Chapter 3: A Smile To Change Everything

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When I wake up, I instantly know that the car isn't moving. Slowly, I open my eyes to find that there's a warm hand cupping my shoulder.

"Genie? We're in New Mexico darling. It's getting late and there's only a few hours left now so we've decided to change over. Maddie's going to drive whilst I catch up on some sleep." My Mom coons in my ear. I roughly stretch my body out and pull the hot mask off my face, letting it fall to my feet. My chest feels lighter, a sign that the machine has done its job. I then crack my knuckles and give Mom a quick peck on the cheek.

"Can I stretch my legs for a few minutes first Mom? I'm all seized up."

"Sure, Maddie's just gone to the store across the road to grab some snacks and a coffee. I'm going to jump in the back now and settle down. The satnav is all set up, just give me a shout if you need me." She smiles lazily and unlocks the front door, jumping out and moving into the backseats. Pushing all of the magazines onto the floor, she sets up a little bed across the back and lies down. Her short brown hair brushes her face and neck, creating little streams of hazel across her pale skin.

Jumping out of the car, I let the late night air graze my skin. It feels like it's been days since I last breathed some real air. I stroll forwards a few yards, taking in my surroundings. To my left, there is a small, virtually empty truck stop where I can see Maddie's coppery hair bobbing up and down the aisles. The bright white light coming from within the store illuminates the green and brown shrubbery lining the sidewalk. Little yellow flowers sway together in the breeze creating a little movement. It's awfully quiet. In the distance, I can hear the gentle chirp of a small bird, most likely nesting in one of the many shrubs. The sand surrounding my Docs lifts under the breeze and individual grains lazily roll off into the darkness. I stop wandering when I reach the store entrance and lean against the noticeboard lining the door. Maddie finishes up paying, making her way towards me with a large white bag, full to the top with goodies. I close my eyes and knock my head lightly against the board, enjoying the sensation of the cool glass against my warm skin. The door squeaks open just as I open my eyes, causing me to stand up straighter. Maddie breezily wanders out of it, towards me, offering me the bag to carry without saying a word. Together, we wander back towards the dark car, letting the soft chirps of the birds in the shrubs fill the silence between us. I take one last look at the gently swaying yellow flowers and make a note to start drawing them once I get back into the car. Something about this short stop fills me with peace and, much to Mom's delight, actually inspires me to sketch something out.

We reach the car and jump in quietly. Mom is gently snoring across the backseats, her mouth gaping open against her travel pillow. Sleeping in the foetal position, with no worry or stress etched across her face, makes her look much younger than you'd think she was. A sudden urge to protect her comes across me. I look across to Maddie and we share a look. Somehow, I think Maddie was thinking the same thing. I almost smile.

"Alright Genie, enough of the silent analysis. Crack open the bag and pass me the apple chips." Maddie says whilst clicking her seatbelt into place, ready to start up the car. Although her tone is serious, my heart leaps at the jokey nickname she gives me. I reach deep into the bag and ruffle around for her small bag of apple chips. Finally, I open them up, absorbing the fruity scent that radiates from them. I balance them in the centre console just as she turns back onto the main road.

"You buy a bag full to the brim with candy bars, chips and chicken strips yet you choose the apple chips? You're one weird person Maddie." I tease whilst opening up a fruit and nut candy bar.

"You are the last person that gets to call me weird I think Genevieve. I'm not the one who can recite the AP biology textbook backwards." She bites into an apple chip and raises an eyebrow. "I actually got you some prawn cracker chips in there somewhere, your favourite, if you want them."

Abandoning the candy bar, I let out a little squeal of excitement and dive back into the bag of snacks.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes," I whisper as I spy the pink packet of cracker-deliciousness. "Thank you Lord for blessing us this day." I open the bag, allowing the dominant smell of prawn crackers to take over Maddie's fruity explosion. I then toss a few crackers into my mouth and collapse back into the seat in glee. I close my eyes for a few seconds, emphasizing the fact to Maddie, that prawn crackers are indeed my favourite food. When I open my eyes, I glace across the car to her and see that she has a small smile playing at her lips. The faint outline of her lips, turning slightly upwards, transforms her face. It makes her look younger, more relaxed. It makes her look absolutely beautiful. It doesn't quite meet her eyes, but it's something. It's more than she's given us in a long time. Almost as quickly as the smile appears, it's gone and her face moulds back into its familiar frown.

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