Chapter 12: A Rocky Night

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It was the dead of night, most everyone else was asleep, but Fujin, Rose, Teegan, and I remained awake, but we did not go without wear and tear.

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I sure could use a nice nap right now." Teegan yawned as her eyes began to droop.

"How are you tired? We're immortals. We never sleep." Rose asked as I glanced between the two.

"I don't know... Earthrealm is doing strange things to my body." Teegan claimed, stifling another yawn.

"It's most likely because you're not in the Magic-Realm. Your body is so used to not sleeping that its growing accustom to Earthrealm ways. So you'll feel things like increased exhaustion and hunger." I shared as Teegan's eyes kept shutting every few seconds.

Fujin then picked her up and said, "Perhaps its best if we all get some rest. We've been working extremely hard and tirelessly; I think we've earned some rest." He then carried Teegan to one of the spare beds and laid her down, but when he went to go into the next bed, Teegan grabbed his hand and tiredly mumbled something. Before I knew it, Fujin lifted her up with his wind, slid underneath her, and lowered her down to wear Teegan was resting on top of him.

"Those two seem to really compliment each other. It's good to see Teegan so happy." Rose said as I crossed my arms and tilted my head to the side.

"Fujin does seem to enjoy taking care of your sister. And he clearly will do anything to make her happy. Perhaps those two are meant for each other." I comment as I turn to Rose, who looks about ready to pass out herself. I then grab her arm, touching that ugly jacket that I wish to burn with every fiber of my being, and ordered her to go get some rest. "Rose, go get some sleep. You obviously need it."

Rose shook off her tiredness and continued working as she said, "To much work to be done. I must continue."

"You won't work well with a restless mind. Rose, I'm telling you go get some rest." I told her as she began ignoring me. Through narrowed eyes, I intentionally shut the hologram down which caused her to grow angry. "Rose, bed. Now!" I demanded as she turned to me, irritated and ready to strike.

"What is with you?! I'm fine! Why are you being so pushy?" Rose whispered in an angry tone.

"Why are you being so stubborn?" I replied casually.

Rose slammed her hands down, causing this loud bang to echo throughout the room, thankfully no one woke up, before getting in my face and saying, "Because I need to beat him! I will sleep for weeks once Shang Tsung is defeated, but until then. I have to work. Every second I don't, he could be out there, planning and ready to strike."

I understood what she was going through – possibly better than anyone in the world. I, too, would not rest until everything that needed to be done was done, but I've learned from many people that your judgment suffers if you do not rest.

Putting a firm hand on her shoulder, I looked her dead in those beautiful blue eyes and began bargaining with her. "What will take for you to rest, Rose? Do you want me to... maybe join you like Fujin did Teegan?" I asked, wondering if that is the best route to take.

"You sleep?" Rose asked as I chuckled a little bit.

"Once in a very blue moon do I sleep outside of the Jinsei slumber. But yes, I do have the ability to fall asleep." I told her as Rose shook her head.

"Fine. Fine! ONE HOUR!" she told me, caving in as she turned away from me.

"Very well, if that's what you wish." I responded as I touch her shoulder and zap her and me someplace else.

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