Chapter 4~~ I've got you, kid..

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Clint's POV

As the jet lowered to the ground, I jumped out into the alleyway. My eyes immediately found the passed out teenager, slumped against the wall. I rushed forwards, "Hold on kid, I'm right here!" I could easily see the pool of blood surrounding him, gushing from a wound torn through a red and blue suit. Wait....

....A red and blue suit....

....With a spider emblem on his chest....

This kid was Spiderman.

I immediately scanned the area, looking for any sort of accomplices in this possible trap. There was nothing. I cursed inwardly, I had been wasting time. He was bleeding heavily and was clearly not faking it! I wrapped my arms around his torso and hoisted him up, trying not to injure him any further. Just for a moment, Spider man's eyes flickered open and I almost dropped him. His eyes were a warm hazel colour, that shone with life, even in his deathly state. Accompanied with fluffy brown hair, I realised that this child was nothing like Fury had described. Fury had told us that he was a menace, that he was setting up the robberies, only to then save everyone for fame, that he was a threat! He was so wrong. The person I held in my arms was not any of that.

I shook my head, trying to clear my mind of the trance it was previously in, Stop wasting time Clint! I shot my grappling hook, and was lifted into the air and onto the roof of the building, before sprinting- carefully- into the Quinjet. Friday took off as soon as the doors had closed.

I pressed a few buttons, and a table was ejected from the wall, along with a medical kit. Grabbing the needle and thread, I managed to get Spiderman onto the table. I found the zip of his suit and pulled it down, exposing his chest. Slowly, I peeled the torn material away from the still bleeding wound, and got to work. The stitches were uneven, as both my hands and the plane were shaking, but it worked none the less. I wrapped his torso in linen bandages that I'd found in a first-aid kit, and sat back on my chair.

"Friday, please hurry to the Tower, he's lost so much blood." I told her, "Oh, and call Bruce, and tell him to wait on the roof with a stretcher. Thanks." I added on second thought. Leaning over. I checked the boy's pulse. It was weak, but there. Thank GOD.

I raked my eyes over his suit. Probably should change him out of that. He is wanted by the Avengers after all. After stripping him down to his underwear, I managed to ease a hospital robe on to his fragile body. I felt slightly guilty though. It was an violation of his privacy.

"Mr Barton sir, we have arrived at Stark Tower. " Friday said, while opening the door. I muttered a thanks while scooping him up and carrying him bridal style onto the roof. I slung a backpack over my shoulder that I had packed before we arrived containing his suit.

Bruce came running over, wheeling a stretcher with him. I jogged to meet him halfway, not wanting to waste any more time. We laid him down on the stretcher, and started the agonisingly long journey to the med bay. Bruce, fortunately, asked few questions.

"What happened?" he questioned as we rolled the boy down the hall way and into the elevator.

"Stabbed." I answered. Bruce nodded his head.

"Who is he?"

"No idea." was my reply. It wasn't the whole truth, but I wasn't technically lying either. I didn't actually know who he was.

"Bruce, he's lost a lot of blood, and I mean a lot of blood. To be honest, I'm not sure how he's still alive!" Probably his spider-abilities or something.

Bruce and I sped down the corridor before finally reaching the med bay. Though I was ushered out of the room as soon as we got the kid on the metal table.

I know this is another short chapter so sorry 'bout that lads. Next chapter coming soon! Comment and vote for more from me!

Nyah :)

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