┊9. nine

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*·˚ ༘ ➳〔 bronwyn's perspective... 〕 ࿐ ࿔*:🖇
💌 | first date...!

I look over at the clock. It's almost 8:00pm. I focus back on Nate. He looks so uncomfortable, and he keeps shifting in his seat.

"So... uh..." He glances up at me as I try to make conversation.

I watch his eyes dart around the room, while his fingers fiddle with his napkin.

"I'm sorry, Bronwyn," He says after a moments hesitation, "I just... I've never really been on a proper date. Plus, we're already so close. There's nothing really for us to talk about."

I sigh. "You're right, Nate. I... I'm sorry. This was a bad idea. Let's just go home."

Guilt flashes in Nate's eyes. "It's not your fault, it's mine. I don't do dates. We can go home and watch a movie or something." He says, raking a hand through his hair.

God help me. I turn into a puddle whenever he does that. Suddenly, I feel so attracted to him... more than I usually do.

"Or... we could do something else...?" Oh God. I said it. What if he says no? He meets my eyes.

Mischief gleams in them. "Really? You think you... you think you're ready?" I nod confidently.

I lean close to him. "All I can think about right now, is ripping that jacket off you and kissing you like I've never kissed you before, Nate. I think I am." I sit back down, feeling a surge of pride as Nate's eyes widen.

Then he gives me his famous grin. "Well then we better hurry, eh?"

As Nate unlocks the door to our apartment, I suddenly feel nervous. I'd only done this once before and compared to Nate... it's probably nothing. I start to sweat and I constantly wipe my hands on my pants. Nate seems to notice.

He holds my shoulders, his eyebrows furrowed. "Hey. I can see you're nervous. Don't be. We don't have do this, y'know?"

"No, Nate. I want this more than anything else."

And then I kiss him. As our lips connect, I feel that electricity surge through my veins. The electricity I always feel when I kiss him. At first he seems taken aback, but then he kisses me back. He shrugs off his jacket and I guide him to our bedroom. He throws his jacket on the floor and helps take mine off. The next few minutes are a mix of taking clothes off and kissing.

Soon, he's lying on top of me on our bed, with only our thin underwear separating us. We're both heaving, and I keep glancing at his abs, my face flushing.

Nate lifts his hand and strokes my hair. "I love you, so much, Bronwyn Rojas." At first I'm shocked. We'd never said "so much" but then I realise... I really do love him. So much.

"I love you so much too, Nate Macauley."

My heart pounds as Nate smiles. "I'll be careful."

Little did I know, this night would change my life completely.

└➤ a/n: grr sorry for not uploading yesterday i was a little busy :d

i love you all, make sure to take care of yourself <3

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