Part 13

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At the (L/N) household, Raven was breast feeding Yang, waiting for Laura and (Y/N) to get back. It was almost dinner time, and she was getting worried. But as long as Laura was with her father, everything should be fine, but there was this feeling Raven couldn't shake off. After she placed Yang back in her crib, she heard the front door open and went downstairs to check who it was. Of course it was (Y/N), but his face was one that Raven only saw once before. It was a mix of fear, anger, and confusion. But that wasn't it; where is Laura?

"(Y/N)?" Raven says. He didn't seem to hear her and pushed her aside as he went to their room. She followed him closely behind. "(Y/N)?" He still didn't answer. He went to their closet and started pulling out his weapons, mostly consisting of firearms. "(Y/N)!" Raven yelled as she grabbed his shoulder. (Y/N) slowed down, but was breathing heavily. "Where's Laura?" He looked at her, and she knew what he was about to say.

"They took her." He said as he resumed gathering his equipment.

"Who?" Raven asked.

"I don't know." He walked out of the closet. "Listen to me." He said in the calmest voice he could. "I need you to make a portal to her, then close it behind me. You stay here and watch Yang. There's a chance they don't know about Laura's powers and could only be trying to use her as leverage against one of us." Raven took a moment to process the information.

"Y-Yeah. Okay." She stuttered. (Y/N) grabbed both sides of Raven's face, giving a quick, yet passionate kiss.

"Please, don't follow me." He begs. "If I don't come back in two days... just don't look for us alone."

"Ready?" Raven asks.

"Ready." (Y/N) says, weapons already drawn.

"Be careful." Was the last thing she said before slicing the air, making a portal. (Y/N) runs and jumps through it. He raises his handgun, ready to shoot anything that wasn't Laura. It was dark and cold. He didn't know where he was, he assumed he was some forest up north. He heard the crackling of a fire. Behind him, he saw a group of men talking, and there was also a woman.

"I told you, you would get the money afterwards." The woman said.

"Did you know who was with her?" A man, presumably the ring leader, asked. The woman shook her head. "(Y/N) (L/N). You know, the assassin. He's probably hunting us as we speak."

"He already killed one of our guys." Another commented. (Y/N) took his rifle out and mounted it on a nearby rock. He saw Laura being held by one of the guys in the back. She was shaking, it only infuriated (Y/N) further.

"I've heard the name." The woman says. "But you still agreed to the terms. Hand the Spring Maiden over." The men behind her pulled out there weapons, so did the others.

"I want the payment, now."

"If you're really sure this assassin is hunting you, do you think it's wise to keep her with you?" The woman says in a motherly tone. Chatter emerged from the other party. From what (Y/N) could hear, it wasn't anything good. He kept his sight near Laura, fearing a fight was going to break out and she'd be caught in the crossfire. That's exactly what happened. A push literally came to a shove until both sides were clashing with each other. Laura was thrown to the ground and left there. She tried to run away, but the woman from before snatched her and dragged her away from the fight. Now was (Y/N)'s chance. Turning into smoke, he went past the fight and chased her. When he got within a reasonable range of the running woman, who was dragging a crying Laura behind her, (Y/N) pulled out his rifle and took aim. Time seemed to slow down as he did.

Breath in. Breath out.

He placed the woman's head in the crosshairs, held his breath, bit his tongue, and pulled the trigger. The woman fell to the ground. Laura instantly pulled away, and (Y/N) ran to her.

"Laura!" She looked to see her father running to her. She ran to him and jumped into his arms, crying into his chest. (Y/N) held her close, releasing a few tears himself. His body locked up when he heard a grunt come from the woman.

"Dammit." She groaned as she got to her feet.

(Y/N) put Laura down. "Hide." He whispered. With reluctance, she ran. The woman was about to say something when she saw (Y/N), but he took out his pistol and shot her three times in the stomach. This time, she only staggers back a few steps. Her aura was absorbing the damage. (Y/N) holstered his pistol, activated his wrist blades and ran at her. When the blade was a few inches from her face, the woman side stepped, dodging him, and tried to punch him with a fist of fire, he, in turn, dodged. When they were a good distance away from each other, two swords materialized in the woman's hands. Now, the battle was even. Their battle continued for another ten minutes. (Y/N) was the only one showing any sign of exhaustion.

"Enough of this." The woman's swords disappeared and she thrusted an open palm towards (Y/N). A wall of fire followed. There was no way for (Y/N) to dodge, so he shielded his face and turned his back towards it. This would prove to be his downfall. The woman took this chance and stabbed (Y/N)'s back. She pulled it out and (Y/N) fell to the ground, yelling in pain. He turned himself over to see one off the most terrifying sights he ever saw. The woman was a standing there with a sword in hand and a forest fire, provided by the fire she used on (Y/N), in the background. "I will admit," she began with a smug look. "you were one of the most admirable fighters I've ever met." She walked closer. "For that, I won't let you bleed." With a grin, she raised her sword in the air. But she was caught off balance by Laura, who rammed herself into the woman's legs. When she regained her footing, she saw Laura with her hands balled into fists. What surprised her was that Laura's hands were glowing blue.

"Laura." (Y/N) said through a mouth full of blood. "What are you doing? Get out of here!"

"So, you really are the Spring Maiden." The woman says. Laura raises her right fist and the woman's lower half becomes engulfed in ice. As she struggled, Laura ran to her father.

"You have to run, Laura!" (Y/N) demanded.

"No! I'm not leaving you."

(Y/N) knew she wasn't bugging. With what strength he had left, he got to his feet. But he was quickly stopped by a blade coming from the woman. With the help of muscle memory, he ejected his wrist blade and swept her sword to his right. He moved back again to fight her the best he could, but he noticed the woman was standing there with a horrified look on her face. Looking at her sword, he saw it didn't hit the ground. It had stabbed Laura.

"No." (Y/N) said quietly. "No. No. No." he ran to the woman and pushed her away, leaving her sword in Laura. "Laura!" He fell to his knees and held her dying body. She tried to speak to him, but to much blood flooded her mouth. "Please," he quietly begged. "Please, don't leave me." He could barely see through the tears that filled his eyes. (Y/N) felt her desperate gasps for air stop, and her arms, legs, and head fell limp as her blood dripped onto the dirt bellow. Please, don't. Haven't you taken enough from me? (Y/N) could feel the last bit of humanity he'd been grasping onto for nearly ten years slip away from him along with his eldest daughter. The woman started shouting at him, but he couldn't hear her. After a moment, the woman walked up to (Y/N) with her other sword in hand, and stabbed (Y/N), but he wasn't effected. The woman noticed this, and stabbed him again, only this time when the blade pierced his torso, he dropped Laura's body and grabbed hold of the woman's arm with his left and stabbed her with his blade on his right. Fear filled her eyes as she looked at (Y/N)'s face. He took his blade out and stabbed her numerous times until blood covered the front of his body. Dropping her lifeless corpse, (Y/N) looked at his right hand. He wasn't using his blade to kill her. His hand had formed into a pitch black spear that formed back into a hand. Looking at his left hand, he found it to be pitch black as well. He felt something calling him from behind him. Looking, he saw the men from earlier still fighting, being completely oblivious to the fire spreading around them. As (Y/N) slowly walked towards them, he formed his hands into spears. He felt the men's anger give him strength. All that filled his mind was the thought of killing them and anything around them.

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