┊14. fourteen

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*·˚ ༘ ➳〔 bronwyn's perspective... 〕 ࿐ ࿔*:🖇
💌 | the dreadful dinner...!

I stand in front of the big white door that I hadn't seen ever since I had that fight with my mother. Heck, I haven't seen either of my parents since then.

"Hi, Bronwyn."

I turn. "Oh, hey Luis! Where's Maeve-"

"Hey sis. Long time no see!" Maeve hugs me tightly.

"Hey Maeve!"

"So. Bronwyn, do you know who the mystery guest is?" Maeve asks, eyeing me with frank interest.

"Uh... mystery guest...?" Suddenly, I feel an arm around my waist. My first instinct is that it's Nate. But then I remember...

"Hello, señorita!"

I roll my eyes at Maeve and Luis. "Hello, Evan."

Maeve stares at his arm and laughs. "So, you're the mystery guest then? Well, sir, get your arm off my sister. She's dating someone."

I flush and Evan looks at her triumphantly. "Actually, she dumped that loser. She's dating me now."

Luis' eyes widen. "Bronwyn, what?"

"Yeah... it's true." Evan gently squeezes my waist, prompting me to say more. "I fell back in love with him!"

Maeve's eyes narrow. "No way. I don't believe this-"

"Maeve, Evan me está chantajeando. No hables de eso ahora." I say in Spanish. It means, Maeve, Evan is blackmailing me. Don't talk about it now.

Her eyes widen. "Hermana, ¿qué diablos?" Maeve replies saying, sister, what the hell?

I shake my head. "Dije no hables de eso." I say sternly, meaning, I said don't talk about it now. Luis looks back and forth at us, confused.

Evan narrows his eyes. "Mi amor, what were you talking about?"

I freeze. "Uh... I was telling her to stop pestering me...?"

"I'm not dumb. I heard my name."

"Eh... She was saying how she loves you and that she's over Nate." Maeve says quickly.

Evan nods approvingly, though he looks uncertain. "Thank you, Maeve. Can we go in now?"

"Hola, hola!" Evan greets my parents as if they're best friends.

I nudge Evan. "Stop, it's weird."

He laughs and doesn't say anything else. Maeve hugs my parents and Luis and Evan exchange greetings. I don't say anything. My mother narrows her eyes at me.

"Mija, dejemos atrás el conflicto. Saluda a tu padre y a mí." My mother says, meaning, daughter, let's leave the argument behind us. Say hello to your father and I.

"Hola madre, padre."

My father smiles at me. "Let's sit."

"So, mija. You're seeing Evan now?" My father asks, as he stuffs a forkful of beans into his mouth.

"Uh, yes. I am."

My mother smiles. "That's nice. So, I take you're no longer in contact with... with Nate?"

I shake my head. "Nope. I'm not."

"That's good." My father says happily.

My eyes sting when he says that.

"Hermana, ven a ayudarme a rellenar las bebidas de todos." Maeve says quickly when she sees me, meaning, sister, come help me refill everyone's drinks.

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