#2 - His Birthday Part 1

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Kageyama's POV:

"Alright guys, let's take 5." Daichi would say and everyone would get off the court and help themselves to water. We all have been working hard lately, mostly for our upcoming practice match with Nekoma.

I watch Hinata sit criss-cross in front of the bench during our timeout. I sit down next to him with my knees bent towards me and my arms resting on top. I'd look at him for a bit, admiring him and how adorable he was. I've already determined my feelings for him. I'm in love with Hinata. But, I have to wait until he gets his mark. That would be awkward for the both of us if it wasn't "T". I guess I was being a bit annoying when I would ask him about who he think it may be, but, I guess I'm just nervous. I don't want to ruin our friendship, he means a lot to me even though I don't show it.

"Hey, Kageyama..." He'd start, interupting my train of thought. He also looked like he was thinking.

"Yeah?" I'd reply.

"What do you want to do for my birthday?" He'd ask, looking my way.

"Oh uh I don't know. Do you want to celebrate with the whole team or something?"

"Meh, I don't really know either.. Want to maybe spend it together? Just us I mean."

   God damn it. As soon as he said that I'd look at him with a surprised look on my face. Just us? On the same day he gets his mark? What if it's not me? I don't think I could face reality if that were to happen. Should I say yes? What if this goes wrong? Before my mind can even decide like an idiot I said, "Sure, I guess."

"Great! Where do you want to go then?" His eyes would start to light up.

"Oh um do you want to go get pizza or something?" I stumble to say.

"Ooo! Actually, do you want to go to the park afterwards? We can eat pizza then  afterwards, we can practice our quick attack!" He'd say with a wide smile on his face. He was really excited about this and it showed. 

"We can do that then." Id say back to him, starting to get up.

"Let's continue now!" Daichi would yell making everyone get back up and continue working on whatever they were doing.


   Practice finally ended and we were cleaning up. Usually the first years cleaned up since we cause most of the messes. Hinata had just finished picking up all of the volleyballs he'd spike onto the floor when we were practice our quick attack. He'd go to the locker room to start changing back into his uniform. I'd quickly finish taking down the net and make my way to change into my uniform.

"I'll wait for you outside Kageyama!" He'd holler, leaving the locker room. We'd usually walk home together since it would usually be late by the time practice ends.

"Meet you out there dumbass!" I'd yell back. I'd finish putting on my coat that was part of uniform and head outside to see Hinata ready to go with his bike in his hands.

   We'd start walking and talking about volleyball, class, and how hard his last test was. We'd arrive at my house and we'd say our goodbyes for the day, and I'd walk into my house and throw myself onto my bed. I'd bury my face in my pillow. Oh, you don't even know how many thoughts are going through my head. What if he changes his mind? What if it rains on that day? What if?-

* ding *

  I'd sit up and check my phone. Hinata has texted me a video of some volleyball setting fails on YouTube. What an idiot. I'd chuckle to myself. 3 more days until his birthday.

~~~ Time skip to Saturday on his birthday because idk what else to do~~~

Hinata POV:

I wake up groggily and check my phone to see what day it is. It was my birthday! I quickly check my wrist to see that nothing was written yet. I let out a sigh of relief and get out of bed to get dressed. I am so happy that I get to spend my birthday with Kageyama! He was one of my best friends and I get to spend a whole day with him outside of school! I'd jump up and down excitedly until I hear a ding coming from my phone.

I check what it was and it was a text from Sugawara. Then Daichi. Then Nishinoya. You get the gist. Everyone was sending me a happy birthday. Kageyama had just woke up and texted me.

Kageyama: Happy birthday dumbass.

Hinata: Thx Kageyama! You still up for the park at 12?

Kageyama: Yeah, duh

"Great!" I'd tell myself after reading what he had sent back. I'd start to get dressed into a regular graphic t-shirt that had the Play Station logo and some regular jean shorts. I'd head downstairs to be greeted with a "happy birthday" from mom and Natsu. Mom had made pancakes for breakfast and I quickly finished up mine and went back upstairs to sit down at my desk.

Didn't really know what to do in the meantime since I had popped my volleyball yesterday and had to wait until tomorrow until the new one I ordered would come. I sighed and tried to study a bit before 12.


A knock would be heard at the door and I'd quickly race downstairs to open it. It was Kageyama as I had expected.

"Hey, you ready?" He'd ask.

"Mhm!" I'd reply.

Word count: 948

Hello! Sorry if it took me a while to update. I've been binge-watching Seven Deadly Sins and reading some stories for inspiration. This one was a bit long and idk how long the usual chapters are gonna be but don't expect much from me :,) Anyways have a good day/night/morning!

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