#11 - Is This What Friends Do?

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Hinata's POV

Class had finished the bell just rang.

I need to tell Taika what's actually happening. I feel guilty pretending. It's going to hurt her more the longer I keep it a secret.

"Hey Hinata, want me to walk you to the gym?" She'd ask, with a smile spread across her face like always. I hold my hands in a fist, nervous for what's about to happen.

"Hey Taika I-"

She'd kiss me on my lips. Nobody else was in the classroom, so I guess she thought this was a good time. But, I push her off.

She looks at her wrist and notices how my full name hasn't shown up.

"Hinata.." She'd start.

"Taika, I'm sorry, we're not soulmates." I'd say, looking down at my desk.

"B-But we love each other! Everything was fine! Did I do something wrong?" She say, starting to cry towards the end.

"No! You didn't do anything wrong. It's just.. Me." I'd respond, placing my hand on her shoulder.

"I loved you Shouyo Hinata. But I guess we're just not meant to be." She'd mumble, taking my hand off of her shoulder and leaving the classroom, clearly holding back tears.

I did feel bad, don't get me wrong. I just felt a heavy weight get lifted off of my shoulders at the same time.

Now I can confess to Kageyama without any misunderstandings!

I then look at the time in a major realization. PRACTICE!


I rush to the gym, panting in my school uniform. Everyone on the team looked at me when I entered the gymnasium, panting.

"Oh hey Hinata." Daichi would say. He knew I would never miss practice for the world, so I guess he suspected me coming late. I head over to the lockers to get changed and see Kageyama changing in there. I immediately blush a bit and look away.

He looked at me for a second, just glaring at me.

Does he really care that much about what happened? I thought to myself.

"Hey Kageyama I'm sor-"

He left the room. Should I say something? I should'nt.. He's probably mad at me..

Soon later, I finished getting into my gym uniform. I then headed out to the court to practice some of my spikes.

"Hey Kageyama, could you set for me?" I'd ask.

No answer.

"Uhh, Kageyama..?" I'd ask once again, waving my hand in his face while he was practicing his setter dumps.

He still wouldn't answer.

I hit him with a volleyball on the back of his head. He slowly turns around with an annoyed face.

"Heh.. Sorry you wouldn't answer-" I'd start to say, a bit scared of what he was gonna do to me.

"Just, don't bother me right now, I'm thinking." He'd respond, hitting me on my head.

"Ow ow ow!" I'd yelp.

Kageyama's POV

Should I have said that? What if I just want a reason to be mad at him?

And it was true. I did want a reason to be mad at him. I guess in my head I see this as a method of getting over him. Which is just plain stupid. How long am I even gonna keep this up?

I should just accept Mikasa's offer and forgive Hinata. There's a million other ways to get over someone that include not pretending to being mad at them.

I look over to what everybody else is doing and I catch Hinata staring at me. I immediately turn back around, blushing a bit. No! Stop that! He has a girlfriend! There's probably just something on my face. Yeah, that's it.


"Already guys that concludes our practice" Daichi would yell, making everyone either leave, or start to clean up. I start to pick up all the balls that were on the floor from my many attempts of setter dumps and hitting a water bottle. Then Hinata walks over and starts to help me pick them up.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I ask.

"Pick up volleyballs, duh. I think you have bad vision or something." Hinata would respond, laughing a bit towards the end. What is he doing? Get away from me. Your the person I need to get over. Don't get my hopes up again. You have Taika.

"I can pick them up from here." I'd finally say. A bit firmly, but not on purpose.

"Oh, okay then. I'll wait for you outside." Hinata would then get his bag and make his way outside.

I quickly finish up and thank Daichi for practice. I go outside and see Hinata holding his bike, waiting for me.

"Cmon let's go." I'd say, causing Hinata to start walking with me following.

"Anyways, sorry about earlier Kageyama. You didn't show up at our usual spot and I tried looking for you and I didn't mean t-"

Before he can even finish his sentence, I'd cover his mouth.

"Just shut up. It's fine." I'd state, then taking my hand off of his mouth.

We just walked in silence for a while and then I started to feel a hand brush off of mine. I immediately start blushing and put my hand in my pocket, causing Hinata to stare at me.

"Do you want to hold hands?" Hinata would ask with a straight face, looking at me. I'd punch the back of his head.

"Of course not, dumbass." I'd respond.

"Oh haha, sorry." He'd correct himself. He then started to look at the ground.

I then made the stupid decision of grabbing his hand and holding it. He looked back at me, blushing. I look away, blushing as well. For the rest of our walk, we just kind of held hands in an embarrassing silence. Eventually, we had to go our separate ways and let go.

I then was left walking home by myself.

I couldn't help but think..

Is this what friends do?


Word Count: 980

Hello there! This chapter is dedicated to my friend iihoneylavander since she told me that she would make me a cover of I make a 1,000 word chapter. (Or close to 1,000) Soo..

Thanks for reading and comment if you liked it or didn't like it, or just any sort of feedback. It really helps me :,)

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