#13 - Soulmates (Final)

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Third Person POV:

"I like you!" They both yelled in unison.

"Wait what?! You're kidding-" Yelled Hinata, with a tone of nervous and excited blended in.

"No, you're kidding dumbass-" said Kageyama, sounding the same way.

"If you're joking say sike right now-" Answered Hinata.

"I'm not gonna say sike..." Kageyama answered, starting to smile and cry a bit.

"M-Me neither-" Responded a crying Hinata. He started jumping up and down, excitedly.

The ginger then ran to hug him tightly. Kageyama loved the feeling of hugging such a small, petite, and joyful person like Hinata. Let me rephrase that, he loved hugging Hinata. Hinata then looked up and gave a tiny peck on Kageyama's lips, causing Kageyama to blush a deep scarlet red. Hinata didn't check, but he knew that his wrist then wrote on itself, "Tobio Kageyama". Kageyama held Hinata's wrist and saw his name appear before his eyes.

He then let go of the smaller boy's wrist and hugged him once again in each other's arms. They both felt complete, relieved, and overjoyed. Kageyama was crying nonstop, and Hinata was snuggling into the taller boy's chest, smiling.

"So... Does that make us... You know..-" Asked a shy Hinata, breaking the silence.

"Yes." Answered a smiling Kageyama.

The two just stood there hugging for a while. It was quiet, but it wasn't uncomfortable. 15 minutes later they both had to go back home since it was getting pretty late.

Kageyama's POV:

I wake up and yawn as I feel the early rays of the sun on my skin. I get up and see that I have 4 missed FaceTime calls from Hinata. I sigh and get out of my bed to get dressed. It's finally Saturday.

This week honestly was too much for me to handle. I got heartbroken, got in a fight, in a one-day relationship, and got into another relationship, but this time with my actual crush. What more could I want?

I call Hinata back and he answers immediately.

"Hey, Kageyama!" He'd say with a smile.

"You know you can call me Tobio, right?" I'd respond, laughing a bit.

"Fine then. Tobio. Ahh! No! It just sounds weird!! Can't I just call you Kageyama?"

"Okay. But then can I call you Shouyo?"


"Alright then, Shouyo. Ahh no! It just sounds weird! Can't I just call you Hinata?" I'd tease.

"Hey!" He'd yell.

"Anyways, want to meet with the team or something? Do you want to tell them the situation? I don't really know what to do-" Hinata would start.

"We can tell the team if you want. I really don't care. Plus, do whatever makes you comfortable." I stated.

"Alrighty then! Want to text in the group chat to meet up at the park?" Hinata said, a bit excited.

"Sure." I'd respond.

"Just meet us there at 12! I'll get everything set up!" Hinata hollered and hung up. I sigh of relief. I knew I didn't make a mistake this time.


At 11:30 I started to get ready. I wear wash denim ripped jeans and a volleyball vintage tee with the shirt tucked in. I try to control my bangs but they wouldn't stay out of my eyes, so I wore my usual front bang and two small side ones. I'm ready.

At about 11:50 I started leaving since I knew that if I wanted to get there on time while walking, it would take me 8-10 minutes.

It was a sunny day outside, the clouds were out of the way so the sun had full exposure. Today was the perfect day to meet up and I wasn't really complaining. I can't wait to see what Hinata had planned out. He must have gone all out. I thought to myself.

After walking for about 8 minutes, I arrive at the place and see the whole team there, sitting on multiple blankets that were all overlapping making it seem like one big blanket.

An annoyed Tsuki, nervous Yamaguchi and Yachi, a harassed Kiyoko, Tanaka and Nishinoya harassing her, Asahi trying to help unpack the food, Sugawara and Daichi trying to get everyone settled, and Hinata sitting down, looking up at me as I arrive.

"Kageyama!" He shouted and ran to hug me.

"Someone's excited to see me." I retort.

"Shut up!" He blurted and let go of me.

"I guess now that the setters here, we can start a match." Said a smiling Daichi with a volleyball in his hand.

From here on out, we had so much fun, just having a 4 on 4 match. Everyone was smiling and nobody was arguing. We were all just happy without a care in the world. Do I even deserve this? Do I even deserve to be this happy? Do I even deserve Hinata? Nonsense. Cause all that's on my mind right now, is Hinata. My friend, my partner, my soulmate, my boyfriend. Hinata.

Shouyo Hinata, my soulmate.


Word Count: 824

Hi guys! Thank you so much for reading till the end! Sorry if this ended too soon as I said, I'm a beginner author and this is my first story, so I didn't really know how to end this.

And thank you for 1k+ reads! ^^ Just seeing that people actually read this makes me so happy :')

Make sure to check out my other soulmate story, "Written For You" if this is what you're interested in! :>

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