┊16. sixteen

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*·˚ ༘ ➳〔 addy's perspective... 〕 ࿐ ࿔*:🖇
💌 | tears...!

I'm outside Bronwyn and Nate's place, waiting for someone to answer. I figured I'd see if Bronwyn was pregnant or not.

"It's open." Calls a hoarse voice.

I slowly open the door to see Bronwyn sitting there, clutching a post-it-note while crying. I raise and eyebrow then sit next to her.

"Hey. Was it negative?"

She shakes her head. "It was positive."

She says in between sobs. "Then what's wrong? Did you not want a child?"

Bronwyn shows me the post-it she was holding. I read through it.

Hey, Bronwyn. I'm really sorry that I'm doing this. You probably hate me already. But I saw the pregnancy test in the trash. When I saw it, I got mixed feelings. The worst feeling was that I wasn't ready to be a father. I've gone somewhere. I'll be back in about a day.

I read it twice. I look at Bronwyn. "Do you hate him?"

She looks at me with glassy eyes and bites her lip as she shakes her head.

"Well I do." I mutter, crumpling the note, "How could he leave you like this?"

Suddenly she stands up, her anger showing. "You know what's really sad? I expected this from him! I expected him to run off in the middle of the night once I told him I was pregnant. But I didn't even tell him! He found out himself and now he's God knows where. I should've known better than to sleep with Nate Macauley." She says bitterly.

She slumps on the couch, face in hands. I'm horrified. I didn't think she'd have regrets about sleeping with Nate.

"Hey, don't worry. When he turns up I'll be the shit out of him."

"As if he'll turn up."

"He said on the post-it he would."

"That doesn't mean he will."

She glares at me, "I'm pregnant, Addy. This is Nate Macauley we're talking about."

I bite my lip. "Right..."

"God, this is so stupid!" She chokes, "Now I get why my parents didn't want me to be with him. Just like me, they knew he would do this."

I pat her on the back while I dial Cooper. He doesn't pick up. I text him to come over because of an emergency. He reads it, but doesn't answer.

"Wait a sec." I say quietly.

I step into the kitchen and call Nate. Surprisingly, he picks up. His voice is thick with sleep.


"Bastard! Get back here!"

"Huh? Who the hell is this?"

"It's Addy. Get. Back. Here. NOW!"

"Woah woah. Calm down, Ads."

"Calm down? Calm down?! You left your pregnant girlfriend here to fend for herself."

"Yeah. So? I'm not ready to be a father. So shut the fuck up and leave me alone." He hangs up.

I stare at my phone, gaping. Is Nate for real? The doorbell rings. I hurry and answer since Bronwyn doesn't even move.

"Hey, Cooper."

"Hi." He seems fidgety and looks exhausted.

"Nate left Bronwyn."

He finally meets my eyes. "What?"

"Yeah. He found out she was pregnant and took off. I called him but he said to leave him alone."

"That jerk!" He hurries past me and puts and arm around Bronwyn.

"I-I should've known better than to get involved with Nate." She chokes.

"Don't worry. We all make mistakes." Cooper says soothingly.

My eyes linger on Cooper for a while and I have to force myself to look away.

"Don't worry, Bronwyn. I'll find Nate if it's the last thing I do." I vow.

└➤ a/n: my body naturally woke me up at 11:30 and i thought it was 6:00 (the time i wake up for school) so without checking the time i did my morning routine until i finally questioned why it was so dark

i love you all, make sure to take care of yourself <3

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