┊8. eight

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*·˚ ༘ ➳〔 cooper's perspective... 〕 ࿐ ࿔*:🖇
💌 | dates and breakups...!

"C'mon, man. One last game." Nate begs.

"No dude. You're too good." I sigh.

"Please... I swear you'll win this time. I have a good feeling."

"Aight." I surrender.

The game finishes. I lose. Again.

"God, Nate. You're too good."

Nate laughs. "I know. Anyways, I promised Bronwyn that tonight would be date night so you gotta go."

I pull a face. "When are you guys gonna get married? You're 22."

Nate shrugs. "I don't know if she's even ready."

"Well, have fun."

As I close my front door, I get a call from Kris. My heart lifts; Kris and I hadn't seen each other, or even talked to each other, in a while.

"Hey babe." He says.

"Hey, Kris."

"I've got some bad news."

"What, you can't make it for dinner?" I joke.


"You can't make it for dinner again?"

"I'm so sorry, Coop. I've got another shoot..." He trails off.

"Kris, I keep getting the idea that you think your work is more important."

"Coop, I swear. I care about you so much but my work... I really love it."

I don't reply.

"Cooper, please. Come by before my shoot. We can talk."

"I'll see you." I hang up. I'm about to do something that I feel like I'll regret, but I know it's the right thing.

at kris' apartment...! ᵕ̈

"Hey. Thanks for coming." Kris opens the door, smiling slightly.

"Kris, I think... I think we're better off as friends." I dive straight into it, deciding it's best.

Kris looks speechless. "W-what? You're breaking up with me?"

"We never go out in public with each other and we've barely seen each other in the last month. I feel like I don't have a boyfriend."

He fiddles with his fingers."I'm sorry, Coop. But I can't just give up my job."

We stay silent for what feels like an hour. For all I know it was 20 seconds.

Kris sighs. "Look, I'm willing to put more effort into our relationship. I'll make time to see you! I'll tell my producers I can't work as often. We'll make it work, Coop." He gently holds my hands. "We always make it work."

My eyes start to water but I rub them slightly, ignoring my rising remorse about breaking up with him.

Finally, I speak. "We're better off as friends. Maybe one day, when you're not so involved with modelling. Goodbye."

I turn and leave without waiting for him to answer. I get into my car, unsure of where I'm going. I find myself at Addy's. I knock on her door and she opens it, breathing heavily.

"Hey, Cooper. Sorry, I was just working out. I thought you were still at Bronwyn's and Nate's?"

I don't say anything. I step forward, and kiss her.

└➤ a/n: the biggest plot twist i've ever written- i watched how i met your mother while i edited this and i'm fucking crying for some reason

i love you all, make sure to take care of yourself <3

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