Chapter 7: Planning

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(Shang Tsung)

"My, my. Seems Fujin has found himself a little consort." I said, watching the pathetic fool holding one of the sisters who freed him.

Shao Kahn and Sindel watched along with me as Sindel scoffed at Princess Teegan, claiming she was more of a woman than she could ever be.

"She's not even a blonde! And I bet she can't scream as loud as I can, especially when it counts." Sindel claimed, looking at Shao Kahn with affection as he growled with temptation.

The two then shared a laugh as I ignored their words, focusing on the girl Fujin has fallen madly in love with. She is a beauty, no doubt. Far better than most women in all the realms, and she has extreme amounts of power, but her sister Rose is a different case. She is no beauty but wields ultimate power that seems strikingly familiar to me, but I could not place it. Raiden has definitely taken an interest in her, he must pity her or perhaps he truly cares for the girl.

Whatever the reason, she's a huge threat to me, but I cannot figure out why. Only time will tell. For now, I must keep watching...


"Okay, I'm thinking we should go talk to Havik about joining our cause. He may be huge pain, but I know how to handle him." I suggest as Raiden reviews my ideas in his head.

"You know how to handle Havik? The master of chaos?" Raiden asks as I smile mischievously.

"Oh, yeah. Havik's scared of me. If anyone can get him to fall in line, it's me." I explain as Raiden gave me an impressed look.

"I've never met anyone who can honestly say they can handle Havik and live to tell the tale about it." Raiden said as he continued looking over some plans we came up with for taking down Shang Tsung.

I then joined his side as I noticed him taking a few quick glances at me and when I finally looked at him full on, he smiled and sighed.

"Can I be honest with you for a moment, Princess?" 5Raiden asked as I grant the question.

"On one condition that you only call me Rose." I reply.

"Why do you wear that jacket? I mean there's nothing wrong with it but I personally want to rip it off you and set it on fire." Raiden asked as I took a gander at my brown trench coat.

"Um... It's a shield of some sort. Its used mainly to protect me from others." I tell him, trying not to sound like a troubled person. "I never take it off, expect when I sleep or when I'm taking a bath."

"So its your way of protecting yourself?" Raiden continues as I quickly grow tired of this conversation.

"Yes! Now, if you have any further questions about my wardrobe, please ask me later because we need to stop Shang Tsung and fix the broken timeline." I snap, watching him step back an inch out of fear.

"Very well. Let's continue onward with our plans." Raiden suggested as I crossed my arms, reviewing some old details in my head as Fujin and Teegan entered the room.

Both of them looked somber and depressed, and when I went to ask about it, Teegan shook her head and suggested that we stay focused on the task at hand. As Raiden and Fujin worked on ways to diverge the sorcerer and his armies, Teegan and I began working on plan to get Havik on our side.

"I don't think recruiting Havik and the Chaosrealm army will be the challenge." Teegan said as I looked at her confusingly. "Getting Havik and Hotaru to work together is gonna be the challenge."

"By the Elder Gods, that's gonna be like asking Shang Tsung to just willingly hand over the crown and surrender." I comment as I rub my hands down my face in annoyance. "And that actually might be less of a challenge compared to those two getting along."

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