Chapter 8

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Liam's POV

Zayn was right. We were the talk of the school. And by lunch people had congratulationed us out about us getting married. Then at lunch these two girls came up to us.

"Omg hi" one said

"Hi" the other said

"We wanted to say congrats on the marriage proposal!"

"Yeah and you are like a role model to us cause we're to afraid to be like you"

"I'm Chloe"

"And I'm Ashlee"

"And we're like, together so do you have any advice for us as a gay couple?" Chloe asked us

"Um, don't give any fucks about what others think or how they see you" Zayn said and they smiled

"As long as your with the one you love, nothing else matters" I said and they giggled

"Thank you two so much, you guys really are role models you know, just actually take the time to see how your relationship has effected everyone, then give us a call" Ashlee said and I nodded as she walked away.

"Well we gave words of inspiration!" I said and Zayn rolled his eyes

"Remember to tell me, not to do it again"

"Zayn those girls look up to us babe"

"I know cause we're all everyone's talking about, if I hadn't proposed to you, none of this would happen"

"So you don't like that we're be each others fiancee?"

"Li, I never said that cause I love being your fiancee, that means I can call you mine."

"Is that all? How about how you get to love me till we get married, then love me even longer"

"That too"

"What even runs through your head besides sex?"  I asked with tears in my eyes


"Don't sweet talk me now Zayn, cause I am officially in a mood!" I said getting up and since I was so mad I poured my milk on him.

"Liam Payne, I know where you live!" He ed getting out of his seat

"Not if I don't go home, then you can't find me Zayn Malik!"

"You are a really moody person!"

"Cause your a jerk!"

"Who your getting married to, think about that"

"Its cause your a jerk that I love!" I yelled at him with now all eyes on us

"And I'm a jerk who loves you"

"Can you stop! Can't you see I'm mad at you?"

"Then walk away hun, walk the fuck away!"

"I will!" I said before walked out the doors and to where? My locker that's where.

Zayns POV

People looked at me and then Lou walked up.

"You might want to leave" he whispered

"Ya think!"

"But wait, what was that with you and Liam?"

"Today is one of him.....moody days"

"Ha...its like dating a girl on there period"

"What do you know about dating girls? And there periods?"

"I have sisters, you'll hear things" he said and I shooky jeas and walked away.

To the bathroom is where I went to try to get this milk out my hair.


It was after school and I couldn't find liam. But I did see Niall and Josh, the boyfriends!

"Niall, Josh, have you seen Liam?"

"Yeah he actually already left, he told me not to tell you where he went"

"Where'd he go Niall!"

"He said don't tell"

"Ugh, well he obviously didn't go home so that means- I know where he went thanks Nialler!"

"Your welcome?" He said and continued walking and talking to Josh.

If my theory was correct he'd be in the barn where he had set up all that stuff for me. And to see if I was correct I walked into the narnr by my house, only to see Liam on the couch literally crying his eyes out. I walked over to the couch and took him into my arms as he cried.

"Why are you crying baby?"

"Cause your so!! Ugh"

"Your so moody today what all is wrong?"

"You being"

"So you don't want me to be me?"

"I do, I love you for it"

"Liam give me the reason reason" I said and he sighed.

A/n: so I left y'all with a cliffhanger!! Ha ha!! Anyways I hope this isn't boring you. I debating on whether to just end it or keep going! Cause like its the last few months of school and we're all about the finals guys its to much work for me!! Plus there's this girl...its just so...ugh.... Like I don't even know if she likes me, we're like best friends and she has a twin. So.... Yeah!! Bye My Lovelies!!

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