#4 - My Name

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Kageyama POV:

He removed his hand. Tears started flowing down my cheeks like a dam that had just been broken. I tried to wipe my tears before Hinata could notice.

"A 'T' huh.." Hinata would say, looking at his wrist.

"Hey Kageyama, do you know anyone with a first name that starts with a 'T'?" He'd ask me, looking at me confused. My eyes widen with realization. He didn't know my first name.

Are we soulmates...? Nonsense. This isn't real. I didn't even get my own mark yet so I don't know for sure if I should even tell him yet.

"Oh, not really.." I'd reply. Should I be doing this?! Maybe I should. If I did tell him it would make our friendship awkward. And I didn't want to lose him just because his mark coincidentally had my initial on it.

"Oh well that sucks heh." He'd say with a sigh at the end.

"Want to go get some ice cream?" He'd say, pointing to the nearest ice cream shop, trying to change the subject.

"Sure, I guess." I'd say with regret.

I should have said something. Now it's too late. Wait, what if he finds out on his own later?! He would hate me!

Whatever I do, I have to avoid him from knowing my first name.


Hinata POV:

It was Monday morning and I had just arrived to practice. Tanaka had just noticed that I walked in and yelled to everyone, "Hinata's here!"

As soon as he said that, Nishinoya and Sugawara has walked over to me. Kageyama looked over with the ball in his hands.

"So what letter did you get?!" Nishinoya asked.

"Do you know who it is?" Sugawara asked.

"Oh um- I got a T, and no, I don't know who it is yet." I'd answer shyly.

"Didn't you spend your birthday with Kageyama? Doesn't his na-"

"Hey, Sugawara, I kinda need help doing something. Can you come over for a sec?" Kageyama would ask, interrupting Sugawara. That was weird.

Kageyama POV:

   That was close. It's not like Hinata would suspect anything because he's not the brightest. Hopefully Sugawara would understand my circumstances.

"What do you need help with Kageyama?" Sugawara would ask, heading over to where I was.

"Oh, well um you see.." I'd start. This was kinda embarrassing on my part. After all, I would have to tell him about my crush on Hinata. I can just imagine the smug look Hinata would have if he found out.

"Is it about volleyball or Hinata?" He'd say with a bit of a chuckle at the end.

"Hinata.." I'd mange to say after a 3 second pause.

"Makes sense. You both were bound to start dating." Sugawara would say casually. My face started burning up.

"It's not like that!" I'd say with me raising my voice then starting to look down.

"He doesn't think of me like that... He just sees me as his best friend. Nothing more." I'd say, starting to tear up a bit. Sugawara would bend so he could see my face.

"It's fine. I'll tell the rest of the team to not mention anything." He'd say with a smile. I'd look up at him as he stood back up.

"Thanks." I'd say, wiping my tears.


The rest of practice went fine. We had our usual 3 on 3 match with me, Tsukishima, and Tanaka being on one team and Asahi, Nishinoya, and Yamaguchi being on the other. Right now I'm just sitting in class bored. Luckily Hinata wasn't in my class so he wouldn't always hear the teacher trying to get my attention with my first and last name.

Most of class was relatively boring. These 2 kids in my class just found out they were souls mates and had been talking with each other for almost all of class. I couldn't wait for lunch. Hinata and I usually hang out under some staircase spot we found. Before I knew it, the bell had just rung.

   I grab my bento box and head over to our usual spot. Hinata wasn't there this time. He's probably just coming late I thought to myself. I start drinking some of the milk I got from yesterday at the vending machine. Soon I see some people talking and giggling while coming my way. I look over to see who it was. It was Hinata with some girl. They walked to where I was.

"Hey, Kageyama! This is my friend Taika Izumi!" He'd say with a smile on his face. She would also wave at me with a friendly smile as well.

"Hope you don't mind my presence" she'd say while starting to sit down without me even answering.

   We'd all be sitting down under the staircase where me and Hinata usually hung out. I didn't really know what to say since I felt like a third wheel or just an extra person. Occasionally Hinata would try to involve me in their conversations, but then it just becomes awkward and they continue to talk about something else.

   Luckily, after 30 minutes of me just sitting there, the bell rings. The girl Hinata was talking to (I didn't even bother to remember her name) had left to head to class, leaving me and Hinata alone.

"She was really nice, don't-cha think?" Hinata had said with a smile and blush that wouldn't go away, even after she left.

"I guess." I'd respond, not really that enthusiastic about the matter.

"I think she's my soulmate." He'd say, turning to look at me.

   My heart felt like somebody had just stuck me with a needle and left it there. All of my hope that it could possible be me was gone. He probably even liked her as it was. I tried holding back tears but it felt like I was holding back a tsunami of emotions.

   I'd get up without even saying anything and leave. Muttering the words, "dumbass." Hinata just sat there, confused and a bit annoyed.

"Whatever, Bakayama!" He'd yell.

   I'm starting to regret going with Hinata that day.

Word count 1,013

That was pretty interesting heh =~= I'm a bit too impatient to wait a few days to upload a new chapter since I'm bored :p Anyways, if you have any sort of feedback, feel free to comment it! :)

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