Chapter 13: Face To Face

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I awaken in the early morning light, its not bright but its not exactly dark, its somewhere in the process of changing from night to day. I was still on the rock next to Raiden, who looked so peaceful with his hat and cloth off, and I can't help but stare at his beautiful white hair. I just can't keep my hands off it.

As time went by, I began to notice something was off about the whole time of day – it wasn't getting any brighter like it should have been. Then, when I tried waking Raiden, he wouldn't budge.

"Raiden! Wake up!" I shout, pushing and even hitting him. "Raiden!"

"He won't wake up, child. Not until I allow him to, at least." this low, sinister voice claimed as I turned around and found the evil sorcerer wielding this green skull in his hand. "Poor Raiden may be immune to time and space, but he's not immune to having his soul sucked out."

Looking at Raiden's soul in Shang Tsung's hand, I was careful not to anger him, fore one wrong move could mean disastrous results for Raiden.

"So... Princess Rose of the Magic-Realm... We meet at last." Shang Tsung said, sounding very poised while taunting the green skull.

"Shang Tsung; what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" I asked with loads of sarcasm.

Shang Tsung chuckled and smirked as he lowered himself to the ground, standing at least one yard away, his hands behind his back as he remained poised. "I simply wish to chat with you, that's all. Get to know you better." he replied. "I understand you've been looking for me; I thought I'd save you the trouble and come to you."

Everything suddenly clicked. Shang Tsung froze time and sucked out Raiden's soul to avoid interference. I then looked back at Raiden with this scared feeling – I can't lose him like this, not after last night – as Shang Tsung kept taunting me.

"Oh, did I hurt your beloved? The man that... makes you feel safe and wanted?" he asked, switching the skull into his other hand. Before I could say anything, he finished with, "Rest assured; no harm will come to Raiden. Not yet at least."

"Then restore him. Now!" I demanded as Shang Tsung stood unphased.

"Not yet... I need speak with you alone." the sorcerer told me as he stepped closer to me. He was now standing eighteen feet away, looking very smug, yet casual, before removing his crown and tossing it at my feet. "This is what you desire, is it not? Take it." he said as I stood there unimpressed by his sudden 'generosity'.

"You expect to play tricks on me, Sorcerer? You know full well I can't wield Kronika's crown." I told him as he simply smiled devilishly.

"What makes you say that?"

"Because only you, Kronika, or Kronika's kin can wield the crown without suffering any damage. And I am in no relation to Kronika."

Shang Tsung then laughed slightly as he leaned in forward, he restored Raiden's soul to his body, causing me great concern and a bit of confusion.

"I know you will never trust me, but I do want to help you. For now, our time is limited, so choose your questions carefully." Shang Tsung said, tapping his fingers together. "Once Raiden wakes up, he will no doubt try to finish me off. I must be gone before he awakens."

Looking over at Raiden for a split second, I looked back at Shang Tsung with a deadly grin. "If you so much as tainted one millimeter of his soul, I will end you myself!" I declared as my fists started glowing reddish-purple.

"I see why he favors you now. Such determination... and devotion. Rest assured, Raiden will be fine. He'll be back to his normal self, if that's truly worth anything." Shang Tsung claimed, sneering at Raiden before turning his attention back on me. "Now, I'm sure you want know more about the crown."

Looking down at the crown, I couldn't piece together why Shang Tsung would just willingly hand it over to me the way he did. I then returned my gaze to Shang Tsung and began playing whatever game he was playing.

"Why give me the crown if you know I can't wield it?" I asked first.

"What makes you think you can't?" As I go to answer him with the same reply as earlier, he stopped me by saying, "How do you know aren't related to Kronika?"

"Because anyone related to that vile Titan is evil, and I'm not evil." I answered as Shang Tsung chuckled once more.

"Oh, my dear. Evil is an illusion. We are born ignorant of evil; some us adapt and accept it while others try their hardest to avoid its dark temptations. But back to the question at hand... I know your whole existence, child. Your past, present, and future – I've seen it all." Shang Tsung claimed as my eyes grow wide with disbelief. He then continued on with, "I won't tell you, of course, but what a delicious and tragic story."

"So, I'm related to Kronika?" I asked, trembling with fear.

"I never said that. That part I do not know. But I do know that you will meet her sooner rather than later. Perhaps she'll tell you." he said as we began hearing slight movement from behind me. "Seems Raiden is coming too... Any last questions?"

"Yes. Where are the others? What did you do to the people you had Raiden and Fujin destroy?" I asked, demanding to know as Shang Tsung stood tall and proud.

"You'll find the souls of the lost tucked away in the Hourglass. You'll find the Hourglass in the Throne Room of my Island. I promise you that no harm will come to you or your allies during your visitation." Shang Tsung vowed as I narrowed my eyes. "However, when you do free the souls, will you be prepared for the most devastating truth of your entire existence?"

"I'm not afraid to learn my past, Sorcerer." I told him as he smiled once more, this time more sinister.

"I wasn't talking about your truth, Rose. When the time comes, you'll figure it out." he told me, confusing me even more.

Unfortunately, Raiden jolted awake and locked his eyes straight on Shang Tsung, immediately furious and tried lunging at him with his infamous flying lightening attack but the sorcerer disappeared from view before Raiden could connect.

"Shang Tsung!?" he yelled as lightening blasted all around him in a fit of rage. He then turned to me with concern as he looked me all over for signs of injury. "Did he harm you in any way? If he did, he will answer to me personally!" he asked as I shook my head and assured him that I was fine. "Thank the Elder Gods for that. Oh, when I see that vile snake again, I'll tear every limb and bone from his body and feed his empty shell to the Netherrealm. How dare he rip my soul from my body?!"

"He had good reason to." I told him, picking up the crown from my feet as Raiden looked astonished. "He gave this to me, which is why he was quick to flee before you lunged at him."

"He... He just gave that to you?" Raiden asked, unsure of what to make of it.

"Yeah. Told me the location of where everyone is at and where the Hourglass is located." Raiden reached for the crown but quickly drew back, clutching his head with an agonizing scream. "Raiden!" I yelled as dropped the crown and rushed to his side. "What's wrong?"

"Darkness... Fear..." he managed to say as he dropped to his knees. "Must... fight it..."

I dropped to my knees, cupped his face and began pulsating positive vibes within him, and before another moment passed, he began calming down, letting out a single tear as he fell into my arms.

"It's okay, Raiden. I'm right here. I won't let you turn dark again. Not while I'm by your side." I promised him as he closed his eyes and rested.

Rubbing his forehead, I looked back at the crown and then down at Raiden, who pinned my legs down on the ground with his body weight, and began worrying about what Shang Tsung might have meant by 'truth' I have to learn.

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