┊19. nineteen

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*·˚ ༘ ➳〔 bronwyn's perspective... 〕 ࿐ ࿔🖇
💌 | bronwyn's favourite memory...!

High school seems like ages ago! It's crazy to think that a few years ago I didn't even talk to Nate- heck, I didn't even notice him! To me, he was the druggy that my friends always judged and talked about. Now he's my fucking husband. It's incredibly ironic.

Our wedding was an absolute success! Our friends and family got along, and I even made up with my parents. They still don't really approve of Nate, but the night of the wedding, I saw them talking and laughing with Nate's dad. So it's progress, I suppose.

As for the whole blackmailing thing with Evan, I told my parents about it. They apologised over and over, saying they never should've encouraged the 'relationship' between Evan and I. My father called our lawyer, and we ended up winning. I think I won the rights to a restraining order against Evan. I'm not too sure because my parents don't like including me in important things like that.

Is it weird that I miss my wedding? Yeah, I've got a whole life ahead of me with Nate. But seriously. The wedding was so romantic and pretty...

three years earlier...! ᵕ̈

"I love you, y'know?" Nate said for probably the fifth time that night.

"I think I do know, Nate. We just got married." I smiled.

He grinned. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Well, let's just say you'd look like a fool at our wedding."

Nate laughed, then kisses me on the cheek. "Well, I would've looked like a fool if you didn't teach me to dance. So again, thank you."

"Please! Thank you for not knowing how to dance. For seven days I got to stay pressed against you while we slow-danced to music."

He laughed and I blushed, immediately wishing I hadn't said that. He lowered his head and kisses the top of mine. I sighed in content.

"Do you think Jase is okay at home?" I suddenly brought up our young son, a wave of worry crashed over me.

"He's with the nanny, Senõrita. Don't worry." As he said that, Senõrita started playing. I looked up at him, shock flooding through me. Weirdly timed coincidence?

I looked around as people start leaving the dance floor. He backed away then held out his hand.

"Nate..." I said nervously.

"Care to dance, Senõrita?"

"We were just dancing—"

"The salsa, mi amor."

My eyes widened. "You-you..."

"I learnt it. Now c'mon!"

I grinned and take his hand. We launched into an energetic salsa, Nate perfectly matching the steps.

We danced and danced until the song finished. At the end, everyone clapped and Nate held me close.

"I love you."

"I love you more." I said cheekily.

"Not possible." And he kissed me.

└➤ a/n: omfg i swear all these last chapters suck

i love you all, make sure to take care of yourself <3

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