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Five: nothin to regret about it

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Five: nothin to regret about it

The music was so loud, Niall could hardly hear himself think. It felt like there was a million bodies crammed into Rosie's tiny flat. Niall squeezed through the crowd, drink held high. He stumbled onto the terrace where there was thankfully, only a single person.

"What the fuck are we doing here?" Louis laughed, pressing his cigarette to his lips. "Like seriously."

Niall breathed out a laugh, shaking his head, "fuck if I know."

If someone would have told him he'd be here, at a birthday party full of dancers from London's most elite ballet company, Niall would say they were lying. And if they told him the birthday girl was one Niall had snogged on the couch for what felt like hours just a week earlier, Niall would have told them they were insane.

"Can I have a fag?" Niall asked.

Louis held the cigaret between his lips, fishing the carton out of his pocket. He handed it to Niall with his lighter in an open palm.

Niall felt a sense of relief, taking the first inhale. He'd hate himself for it in the morning but in this moment, he was reveling in it.

"I'm gonna charge you every time you bum a cigaret from me," Louis told him, leaning against the railing.

"Reckon the food and alcohol you bum off of me makes up for it," Niall retorted, rolling his eyes.

Louis laughed, his smart assish cackle that Niall most of the time hated. He stubbed out the last of his cigaret, dropping it on the ground. "Can't believe Clementine is only 23. Makes me feel like I'm a million years old."

Niall hummed, nodding. He can remember himself at 23, mucking about in the studio with Louis. It seems so far away, though it was only three years.

"I saw her when I got here," Louis told him. "Have you seen her?"

"No not yet," Niall shook his head. "Got here not long ago."

"Well she looks right fit," Louis chuckled. "23 looks good on her, that's all I've got to say."

"Mate," Niall sighed, rubbing his head. He took a sharp drag, exhaling. "I don't talk about Georgie like that can you just..."

"But obviously you can," Louis shrugged. "She's fit as fuck. A good lay as well."

"Right but just..." he trailed off. "She's a person like."

Louis laughed, shrugging his shoulders. He glanced over his shoulder at the sliding glass door and then down over the railing to the empty London streets. "Reckon the only way out of here is down."

Niall rolled his eyes, dropping his cigaret on the ground, stepping it out. "Go on, have a jump. I'll meet you down there to scoop your ass off the sidewalk."

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