Chapter 1~~ Fighting!

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Peter was having a good day. He had aced a Spanish test, done okay in maths, and Flash wasn't as mean that day. He was quite pleased with the latter, because being Spiderman was already painful enough, without having a broken nose or rib before he'd even started patrol. Overall, he was doing okay. Until a few hours ago. 

Peter had been swinging rooftop to rooftop, keeping an eye out for any danger or criminal activity, when suddenly, he heard an ear-splitting shriek below him. Glancing down, Peter saw that someone was being mugged, while her partner was being held at the throat with a knife. He jumped into the alleyway, landing silently on the ground. Creeping around the corner, he had the element of surprise. 

Not wasting any time, Spiderman shot his web-shooters at the masked man in front of the terrified woman, pinning him to the brick wall of the alley. He ran over to the lady, who was shaking with fear, and grabbed her wallet from where it was dropped on the floor, forgetting for a moment the other masked figure. His Spider-sense tingled, and he barely dodged a sharp stab with the knife. Kicking out, his foot made contact with the man's jaw, sending an audible crack into the air. Through his woollen balaclava, the man screamed in pain. Oops, Peter thought, I hadn't meant it to be that hard.  Peter tackled the man to the ground, knocking the knife out of his hand, and sending it skidding across the floor, landing in perfect arms-reach for the Webbed Up Man. As Peter webbed the second man's hands behind his back and then his legs to the hard ground, the first man had reached for the knife and had cut away the webs.  

Before Peter had even registered the Spider-sense going off, the blade had been driven deep into his side. Yelping in pain, Peter quickly turned around and webbed the man up again, this time taking the knife from his side, and throwing it down the alley to avoid any further attacks. Peter cursed himself for being unaware of his surroundings, and gingerly cupped his bleeding side with gloved hands.

"Well look at that," he said, ever the sassy hero, to the tied-up criminals, "Now I'm going to have to get this washed."  Peter shook his head disapprovingly at them, proud that he'd kept his voice from breaking from the pain. He turned to the victims of the attack, holding out a hand for the partner who'd been knocked down during the scuffle. They smiled and thanked him graciously, asking if there was anything that they could do for him. 

"Ah, this?" he gestured toward the wound, "It'll be fine in a day or two." They looked at him disbelievingly, but Peter was quick to change the subject. "As for you guys, why don't you head on down to the hospital for a check up, just to be safe." 

They nodded and left, leaving Spiderman alone in the Alley. Pulling his mask off, he looked down at his wound. Well, shit.

Oops, Wrong Number-- Irondad/Spiderson fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now