authors note again...

1.2K 31 12

Okay guys, first off, 2.6k reads..... wtf.  Thank you SO much. I never would have thought this would get so many reads! Thats insane...

On the other hand, school has just restarted so I'm kinda busy, and Tristan has to do his GCSE stuff, so i presume he won't be able to write much. BUT! After the mountain of homework I have to do today, i just might be able to get another chapter in either this evening or tomorrow, so fingers crossed for that I guess. 

I am so sorry I haven't updated in a hot minute, I went through a bit of a rough patch and then I may or may not have started to write a drarry... fanfiction.... again.....  ANYWAY! IF you want me to post what I've done so far of that and maybe give me some feed back do please let me know in the comments :)

I hope you are all keeping safe now that the world has started to function again, and continue to do so,

Love Nyah :)

Oops, Wrong Number-- Irondad/Spiderson fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now