A Familiar Face

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When he came out of the Café, he nearly ran straight into the girl. She smiled brightly when she saw him. "Monsieur Enjolras left no more than two minutes ago. I assume you found him?"

"Yes," Grantaire said, staring at her, feeling that something was...off. "How did you know where to find him? And how did you know who we-"

"That is a question you can ask me for another day," she said. Once again, he could easily hear the plain happiness in her tone.

"Well...thank you."

"Please don't thank me yet." With that, she turned to walk away.

"Who are you?" he called after her.

She halted, standing still for such a long moment, Grantaire might have wondered if time had frozen. Then she turned around, and met his gaze. "I'm Lily." And then, she went to hurry away. But then stopped, and turned again. "I almost forgot! I'd suggest you go to Rue de Jorgel. You'll be glad of it." And then she was gone.

Grantaire watched her disappear around a corner, her words echoing through his mind. Rue de Jorgel. Why? What had happened? He knew where it was; it was the home of one of his old friends. Surely though it could not be that—

He marched off, all thoughts about Enjolras and this Lily leaving him, as Jean Prouvaire's face entered his mind...


He arrived soon, but hesitated at the doorway. How could Prouvaire have also escaped? He and everyone else had died at the barricade, right? You and Enjolras were spared; he might be as well. He knocked on the door, and for a long moment, stood there, afraid that Mademoiselle Lily was wrong about what she'd been hinting at.

The next moment, the door was opened, and there stood his old friend, looking tired and sad, but still Prouvaire. For a long second, neither of them said anything, as they stared at each other. Then, Prouvaire whispered, "Grantaire?"

"You survived as well?" Grantaire said, wondering if anyone in fact had died at all.

Prouvaire embraced him, and then pulled back, looking as if he was about to burst into tears. Then again, that was very much like him, with his soft heart that loved poetry and such. "I had no idea that I wasn't alone. I thought no one else was left, and ever since, I've felt as if I'm living an eternal, dark night."

Alright, so he was still very poetic... "Well...Enjolras is alive too."

Relief washed across Prouvaire's face, but then it was replaced with worry. "I hope he does not blame himself for the deaths of the others."

"Do you remember much of what happened? I...was unconscious for most of the battle."

Prouvaire said, "I was captured by a few of the soldiers, and they shot me. I would have thought that it would have killed me, but the fact that I'm standing here is proof that it did not."

"Yes, Enjolras and I were saved somehow as well." Grantaire said, once again wondering how. For some reason, the girl Lily's face entered his head, and he easily brushed it away. It wasn't as if a girl could have magically saved them.

"I realize that it must be God's will." Prouvaire said.

Grantaire withheld the urge to roll his eyes. He was the kind of man who tried very hard not to believe in anything. "I'm glad to see you're alive; I know Enjolras will be pleased as well."

Prouvaire smiled, and said, "Do you know where he is?"

"No, but I was told that he always goes to the Café each day, at the time of an hour ago."

"I shall visit him then; please, do come in. I have plenty of tea and wine."

"Wine?" Grantaire said in a joking tone. "If that is the case, I would be glad to." Laughing, the reunited friends went inside, rejoicing that it was possible to do so.

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