┊7. seven

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*·˚ ༘ ➳〔 addy's perspective... 〕 ࿐ ࿔*:🖇
💌 | moving in...!

"Yes! Finally. You two are coming to your senses." I say. We're sitting in a quaint coffee shop after Bronwyn and Nate called us, informing us that they had exciting news to tell us.

Nate grins, the grin that always turns Bronwyn into jelly.

Cooper nudges Nate. "Congrats, you guys. Have you picked an apartment yet?"

Bronwyn nods. "Yep, we came to ask if you guys wanted to come look at it with us, and hopefully help us move in."

I grin. "Yeah, sure!"

Cooper glances at his watch. "Mmm, sorry, I gotta meet Kris in like, 20 minutes."

I roll my eyes. "Please. I saw his Insta 5 minutes ago. He's at a shoot."

"Damn it." Cooper mutters.

We all laugh at Cooper's feeble attempt to get out of helping.

at the new apartment...! ᵕ̈

"This is taking ages. How many more boxes?" Cooper whines.

"That was the last one Cooper." I say, wiping sweat off my forehead.

"Thank God." He groans, slumping against boxes.

"Yeah, and those two hardly helped." I look over to where Bronwyn and Nate are talking, in low, quiet voices.

Nate glances at me. "Oh, the last box has been brought in? Cool. Let's start unpacking."

I groan, but Cooper coughs. "Bronwyn and Nate are our friends. We should help them with no complaints, Addy."

I roll my eyes at Cooper and Bronwyn laughs.

"Seriously guys, thanks so much for everything."

"Anytime." I say, snorting.

A few hours later, the unpacking is done.

"Wow. That didn't take as long as I expected." Bronwyn says, looking around the place. Nate is smiling, eyes fixated on Bronwyn.

"Wow you guys! This looks great." I remark.

"Yeah, we're gonna make some great memories here." Cooper enthuses.

Nate hugs Bronwyn from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head in her neck. "I can't wait to start our lives here."

"Me neither."

While the two of them have their moment, I take my own time to properly look at the place. It's fairly small, and has white walls and hardwood floors that have been polished multiple times. There's two windows in the living room, as well as a sofa, and a TV stand. There's also a coffee table, with cute drawers in it.

Although she hasn't started planning it yet, Bronwyn's told me all about how she's planning on putting plants almost everywhere. I don't think Nate knows.

"Can you believe they're moving in?" Cooper whispers, sidling up to her.

"Yeah. I always knew they were gonna end up together. And sure enough, look what happened."

└➤ a/n: short chapter becuase the old chapter i had written was a very very short filler chapter HAHA

i love you all, make sure to take care of yourself <3

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