Chapter 11

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Tae & Jk rarely went to a club like ever. (I mean as couples). Since they never usually went out as a couple to a club, today they decided that they'll be spending some quality time in a club.

But Jimin tagged along with them too stating that friends shouldn't ditch their friends for (bros or hoes). But as soon as they entered the club Jimin ditched those two & went to get crazy with another girl who was standing near them.

The couple danced happily to the loud beating peppy beat. Minutes later since Tae wanted to use the restroom, he excused himself & went to the bathroom.

When he came outside he was so enraged that he could have turned the club upside down surely, if his bestie didn't stop him soon enough.

Cause some bitch was making out with his bf.

He pulled his arms away from Jimin's hold, made fast towards the two people. But before he could do anything JK pushed her off him & slapped her. Tae slowed down a bit, but still was pretty angry that some bitch kissed his bf. So he pulled the woman by her hair to face him. And slapped her again for his share.

That woman didn't expect that suddenly so she stumbled & fell down from the bar stool.

"How dare you bitch? I thought of having some good time with my baby. But your slutty ass has to come all over here & flirt with him to ruin my mood. I really didn't want to kill anyone, but damn people really do test my patience so much", He tsked & looked at his bf. "Babes, I want you to get rid of this trash" he spat at her.

JK was about to pull her up but she was crying nonstop. "Oh now you're crying?! Stop with your crocodile tears whore. It ain't gonna work at me", Tae scoffed & gave her a glare.

The girl at that very moment started to beg. "Please.. I didn't wanted to do all this. Please hear me out, before you do anything to me". The girl pleaded. Of Course the crazy couple didn't even budge a bit, but Jimin came to that girl's rescue.

"Guys I know what she did was so wrong, but let's just hear out once." Jimin reasoned out. JK was being annoyed, but Tae after thinking so much finally said yes.

They took her out of the club. They took to the backside alley of the club. Made her kneel down. Tae growled at her "You have 5 minutes. Speak soon, before I change my mind & do something horrible to you."

The girl with a whimper started to talk. "My name is Rose. I never wanted to ruin your relationship, cause I myself am in a relationship. Moreover I'm gay", Rose was about to continue, but Tae stopped her in the middle.

"Hold on, you're gay, but still you were after my baby?!", Tae was about to slap her, but Jimin stopped him. Saying that "Let the girl finish first". Tae rolled his eyes but still stopped.

"I have a girlfriend. Her name is Jisoo. We're quite a small family. I mean I only had my younger sister & Jisoo didn't have any other family. My parents died when we were young. But the money they left behind was enough for me & my sister to get by. And after that I got a job & took care of my little sister Sooah. I met Jisoo when I was working, from then we became a couple & started to live together." She stopped & cried a little more.

"All was going great, until that horrible day. Me & Jisoo went to a club one night. We left Sooah in our friend's place. We both were a little drunk & having a great time. Until a guy came & started to act too touchy with Jisoo. I was trying to make him go away, but he got a bit violent. Suddenly Jisoo took a bottle & smashed his head. That guy fell unconscious, we ran away from the club. We went to our home. We were so scared, but however kept on telling ourselves that we didn't do anything wrong, we were just defending ourselves."

"The next day we went to fetch Sooah & we got on with our lives, I mean that's what we thought. Until a guy knocked on our door. He said that we have to come to his boss's place. We at first protested, but he dragged us along with Sooah too."

"He took us to a big house, but led us to a creepy basement. A guy who looked cocky arrogant shit, said that we killed his man. We didn't first believe it but he showed us the pics. He threatened us if we go to jail , what'll happen to our Sooah?! He said, that if we do what he asks us to do, whenever he'll then leave us be. At first I didn't agree, but Jisoo said that we don't have any other option. So we agreed to that bastards threat."

"He has sent us both to always to seduce some guys & make them unconscious. That's only our job. The rest he'll take care. This thing is been going on for months. I got so fed up & lashed out on him one day saying that we won't do any of his dirty deeds anymore. Rather we'll go to jail & also will let Sooah with any of our friends. He kept on threatening. But since we didn't budge this time. He agreed that if we do today's work, then once & all for all he'll leave us alone. Since it's his big catch or something".

"So we agreed. I usually came to do what I was told to do. I swear I didn't even know who you guys were, or what your names". She looked at JK.

"All I did was instructed by him. I only saw your pic today. Before that I haven't seen you in my life, I swear. I'm begging you. We have already been through enough. Please don't make us go through another set of hell all over again. Rather just kill us already. That'll be less torture than this", Rose folded her hands & started to cry again.

"How do we know that you ain't lying to us though?", JK asked with knotted brows.

"You can check our background. Here is my house address too", Rose gave them her house address.

"If I didn't agree to that bastard Jackson's threat that day, I wouldn't have seen all these shits", Rose mumbled by herself. But Tae clearly caught that name.

"Who? Jackson. You said the name Jackson now right?!", Tae asked again to confirm it properly.

"Yeah that's the bastard who made our life hell", Rose spoke angrily.

"It can be coincidence too, but to be on the safe side, is this the asshole you're saying about?", JK showed a pic of Jackson to Rose from his phone.

"Yup. He's the one. The scum who made our life a living hell", Rose spat in venom.

"Now it's definitely not a coincidence at all." Tae said & both Jimin & JK agreed.

"Yeah. Let me first get some info from my tech guy", JK said & went to call someone. He said something & told them that he needs some info pretty soon. The line was cut off then.

In less than 15 minutes a call came & Jk got the enough info he needed about Rose.

His tech guy hacked into Rose's security code & got all the info about her, her gf & her sister. It all matched. Whatever Rose said is true.

"Okay, so you're cleared. Whatever you said was true. But how about making the bastard's life a living hell who made your life hell too? Would you like to give a taste of his own medicine to him?", JK asked with a smirk.

Rose thought for a second. Then took a deep breath & said," Why not? He made my life hell. He threatened my gf & moreover threatened my Sooah's life too. That scum should rot in hell & die. For that I'm ready to do anything." Rose said firmly.

"Good, so hereafter you do as we say & your life will be on the safe track like before", Tae said with a smile. He now genuinely smiled now. Rose smiled & thanked them.

Now Jackson let's have some fun.....


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