Thirty One.

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I paced around the hotel room holding my phone to my ear. I pushed the phone into my ear even more to try to listen to Chris' muffled voice on the other end. I inhaled many deep hits from my vape.
The big Boston premiere for The Boss is tonight. I was lucky to bring Mykie with me for my makeup. Mykie sat on the makeup chair that I was supposed to be sitting in. Her annoyed flicking of a makeup brush tapping against her leg was the only other noise I could hear. I stopped pacing and held my breath once Chris' voice came back onto the phone.

"Okay. I have your dress. I'll be there in an hour." I vocally released all the air from my lungs.
"You are amazing!" I squealed.
"All the times."
"Ahem!" Mykie interrupted angrily.
"Oh..I'll see you when you get here. The makeup artist is so rude." Chris' laugh echoed into the phone. "Can you say it?"
"More than words."
"More than words." I could hear the smile in his voice. I ended the call. I squinted my eyes looking at Mykie, bracing myself for the wrath. I tiptoed to the now vacant makeup chair. I lift myself onto the chair. I moved cautiously. Her arms crossed in front of her body.

"Do you realize what time it is!?" She finally spoke loudly causing my body to jolt. I glanced at my phone.
"Three! Forty! Five! It takes me two hours just to do your eyebrows! Now the concealer on your eyelids is fucking creased! I need to do it all over again!" Her voice was loud but shaky. I held out my hand to stop her frantic movements.
"Mykie!" I got her attention but she was still noticeably angry. "You're the best makeup artist I know. The only one I trust. I wouldn't have asked anyone else to do my makeup for tonight." Her hostile expression slowly faded. "You're going to fucking nail it, dude." She nodded her head in defeat.
"I'm a little nervous." She shrugged her shoulders and turned back around to the makeup. I giggled at her trying to calm down. I'm not even going to begin to think about how she's going to act in a few days at the Oscars. I probably shouldn't tell her that I don't have a dress for that either.

Carrie arrived on time, yelling into her phone and handing me and Mykie a Starbucks coffee as always. We thanked her even though she wasn't listening. I held up my hand to yawn before letting Mykie continue. I closed my eyes for her to fix the concealer on my eyelids.
"Yeah, you better fucking yawn. You guys need to either stop fucking at our apartment or move in together. Since it's impossible for you guys to be in the same room without fucking, I'll buy you boxes." I exploded into laughter. I opened my eyes to see her laughing and smiling too. Carrie opened the door to allow more people into the room. We smiled and waved as they were introduced. I returned my attention to Mykie, keeping my voice low.
"We haven't talked about that. Isn't that too soon?" She leaned in closer to me to whisper into my ear.
"You just thought you were pregnant with his baby and he told you he wants to marry you." She stood up straight and gave me her 'I told you so' face. I laughed loudly again. "I think it's time to talk about it." I sighed and lowered my eyes to the ground. "If you don't talk about it, I will. I need sleep." She said as she yawned dramatically. I laughed, shaking my head at her.

I admired the smoky black and brown eyeshadow accentuating my blue eyes in the mirror as the hairstylist, Brad, began curling my hair.
"Mykie. You fucking nailed it." I praised her. She curtsied pinching out her faux leather leggings.
"You really did, girl. So fierce!" Brad added.
"Thank you!" Mykie smiled bashfully. She started cleaning up more makeup.
"Just wait until you see the dress." I shook my fists in front of me with excitement. The dress was designed by Prada. It was simple but sexy. The solid black floor length dress had a plunging neckline and low back. There were sequins that I requested to be removed so they could add a high slit. Even though I love to show off my tattooed arms, the chilly Boston weather prevented me from removing the long sleeves. Prada said it would still give the dress a beautiful silhouette.

"Speaking of your dress! It's here!" Mykie pointed to the doorway.
"That means my man is here too!" I squeaked. I controlled the urge to jump up and down in the chair. The heat from the curling iron was too close to the back of my neck.
"Yes, he is." The sound of Chris' smiling voice behind me relaxed my tense muscles. I kicked my feet excitingly as they dangled from the chair. I puckered my lips just as he appeared in front of me to give me kisses.
"Don't ruin my masterpiece." Mykie barked. We giggled between kisses. Chris stood up in front of me to see the makeup.
"Wow!" He exclaimed. I nodded my head to agree. "I don't know how you managed to make her even more beautiful." He held up his hand to give Mykie a high five.
"Awww! Babe!" My heart melted. Chris was summoned from across the apartment by his publicist, Megan, so he kissed my lips again before walking over to her.
"You two are so cute." Brad whispered to me. I thanked him and turned my head to smile at Chris. He was already smiling at me as he listened to Megan.

After I eventually got dressed, with the help of Mykie, Megan and Carrie, we took pictures together with each other's phones. It helped to ease the many nerves and emotions flowing through my body. This was the last premiere but it was the premiere that meant the most to Chris. His entire family was going to be there to support him. We were all finally going to watch the movie too.
I inhaled a long hit from my vape. I watched the cloud snake out the open window of the limousine. Chris voice brought me back to reality. I turned to him to see him talking on his phone. His hand picked at fuzz on his suit pants nervously.

"We'll be there in about.." He hunched down to look out the window. "..five minutes." I smiled at his smiling eyes meeting mine. "No, the driver knows to drive around for a bit after he drops off Sarah first." I almost forgot we were still keeping our relationship a 'secret'. I dropped my eyes and pouted my bottom lip. "Okay, mom. See you in a few minutes." Chris hung up the phone. His hand appeared in my view. I forced a smile. "I want to do this together too, baby."
"I'm just tired of hiding it."
"I know, I know. Me, too." His hand pushed my dress aside to reveal my thigh through the high slit. He held onto my leg firmly. His lips kissed my temple. "We should reveal at the Oscars." I gasped and turned my head to him.
"Fuck yes. Let's do it!" He smiled wide. I cupped his face in my hand. I pecked a few kisses onto his lips before we started kissing passionately. The car halting to a stop abruptly interrupted the kiss. The driver rolled down the partition.

"We have arrived for the first drop off." The driver announced.
"Thank you, Jerry." Chris smiled at him. He returned his eyes to me. "I'll be right behind you." I quickly kissed him one more time. I threw my vape into the small clutch. I checked to make sure Chris was hidden under his suit jacket. I took in a deep breath and opened the car door.

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