You Are

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Through it all,

Through your pain and 

Through your struggles. 

You are beautiful. 

Whether you believe me or not, 

Whether you're blinded by your pain,

Or if you just don't believe me...

Your mess ups don't matter. 

You. Are. Amazing. 

I wish you'd believe me 

And I wish you could see,

Could see that you are,

Beautiful, even your scars, 

Everything you've been through,

Everything you've suffered through,

Has made you who you are:

You. Are. Strong. 

Even when you were crying, 

And when you felt broken...

You were lost and out of control,

But you still are wonderful.

In your deepest pain,

In your weakest hour,

In your darkest night,

You are lovely. 

The Battle Roars. The Scars Multiply. The Pain Never Ends.Where stories live. Discover now