Chapter 4: Saving Raiden

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(Shang Tsung)

"How long does it take to seize one realm?" I asked myself, growing impatient with Raiden and Fujin.

Sitting on top of my throne, I tapped my fingers on the arm of my throne, growing more and more impatient until something in me severs. Like a string being cut from a cloth, I I rose from my throne in anger as I transfer myself down into my palace. Walking the halls in a furious state, I entered my dungeons where I found Shao Kahn and Sindel arguing among each other, but when they noticed me, the shut their mouths and stood tall.

"My Lord! We have urgent news to share." Shao Kahn began as I silence him.

"Silence! Let me see the bodies." I ordered as the two gave a nervous glance at each other.

"Yes, my Lord." Sindel bowed as she stepped aside and allowed me through.

And just as I thought, both bodies of Raiden and Fujin were gone. I gripped the bars, ripped the door clean off the hinges and threw it clear across the room.

"We were about to come tell you, my Lord, but then you graced us with your presence." Sindel claimed as I shook my head.

"One minute they were there, lying helpless, the next they were gone. Simply vanished." Shao Kahn added as Sindel backed him up.

"We're sorry, my Lord. We'll find them and bring them back. Have mercy, we beg of you!" Sindel pleaded as she and Shao Kahn both dropped to their knees and begged for my forgiveness.

I didn't bother listening to them fore I knew they had nothing to do with it. All possible realms have been captured expected Chaosrealm and Orderrealm, but both lack the skill to actually defeat the Earthrealm Gods.

"The legends must be true... I should've known my actions would not have gone unnoticed." I comment as I shook my head, realizing what I now must do.

"My Lord?" Shao Kahn asks as I simply smile.

I finally turn to face them, explaining the situation. "The Magic-Realm has been called into action. They pose a greater threat to my will than we all realize." I told them as they both drop their mouths open.

"The Magic-Realm?! The legends are true?!" Shao Kahn asked, obviously knowing the legend.

"Yes. Very much so. The Magic-Realm is the Realms last line of defense. If they are involved, we can expect heavy resistance and force. They are powerful immortals who wield unimaginable power." I explain as I begin to envy the thought. "And unfortunately, even with all the power of all the Realms, I cannot set foot into the Magic-Realm. I'd lose all power and surely be killed." I then stood tall as I ordered the two to rise to their feet. "With Raiden and Fujin now lost to us, that leaves me with no protection and no commanders for my armies. Therefore, you two are now my commanders and my Realms Protectors."

"Thank you, my Lord!" Sindel bowed as Shao Kahn did the same.

"Do NOT fail me!" was all I said as I exited the dungeons, planning my next move.

Once I was back on my throne, I thought of ways I could breach the Magic-Realm, and it took me hours but I finally came up with a perfect plan that will require time to prepare.


Tending to the Orderrealmers, I had just finished preparing the last guest room when I saw a portal open, causing everyone in the room to stand and hope see their loved ones. Many men and warriors returned to their families arms as Rose was last to come through with both Earthrealm Gods, causing me great relief.

"Rose! I'm so glad you're okay!" I said, giving her a hug as she hugged me back.

"I barely made it but I told you I would come back. And, I'm not alone." Rose said, showing the two Gods.

Upon laying eyes on the one that was standing but limping, my heart dropped into my stomach as words failed me. He was so... beautiful and his eyes were like looking up at clouds in the sky. I knew his name was Fujin, the God of Wind, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything. Best part is, he seemed equally unsure of what to say as we both locked eyes and stood quiet.

"Uh... Teegan, this is Fujin. Earthrealm's God of Wind and Protector, and Raiden's brother." Rose chimed in as we both snapped out of our trances.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Princess Teegan of the Magic-Realm." I introduced myself, offering my hand as he gently shook it, but when our hands touched I felt this spark that I've never felt before in my life, and it felt good.

"The pleasure is mine, Princess." Fujin said with a genuine smile.

After our hands parted, I laid eyes on the elder brother who lied unconscious on a bed of wind that his brother was making.

"You weren't able to convert him?" I asked, examining Raiden's body, checking for any signs of damage.

"No. He was extremely difficult. So I had to put him to sleep." Rose explained as I began increasingly curious. Rose rolled her eyes and added, "He was attracted to me so I played on that and it worked."

Fujin chimed in with shock and asked, "Really? Raiden was... attracted to you? You're sure?"

Rose nodded her head.

"Said he had a thing for red and even called me 'more attractive than most fighters he's encountered'." Rose claimed as Fujin looked down at his brother's body.

"That is interesting... He's never mentioned liking the color red or what he considers attractive." Fujin claimed as he seemed puzzled over the entire situation.

After finishing my examination, I concluded that there were no permanent injuries, just a couple bumps and bruises. "Okay, no major damage. We should get him to the infirmary for treatment right away." I said as Rose agreed. I looked to Fujin with a smile and said, "Follow me,"

Leading them down to the infirmary, we walked fast for the enchantment Rose had placed on Raiden probably won't last much longer. Once we arrived at the infirmary, I instructed Fujin to place his brother's body onto a medical table that stood in the middle as he was offered a bed by Rose. He sat and watched as Rose and I quickly went to work on Raiden's body.

"You sure this will work?" Rose asked, sounding a bit worried as I caught her touching Raiden's hand.

"He'll be fine. I'm going to cleanse him of the darkness and the fear, but it'll be up to him whether or not he wishes to keep the two out." I told her as I kept looking at their hands. "Did he happen to sway you with his words back in Orderrealm, Sister?" I asked, teasing her a bit as my magic warmed up.

"Huh?" Rose asked, quickly removing her hand from his as she hid it behind her back.

I laughed as she felt embarrassed, but we quickly got serious when it came time to purge Raiden of the darkness and fear that was plaguing him.

"Rose, listen carefully. When I give the word, release him from the enchantment. I know it's best to let him wake up naturally but its the only way to drive it all out." I ordered as Rose hovered her hands over Raiden's face.

Fujin watched closely as I took a deep breath, readying myself for the biggest challenge of my life. I then placed my hands on both temples and began sucking out the darkness and fear that lied within Raiden. His body twitched and jumped about but I had to remain steady fore the slightest movement could cause catastrophic outcomes.

Raiden's clothes began changing from this red, yellow, and black outfit to this white, blue, and black one and his skin began turning back to normal as well.

"Now, Rose!" I ordered as Rose touched his face.

A second later, Raiden woke up, his eyes glowing blue as he gasped for air, afraid of what was happening to him. He then dropped his head on the table and went back under as I released him from my magic.

"There. Both the fear and the darkness should be removed." I said, weak from the operation as Rose helped me to a bed. "It's up to him now to do the rest."

"So now we wait." Rose says as she begins treating both Fujin and I.

For awhile, the three of us healed and talked, checking in on Raiden here and there until finally, he woke up.

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