Chapter 6~~ Ohhh dear

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A/N, I'm doing this chapter on my phone, so sorry for any spelling mistakes 😁. Nyah :)

This is a skrull invasion. Tristan's now. If there's spelling mistakes, blame my lack of ability to spell :) Tristan ( ν^)

Peter's P.O.V
I could hear voices. They were muffled, but they were there. Imagine listening to someone talk, while your head was underwater, that's what I could hear. The voices were getting clearer, but the ringing in my ears was also getting louder. My eyes fluttered open but instantly screwed shut when I was greeted by a bright, unforgiving light above my head. Where was I?
I opened my eyes once more, this time prepared for the light and looked around. I was in a clean, white.... hospital room? The voices were clear now. I could hear what they were saying, as they came into the room.
"....heard from his Aunt May yet?" one said. The other shook his head,
" Not since yesterday, no."

Aunt May! Oh shoot, I bet she's freaking out right now! I shot upright, but instantly fell back down when a wave of head-spinning dizziness crashed over me, causing me to groan involuntarily.

One of them saw me stir and rushed to my side. "Guys he's awake!" he shouted, calling two others over. They started checking medical stuff around me then I realised something... 'I still have my suit on!! This is bad, this is really bad. I can not have people finding out my secret identity, That's why it's called a SECRET identity'  I sat bolt upright smacking someone's head in the process "DAM IT (*smirks at pjo reference*) MY NOSE...AGAIN? THAT'S THE THIRD TIME THIS WEEK AND IT'S ONLY MONDAY!!!" that looked like Tony Stark... nah it couldn't be could it?

My vision cleared completely, encompassing this new world being presented before my eyes. I looked around to see four concerned faces.. "Boys, shut up, I have questions." I didn't need to think very hard to realise who they were, but honestly I was in too much pain to properly fan-boy in the moment.  The now identified men (Bruce,Tony and Clint), stopped talking and looked in Natasha's direction.

I looked at Ms. Natasha curiously, why was she here? Or more importantly, Why was I here? I pondered for a short moment. Where was here? Her questions were simple enough "Are you okay, young one?" I nodded fervently, instantly regretting doing so, when another round of dizziness washed over me.

(A/N lol Nyah has regained control of the writing -_-)

Truthfully, my temples were pounding, my ears were ringing, and my vision was spotting. Suddenly, I was hit by excruciating pain. It took all my willpower to not let out a scream, so I bit down on my lip, hard. A sharp metallic tang filled my mouth, flooding my already encumbered senses with a dazing taste. I felt something warm dribble down my lip. I opened my eyes, wincing at the blinding light above my head. I tried to blink away the haze that was shrouding my vision, to clear away the spotting, but it was ineffective.

Looking up, I realised people were talking to me. Squinting at their mouths, I tried to lipread, but I clearly missed that TedTalk. Maybe if I said something, they would understand that I can't hear them?

I attempted to clear my throat, "I-I.. can't.." I whispered, each syllable feeling like sandpaper in my mouth, the vibrations of the words sending more waves of pain directly to my head. I shifted from where I sat on the bed, suddenly aware of every small thing touching my skin; even the thin, paper-like hospital robe felt like tiny daggers digging into my flesh. I gestured weakly to my ears, cringing as the robe moved around my arms, trying to communicate in the least painful way I could think of. I was unsure of whether the message had been received, because they abruptly started yelling at each other, and one ran out of the room. I couldn't help but let out a scream as each heavy footstep fell onto the ground as they ran, or paced around the room. The shriek escaped from my bloodied lips before I could even attempt to stop it. The footsteps stopped then. I clamped by hands over my ears, not caring when my skin prickled from the contact, and screwed my eyes shut tightly. Anything to get away from the pain. I acknowledged a short, stabbing sting in my neck, but didn't really think anything of it. I started falling, my head hitting the pillow painfully. And then, the world went black.

Okayyyy fellow PPPS squad members. I've hurt Peter a lot recently- i'm sorry.

It get's worse.

Anyyyyway, I hope you guys are all okay and staying safe! Love you all, Nyah.


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