Chapter 40: Soulless & Unknowing

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Leonardo stands at a distance from Foot Headquarters with Raphael and Michelangelo flanking him. April and Casey stay near Donatello, who takes up the rear of the group with his nose aimed at his phone.

"No doubt about it, she's in there," he says, shutting off his phone as he slips it into his belt. "From what I can see, she's in Shredder's throne room."

"You know, this is the only time I'm gonna say it, but I'm glad there's a tracker in that thing," Raphael says. He cracks his knuckles, rolling his head from side to the side with the motion of his shoulders.

"They aren't keeping her in the dungeons like last time," Michelangelo says. For a second, his expression brightens with hope. "Maybe it'll be easier to get her out!"

Leonardo purses his lips. He wants to believe in his brother's optimism, but this whole situation gives him the opposite feeling. She's in the throne room, easy to access, like a prize waiting to be claimed.

Or a trap.

"April, Casey," he speaks, turning to them. "I don't know what's waiting for us in there. If you want to wait here, no one will stop you. You have to be ready for whatever may come."

"You want us to take the bench when wolfie needs us?" Casey asks. He flips his hockey mask down, dark eyes narrowing. "Casey Jones was born ready. Heh."

April flips her tessen open and nods, her lips pursing, and Leonardo returns the gesture. With her confirmation, he reaches for the hilts of his katanas, letting out a long breath through his nose. He gives a single wave and they move out.


It's quiet inside, far too quiet, as the Hamato clan makes their way through the inner halls of Shredder's sanctum. They watch every corner, eyes white, waiting for their enemies to come for them, but it's as dark and quiet as a tomb. Not even a dust bunny scampers across the cold floors.

Shredder's throne room looms before them and for a moment, Leonardo wonders if they should have just gone in through the roof, avoiding the doors entirely. The thought leaves him a moment later—it wouldn't change anything. Shredder is expecting them.

Leonardo aims his katana at the door, activating the automation, and they slide open with a whisper. Shredder's throne casts a shadow across the stone and glass flooring, the pool beneath casting rippling glimpses of light on the walls. The throne stays empty. No mutants. No humans. The place is abandoned.

He motions for his brothers to stay put and steps into the room. The air feels heavy, wrought with this creeping feeling that trails itself up his legs and crawls right into his shell.

"Destiny?" Leonardo calls. He keeps his katanas aimed, sparing a glance back at his brothers, his friends. "Des, are you here?"

Nothing. Then, from above, a shadow.

Leonardo whips around, katana aimed. There's a ledge far above the ground, backed by a stained glass window that glows with moonlight. A tall shadow lingers there, too thin to be the Shredder, but no less dangerous.

Diaval, Leonardo's sure of it, and just the idea of him sets a flare of anger burning in his chest.

"Leo?" Raphael calls, his voice a harsh whisper.

Leonardo nods even as he keeps his weapon aloft. "Where is the Shredder?" he calls.

Diaval's figure moves, just for a second, before he extends his hand out in a single, sustained point. From beside Shredder's throne, a metallic screeching noise echoes through the room before a Mouser appears. It opens its mouth, allowing a red beam to take the form of a holographic Shredder, standing just before his throne. Leonardo feels the presence of his brothers at his back as he turns towards the throne, sword slowly lowering.

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