Chapter 42: Losing Her

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"Des, wait! Please!" Leonardo cries, but the dark wolf just gives him a final sad look before she's gone.

Leonardo takes a staggering step toward the shattered window only for his feet to give out. The adrenaline's fading too quickly, everything hitting him at once. He catches himself against the floor, trying to get his breath back even as emotion grips him. His chest aches and he wants nothing more than to collapse onto the floor and stop existing for a few moments.

She didn't say it back.

He closes his eyes, tries to centre himself. He can't fall apart, not when danger is still present and his brothers need him. He forces himself back to his feet, hands clenching into fists at his sides.

"Leo," Raphael starts.

Leonardo hurries to his brother's side, helping him to his feet. Raphael's arm matches his mask—red and tattered. He sags against Leonardo.

"I thought...I thought she was going to—" Raphael starts.

"We have to go," Leonardo interrupts. "She's gone now. We have to go."

Raphael's pained green eyes narrow. "We can't," he insists. "We have to go after her before Shredder gets her again!"

"We can't," April pipes up. She stands, wringing her hands for a second. "Think of Donnie and Mikey! And you two are hurt too," she continues, panic edging her voice. "And Casey! He...oh, god, he's gonna bleed out if we don't hurry."

Raphael's shoulders sag and Leonardo keeps holding him up. "The Shellraiser's outside," he says. "Raph, think you can help at all?"

Raphael grimaces, blinking at the wetness in his eyes even as he nods. "Yeah, I can."

"April," Leonardo continues. "You—"


The three of them snap towards the voice just as Diaval gets to his feet, wobbling slightly as he rubs the back of his head.

"What?" April asks.

Diaval glances at her, then the two unconscious turtles. He starts towards Donatello, the closer of the two, and kneels down at his side, reaching out for Donatello's bitten, twisted ankle.

"Hey, answer her!" Raphael demands. "And don't lay a single finger on my brother or you'll regret it."

Diaval's hand freezes as he sucks in a breath. "I'll," he says, grimacing, "help you."

"Like shell you will!" Raphael snaps, storming towards him.

Diaval takes a hesitant step back as the turtle reaches him, Raphael's good hand latching around Diaval's cloak and tugging him down to eye level. Their height difference would make for a comical sort of scenario if it weren't for the circumstances.

"Are you really stupid enough to believe that we'll trust you for even a second?" Raphael seethes. "After what you did to Destiny? I oughta rip your guts—"

"Yes," he answers.

Raphael stops, the heat of his rage dimming. "Huh?"

"'M stupid enough...just wanna help," Diaval mumbles, burying his chin and mouth against his bunched collar. The red-masked turtle's eyes narrow further.

"Raph, stop," Leonardo says, approaching the pair. He pries Raphael's hand from Diaval's collar before staring up at the pale man. "Why?"

Diaval doesn't break the stare. After a second, Leonardo feels a tingling against the back of his head and he shudders, reaching a hand to the nape of his neck and scratching in an attempt to get rid of it.

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