Part 11 (Includes Lemon)

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Raven was outside the camp staring at the object in her hand. Only minutes ago she was urinating with a pregnancy test underneath her, and it showed a plus sign. She was already thinking of names for the baby, but she quickly stopped herself. She knew she would have to leave the tribe for her child's sake, not to mention Laura's, who Raven began to see as her own. Tears leaked out her eyes, both of happiness and sorrow. When she became the tribe's leader she promised everyone that she would be there, now she's going to have to break that promise.

Entering her tent, she saw Laura eating a lunch while (Y/N) was working on his equipment at a desk. She walked up behind him and wrapped her warms around his torso. (Y/N) halts what he was doing and puts a hand over Raven's. Sensing her distress, he asks if anything's wrong, which Raven responds by taking the pregnancy test out of her pocket and hands it to him. (Y/N) stares at it. Raven closed her eyes, bracing herself for whatever reaction he would have. A moment later, she felt his arms around her and his chin on top of her head. Releasing a sigh of relief, she too pulls him closer and holds him tight. Laura sees this and walks over and hugs the their legs. (Y/N) reaches down and picks her up so she could be in the actual hug.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Well," (Y/N) began. "if we tell you, you have to promise not to tell anybody."

"I promise."

"Okay. Raven's going to have a baby."

The moment he says this, Laura's eyes widen with glee. "Can I be the big sister?!"

Both (Y/N) and Raven laugh. "Yes, you can." Raven answers.

Laura asked if she could listen to the baby. Finding it adorable, Raven told her yes, despite knowing she wouldn't hear anything. She sat in Raven's lap with her head pressed into her stomach.

"Have you named her yet?" Laura lifted her head from Raven's stomach.

"You think they're a girl?" Raven asks.

Laura was about to say something, but stopped herself, realizing she didn't know if the baby was going to be a boy or a girl. "Still, what are you going to name them?"

Raven looked up at (Y/N). "I don't know. What do you think, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) shrugged his shoulders. "Well, we could always name them after a bird." He says half jokingly and half serious. Raven laughs.

That night, after Laura fell asleep, (Y/N) sat in the middle bed with Raven sitting in between his legs, leaning against him as if he was a backrest on a chair. He rested his hands on Raven's belly, and her hands found places along his arms, feeling safe, as usual.

"So," (Y/N) started. "are you ready to leave in the morning?"

Raven released a heavy sigh. "Can the apartment fit us all?"

"Not at the moment. But you and Laura can take the bed, and I'll sleep on the couch. That's where I usually sleep anyway."

"What about money?"

"I have a stash stored for emergencies. We can use that until we get settled." He paused. "The apartment is going to be temporary. With the money I saved up, we can afford a place that's more than capable of satisfying our needs."

Raven caressed his hands. "How did you get in that line of work, (Y/N)?" She asked. "I don't care about your answer, I'm just curious how you can make that type of money then do nothing with it."

(Y/N) thought for a moment before answering. "You know I killed the faunus that killed my team, right?" Raven nods. "I managed to track him down, with a little help from Ozpin, and I killed him. I thought I could do it again, and I did. I was good at it, too good if you ask me. But I wasn't just an assassin. I escorted people from place to place, mostly from big companies that were willing to pay top dollar." He paused. "Everybody was too afraid to try and scam me, so I got payed at every job. I just put all of it away. I only took it out when I had to pay rent."

A Slave to Better Days: Absolute Zero | Male Reader x Raven BranwenWhere stories live. Discover now