Chapter 4

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Zayns POV

When I got home my mum saw me.
"Zayn, are you really going to go through with this marriage thing?"
"Yes mum, I honestly love Liam with all my heart and I wouldn't have it any other way  so whether you like it or not, I wouldn't care, cause I am doing it"
"Ok Zayn, whatever you say"
"I thought you were on board?"
"I was then I thought about it more and I thought you'd be rushing"
"No, Liam and I love each other, we've had our bumps in the roads and I think we're ready for this, but of course he doesn't know about the proposal"
"Ok Zayn, I trust you for some odd reason"
"Well get used to that odd reason mum" I said before going upstairs
I had, had a long day and honestly I was ready for bed.


I was walking to Liams locker when I walked past Niall and Josh laughing and being cute.
"Hey Ni" I said
"I heard you were-" I shushed him as soon as I saw Liam walking towards us
"You heard he was doing what?"
"Say anything you die" I threated Niall
"I cant say according to your boyfriend"
"No Niall you have to, pplleeaassee" Liam begged and I pulled close to me
"You'll find out soon babe, ok"
"Ugh, fine whatever"
"Dont be mad" I said
"Im not" he said walking away form me
"Then why are you walking away from me?"
"Cause I want to get to class"
"No you dont" I said taking his wrist and pulling me him close to me again
"I said dont be mad
"And I said Im not mad" he said and I frowned
"Your a bad liar Liam"
"I am not, and Im not lying Zayn"
"Then look me in the eye, and tell me your not mad"
"Why, thats dumb" he said and I got closer to his face
"Your mad babe, I know you way to well for you to try and lie like that"
"I know"
"I love you"
"I love you too" he said and I decided to his him cause I knew he wanted one
Thats when the bell rang and I realized we both needed to get to class, like now
"Bye LiLi see you at lunch" I said walking
"Whatever Zayn" he said back
He's so mean.


My classes went by so slowly I thought I was going to die, but finally lunch time rolled around and thank God cause I was literally losing it. I sat at our usual table then the boys sat  down shortly after bu no sign of Liam
"Have you guys seen Liam?" I asked and they all shook there heads
"Great" I said getting up and walking out of the lunch room and to his locker which thankfully he was at.
So I snuck up on him a sneakily as I possibly could then wrapped my arms around his waist.
"Hey LiLi" I whispered in his ear
"Hi Zaynie" he replied closing his locker
I let him go and took his hand as he grabbed his linch box from the ground and we went  to the lunch room.
"Ah the good boy friend found him" Louis teased me
"He was really, really worried" Louis continued and I blushed
"Awe Zaynie you were concerned about me? How sweet"
"Shush up, you were safe, and your here now so drop the conversation please"
"Ah someones embarrassed" Niall said
"Yes you are" Josh budded in
"You really are" Harry said
"Ok, I am now shush"
"Awe, guys leave Zayn alone he's being a baby" Liam said
"I am not"
"Maybe I should teach you a lesson later" he whispered in my ear and I went pale and the boys looked confused but quickly caught on to my behavior
"Ah looks like Zayns gonna have it in the bum tonight boys" Louis jokes so I reached across the table and smacked him
"Hey, Im only telling the truth"
"Shush up"
"You, cry baby"
"Stop being mean to me" I said pouting cause I knew he's apologize
"Not gonna work this time Z" he said and I really pouted
"Meanie" I said sticking my tongue out at him
"Thanks" he laughed and we continued to eat
I was excited for Liam to teach me a lesson.

A/n: so whey hey another chapter guys!! Sorry for the wait it's Christmas and Christmas break and just so much in my house right now ok! Dont hate me! But yeah hope you enjoyed this chapter, tried to make it long cause It might be a while before you see another. But hopefully not! I got the FOUR album today!! ANd I've listened to it 5 times so far all the songs are amazing they've out done themselves! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND BYE MY LOVELIES. 
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