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Seven: Lay it all on me, anything you want

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Seven: Lay it all on me, anything you want

Niall couldn't describe the way it felt standing in the crowded pub, drink in hand, pretending not to notice Clementine.

Clementine had caught his gaze, smiling knowingly at him. It was just for him, that smile she had. Niall felt his stomach jump just at the sight of her. And then the smile? The way her eyes lit up? Niall had to tear himself away, grabbing a drink at the bar.

He decided the best nights were the ones that celebrated her. Clementine told him he was the first person she told that she'd gotten the lead as Aurora in Sleeping Beauty. Niall did his best to convince her that she was a natural born Aurora. Clementine obviously didn't believe it.

Nonetheless, Clementine was buzzing, drink in hand talking to people Niall didn't know. He tried not to think too much about the way that her hips looked with a tight denim skirt wrapped around them. He tore his eyes away just as Liam approached him, his own drink in hand.

"This is a shitshow," Liam mumbled, leaning against the wall beside him. "The girls are fighting."

"What d'ya mean they're fighting?" Niall asked, eyebrows pulling together.

"Danielle is proper jealous which she won't show- obviously. I guess Georgie has been really mean to Lemen. Just snide and-"

"Why're you telling me this?" Niall asked, trying not to sound annoyed even though he was.

"I just thought since you and Lemen hang out that-" he cut off with a sigh. "I don't want to be presumptuous but she's around all the time. At odd hours of the night and-"

"So don't be presumptuous then," Niall cut him off again. "Clementine and I are friends," he insisted. "We hang out."

"Niall you don't just bloody hang out with girls," Liam muttered. "I'm not an idiot."

"Well I don't know what to tell ya," Niall shrugged, turning away as he took the last sip of his beer. "I'm going to have a smoke."

Niall left his discarded cup on the table as he squeezed past people. By the time he'd stepped out into the cool London air, he already had his cigarette lit. Only when he leaned against the brick of the building, taking the first drag could he properly think.

He was unsure of how long he'd need to deny his feelings for Clementine. It was getting harder and harder after the nights they were spending together.

Niall thought back to a few nights ago when Clementine had come over after practice. The way she'd pressed herself against Niall in his bed and moaned against his lips. Niall'd barely touched her. Just two hands on her bum and she moaned like that.

Niall shook the thoughts from his head, just as the front doors opened. Clementine came out, making her way towards him. "Hey ya," she said, leaning against the building beside him. "Thought you were running out already."

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