┊10. ten

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*·˚ ༘ ➳〔 nate's perspective... 〕 ࿐ ࿔*:🖇
💌 | the aftermath...!

I look over at Bronwyn. She's wearing my favourite Guiness t-shirt and athletic shorts. I'm just in shorts.

I find this weird. Usually after a girl and I hooked up, I'd sneak out of her apartment before she woke. But it feels nice to not sneak out. Instead I tangle a hand in her hair and plant a kiss on her lips. She sighs softly and opens her eyes.

"Good morning." I say sleepily.

She smiles a little. "Good morning."

"It feels great to wake up next to you."

"Likewise..." She murmurs.

I lean in for another kiss until our doorbell rings.

"Crap." I mutter.

Bronwyn gives me a sympathetic look and climbs out of bed. I follow her to our door, putting an arm around her waist. She opens the door.

"Cooper!" She grins.

But I know something's up. He looks like me. Wearing a quickly thrown together outfit, hair disheveled and the buttons on his shirt are all mismatched.

"You slept with someone last night, didn't you." Normally I'd be happy for him, and probably even high-five him. But from his aura, I can tell he didn't sleep with Kris.

Cooper manages a weak smile."I can tell you guys had fun last night." He avoids my question.

Bronwyn blushes. "Well, yeah. It was really fun." She gives me an adorable smile then turns back to Cooper.

"So?" She asks.

"Well... it wasn't with Kris." He holds his head, "And I'm pretty sure I'm hung over."

I gape. "You cheated on Kris!?"

Alarm flits through his gaze. "No no no! I broke up with him. I went to Addy's, kissed her, we both got super drunk, slept together and here I am."

I'm speechless. "B-but you're... gay?" Fuck. I didn't mean to say it like that.

Cooper gives a forced laugh. "It's not like I meant to kiss her or sleep with her. I don't know. Can I please come in?"

"I'm so sorry, Cooper." Bronwyn's arm is around Cooper and Cooper's face is in his hands.

I look over at our door as the bell rings. Bronwyn meets my eyes and gives a small nod. I get up and open the door.

"Hey, Nate. Is Cooper here?" Kris looks behind me, "Cooper! I need to talk to you."

Cooper looks up, horror lighting in his gaze. Kris sits opposite him and starts apologizing over and over. Bronwyn walks over to me to give them privacy, her face scrunched up.

"Addy!" She says suddenly.

I look over to see Addy standing in the doorway. She gives a timid wave.

"Is Cooper here- Cooper!" She walks over and sits next to Kris.

"Oh well isn't this peachy." I mutter.

"I need to talk to you, Cooper."

"Sorry, Addy, I'm talking to Cooper right now." Kris says, confused.

Poor Cooper is incredibly confused and guilty looking.

"Look, Cooper. I need to say something quick. I think I like you. After last night I just... it was amazing. And all those times you looked after me in high school... Cooper, don't you feel it too? I know you came out as gay, but do you think there's any way you're bisexual, or even pansexual?" Addy rambles on.

Kris looks bewildered. Cooper looks like he's about to faint. Bronwyn's holding her head in her hands. And I... I want nothing more than this to be over.

"Coop... what happened last night?" Kris asks, though he looks as if he doesn't want the answer.

"Kris... I'm sorry. Addy and I got super drunk and we hooked up. But we were broken up."

Kris looks horrified. "You?! And... and her!? Coop..."

Addy's eyes widen. "Wait... you came to me after you broke up with Kris?! Was I just a rebound?"

Cooper winces. "N-no Addy! I just..."

All at once Cooper, Addy and Kris start shouting at one another. Bronwyn looks like she's gonna cry and she keeps muttering over and over, "Please make it stop please make it stop!"

I take a deep breath.

"ALL OF YOU STOP YELLING IN OUR APARTMENT!" All of them look at me, stunned. "This is horrible behaviour! For god's sake. All of you will get a chance to talk alone, but not here."

"Sorry..." They all murmur.

Bronwyn strokes my arm. "Thank you so much." She whispers.

I grin at her and lower my head for a kiss. But before our lips connect, there's a knock at the door. Bronwyn laughs lightly and walks over to the door. She opens it, and all of a sudden she looks like a deer in headlights.

└➤ a/n: damn i used to be pretty good at writing plot twists

i love you all, make sure to take care of yourself <3

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