Chapter 10: The Resistance

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"Ugh..." Natalia moaned as she finally woke up along with Fujin.

The moment she realized she was being held by Fujin, she demanded to be put down, and being as gentle as possible, Fujin set her down on her feet.

"You may feel a few side-effects from the Jinsei. Its not used to treating mortals directly." Fujin claimed as Natalia stumbled forward and fell into the metallic waters of the fountain.

Fujin and Raiden both helped her up and carried her out of the fountain where they placed her near the wall by the entrance. They then began checking on her before coming to the conclusion that she would be fine, just a little overwhelmed by her increased powers.

"We should take her back to her people. I'm sure they can help her better than we can." Teegan suggested as Natalia began moaning again.

"I feel... strange." Natalia said, bring her hand to her head as she looked around again. "You... you healed me? Why?"

"Because I want you to know that I have no ill omen against you." Fujin claimed as he offered Natalia a hand. "Also, I wouldn't dare lay my hands on one of the Lin Kuei's most deadliest assassins that Earthrealm ever bared."

Natalia was hesitant as she looked at the Wind God's hand before rolling her eyes and accepting the helping hand.

"Thank you, Fujin. Perhaps... I misjudged you unfairly." Natalia said upon getting to her feet.

"No apologies needed. And I'm sorry for what my darker self did to you and your family." Fujin added as Natalia actually began smiling.

Feeling like Natalia was owed more, I hit Raiden in the stomach with my arm, hearing him grunt before I mumbled, "Apologize!"

Raiden then cleared his throat as he nodded his head. "I, too, apologize for my darker self's actions." he apologized, trying his best to not sound hoarse.

"And?" I add, causing Raiden to grow a tad bit frustrated.

"AND I'm sorry for knocking you unconscious with my lightening." Raiden added as he looked at me with this upset grin. "Anything else, Rose?"

"No, but could you have at least sounded genuine?"

"Well that's hard to do when someone punches you in the gut."

"I hit you in your stomach and it wasn't even hard!"

"Ahem!" Fujin intervened as we both looked at the other three who were busy watching us squabble with each other. "If you two don't mind, we must get Natalia back to her people before the likes of Shang Tsung –"

"– or his army –" Teegan added.

"– find her. Or us for that matter." Fujin finished as both him and Teegan grabbed one side of Natalia and began walking her towards the exit.

"I can take care of myself, you know." Natalia argued.

"No, you can't. The Jinsei is not meant for mortal use. If we leave you now, you'll sure be caught and killed. You're overwhelmed by the Jinsei, your body is out of balance. You need time to recover before you are able to move about by yourself." Raiden explained as Natalia's head dropped at the mention of her body being out of balance.

She then grunted and complained before agreeing to us taking her back to where she's from. As the five of us left the Grotto, Raiden stayed behind to secure the Jinsei, catching up with us moments later by appearing out of a bolt of lightening.

Stepping outside, Raiden placed his hands on Natalia's head as he closed his eyes, ordering all of us to grab on to him as he zapped us over to where Natalia's people were hiding. However, we did not go unnoticed. Guards swarmed around us within an instant, sneering and snarling at both Raiden and Fujin.

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