three - i hoped.

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isometimes i thought you were just a figment of my imagination, and often times i wished you were just as real as this feeling i am left with.

ii.  i always go to our favorite spots hoping to see you there but i am only left with a view i can no longer enjoy.

iii.  your skin was the sweetest thing i had ever tasted, and each passing moment i imagine that every honey colored girl is you.

iv.  she twirls my hair in her fingers and kisses my earlobe, her skin was vanilla just like mine and i often thought that maybe i needed a new flavor.

v.  i was a lonely soul and it was in the dead of the night when i thought i heard your gentle voice calling my name, only to find the soft breeze swaying gently into my somber face.

vi.  she doesn't laugh like you do, she doesn't smile like you do, she doesn't talk like you do, she doesn't look like you do and yet i find myself intoxicated by her.

vii.  she's in my sheets and she calls my name and for the first time i wanted her to say it again.

viii.  she tells me that it's been good, and just like you did she left.

ix.  i still find myself choked in tears when i walk down the gardens and i see the roses you planted, and for a moment it reminded me of the children i wished i had with you.

x.  too high to express how i feel for you, too high to feel the warm body glued to mine, too high to hear her screams of pleasure and too high to feel the ecstasy of the moment. 

xi.  different bodies but none of them are like yours.

xii.  sometimes i wish i would fall in love with the girls i so badly want to use to replace you, but then i remember that they're human too.

xiii. stuck between trying to get over you and trying to remember you.

xiv.  she's got chocolate colored skin and almond eyes and i remind myself that it's not you but then i felt the need to talk to her still. 

xv.  she said she's got a knack for photography and she'll picture us together, and for the first time in a long time i found myself enjoying the company of someone who wasn't you.

xvi.  when i tasted her lips i swear i tasted heaven, and i yearned to be able to taste the peaches and lavenders of her honey lips.

xvii.  she wasn't you, and i was finally okay with that.

xviii.  she told me she loved me and i thought i was dreaming but all i did was kiss her and watched as the stars came out of the sky.

xix.  she tells me she's not perfect and i tell her that i love the cracks on her hips.

xx.  she's between my sheets and unlike most others her scent clung to the bed, and for the first time i wanted to wake up with her in the morning and go to bed with her at night. 

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