, leaving a few coins for payment), Grantaire ran after Marius. Or tried to. He could not figure out which way his friend had gone. He had lost him already.

"Grantaire!" Someone cried. Enjolras.

Grantaire turned and saw the love of his life approaching him. "Good evening, Apollo," he said, assuming that he was now visible.

"Is everything alright?" Enjolras asked, halting beside him. "You seem anxious."

Grantaire smirked, taking a sip of his wine. "Most likely because I saw our dear friend Marius no more than five minutes past. Very much alive, I must tell you. I had forgotten how excellent he was at singing."

Surprise crossed Enjolras' expressed. "Are you sure?"

"Aye," Grantaire said.

"Did you speak to him?"

Love Is Blind - An E/R Les Misérables FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now