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one: baby you're a dream

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one: baby you're a dream

"Niall, just come," Liam said, an air of annoyance in his voice. "You never want to do anything. It's a chance to get out of the house."

"I'm just fine where I'm at, thanks," Niall muttered, scribbling in his notebook.

"Seriously, mate," Liam stood up from his spot on the couch. "If you know what's good for you, you'll be ready in an hour."

Niall let out a sigh, setting his pen down to rub his eyes. He'd been at the piano for hours. Admittedly, he hadn't left the house in a while. When inspiration struck he wouldn't dare mess with it. Liam, his roommate, however, would.

Much like all the other times Liam has said words to the same effect, Niall got up and went into his room to get ready. He wasn't even sure what to wear to these things.

"Louis will be here soon," Liam told him, poking his head in Niall's room.

"What the fuck am I supposed to wear?" Niall demanded, turning around to face him. "A dance recital? What the fuck- do I look like-"

"Just a suit," Liam cut him off with a chuckle. "Relax."

"I'm not going to enjoy this," Niall told him, turning back to his closet where he pulled out a black suit that had only gotten a single use.

"I reckon you will," Liam laughed, walking out.

Niall ignored Liam who he could only be describe as a pest. For some reason he was always trying to improve Niall, to get him to be better. It was aggravating. Albeit, most of the time Liam was right.

Niall got in the shower, finally washing the last three days of filth from his body. All hygiene rules went out the door when he was onto a good writing bit.

By the time Niall had gotten out and dressed, Liam and Louis were waiting around by the door. Niall didn't allow himself to feel rushed because watching Liam squirm was one of his favorite things to do.

Niall took his time doing his hair and slowly got dressed to which Liam told him, angrily, "cut it out. It's not going to work this time."

"I'm not doing anything," Niall responded dryly.

"Would ya hurry up?" Louis crooned, leaning on the door as Niall tied his tie. "Liam's about to piss himself."

Niall grunted in response, "fine. I'm ready."

"I promise you, it's no so bad," Louis told him. "The girls are fit anyways. Plus they sure know how to party afterwards. And it's closing night so it'll be extra fun because they get a little time off."

"Fine," Niall muttered. "I'm not going to enjoy this and if I fall asleep don't fucking wake me up."

But Niall didn't fall asleep. Quite the opposite. He was engrossed in the performance namely because the woman playing Juliet was stunning. Niall could tell that much from third row where they sat. He kept his eyes glued to her for most of the show.

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