Chapter 8: Earthrealm

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After everything was all planned out for our little trip to Earthrealm to receive Jinsei from the Shaolin Grotto, both Teegan and I felt a little nervous fore we never really have been to Earthrealm before. This will be another first for us.

"Earthrealm is the best realm there possibly could be!" Fujin claimed as he and Raiden began sharing details of Earthrealm. "It has amazing places, great food, beautiful sights. There's plenty to see and do."

"Yes. And many historical and ancient knowledge to learn as well." Raiden added, peaking my interest.

Okay, my mind is still fresh on the kiss but I am a suck for learning new things, so I am mostly telling the truth here.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Teegan asked, jumping up with excitement as she opened one of her portals.

Teegan and Fujin went first while Raiden and I went second, watching as the library turned into this desolate wasteland with murky air and broken piece of plaster or wood. Raiden and Fujin looked at each other with guilt before pressing on into the ruined building, me and Teegan trailing close behind them.

"So this is the famous Shaolin Grotto? It looks... so old?" Teegan then gazed upon the wreckage as a mixture of wall, ceiling, jade, and candle cover the floor.

Fujin and Raiden then stopped before turning around, respectively grabbing one of us before lifting us up and pulling us out of the way she this giant blade came swiping down seconds later.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed.

"Watch where you step. The Shaolin may have been very peaceful but they did prepare for such cases of burglary and defense." Raiden warned as he released me.

"If you feel your foot sinking in with the floor, either step back or drop to the ground and pray you make the right choice in time." Fujin adds as Raiden backs him up.

Both Teegan and I looked at each other with nervousness as Fujin and Raiden looked at each other with slight annoyance before they whisk us off our feet and began carrying us throughout the room. A few times we narrowly escaped death, but they managed to get us across safely without any injury or harm.

After setting us down, Raiden and Fujin lifted this beautiful gate up before casually stepping over one of the tiles in the middle. They then instructed Teegan and I to step over the same tile but Teegan was busy admiring some of the murals and designs of the temple.

"Teegan, you coming?" I asked as Teegan kept looking at the murals. "Teegan?"

"In a minute, there's something interesting on this wall here." Teegan claimed as she examined the mural further.

Teegan really seemed interested in everything around her, and I couldn't help smile fore I knew she was having a good time. I was about to go see the mural myself when I overheard the brothers talking to one another.

"I'll stay with Teegan. It's best not let her stay with someone unfamiliar with this place. You take Rose to the Jinsei, hopefully I'll convince Teegan to come join you once she's seen all that she wishes to see." Fujin said as Raiden nods his head.

"Excellent idea, brother. Make haste, if you can. I do not wish to linger in Earthrealm for long. That vile sorcerer will soon detect our presence here and I do not wish to fight him unprepared." Raiden urged as Fujin smiled and joined Teegan over by the mural.

Raiden then lead me past the gate and down the hall that quickly turned into a cave-like structure. It began getting a little cold but luckily my jacket was enough to keep me warm.

As we were walking towards the Grotto, I peeked over at Raiden, who was looking ahead, mind else where when I began thinking back our earlier encounter.

"So... Are we gonna we gonna talk about it?" I asked as Raiden began blushing, quickly looking down at his feet as he struggled with words.

"I hope you don't think me a fool for kissing you? I just couldn't resist any longer." Raiden finally spoke as we continued onward.

"Of course not. You just caught me off guard, that's all."

"It was very strange event. I've never done something like that before in my entire existence. Up until then, I thought I was free of mortal temptations; that nothing could get past my heart." Raiden shared as he finally looked at me. "And then there's you. You tempt me, Rose. No being has ever tempted me the way you have. It's like your the exception to the rule."

"But why? I'm not attractive and you're at least ten eons my senior." I told him as he chuckled to himself.

"Are you saying a I'm to old for you, Rose?" he asked as I then giggled myself. He then stopped and took my hand, running his thumb along my knuckles. "You are the most beautiful woman in all the Realms, Rose. I won't keep say that over and over."

"If that's true, then what's the most beautiful thing about me?" I asked, curious to know what he thinks.

"By far your compassion and bravery. As for physical features, your hair is like a raging fire in the night – it's absolutely gorgeous. Plus, I did always have a strong attraction to the color red." Raiden admitted, that last line bringing up a memory from the time we met. "Did I say something I shouldn't have?" he asked, confused by my surprise look.

Smiling at the thought, I shook my head and squeezed his hand. "Nothing..." I said, realizing that dark Raiden was actually genuine in his claims.

"Look, after we defeat Shang Tsung, perhaps we should talk about... the future, but for now, let's get the Jinsei and get out of here." Raiden suggested as I agree, the two of us continuing on.

A few moments later, we were arriving in this huge room with this massive dragon fountain spilling blue liquid from its mouth and into the pool below. The water was this airy light blue and it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life – even the feel of it was so metallic and airy at the same time.

"Its beautiful!" I claimed, sticking my hand into the water as I moved it around.

"This is the very essence of Earthrealm. Its what powers Fujin and I when our powers are low or if we take in to much damage." Raiden explains as he removes a canister from his waist pouch. He then stuck it in the Jinsei and moved the canister around a bit before removing it and placing it back in his waist pouch. "That should be enough for Fujin and I should we run low on energy in the coming battle. Now..."

Suddenly, Raiden jumped in the fountain and began saying this ancient Japanese phrase, which activated the dragon spewing out the Jinsei. The dragon then moved over Raiden's head and began pouring Jinsei onto Raiden as he made it spin around him in a magical sort of way.

"This will take some time, Rose. I suggest making yourself comfortable." Raiden told me as he closed his eyes and drifted off into a deep slumber.

Sitting on the edge of the fountain, I lift my feet on the edge as I watch Raiden carefully, hoping nothing goes wrong during his rejuvenation process. I must say, though, Raiden looks kinda peaceful when he sleeps, kinda like a newborn ignorant of the world around them, only focusing on building strength. I even wondered what Raiden was possibly dreaming about but that's for him to know and for me to only guess.

A few minutes in, I began hearing this strange sound coming from one corner of the room, causing me to wonder if Fujin and Teegan have decided to join us. I turn to look only to find darkness, but once I turned around, a sword was flying right at me with such speed.

"What the –" I shouted before jumping out of the way of the sword which sliced through the statue I was leaning on.

Lying on the ground, I quickly turn around and find this girl dressed in a yellow ninja suit with both blonde and black hair standing where I once sat, giving me this vile grin. And judging by her appearance and clear cut-throat attitude, she was not here to mess around.

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