Part 2

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          "Look, we'll sneak you into the show and hide you there. (Y/n) knows some people there." Jungkook stares at the two of you with wide eyes before he narrows them slightly in thought.
          "We won't get caught right?" Jungkook fidgets lightly before looking at his wrists. They were still sore and bloodied from the thorns wrapped around them. You let out a sigh and grab his wrists lightly. He jumps from the sudden contact, but allows you to rip some cloth from inside your pouch and wrap it around his wounds in an attempt to protect them.
          "I can't guarantee we won't get caught but I can guarantee we'll have a fighting chance." You mumble lightly before tying the a knot with the cloths before turning to Jin with a serious expression. "Can you tell Mrs. Reed what we'll be doing? I need to go talk with the circus folk." Jin bites his lip before looking over at Jungkook, still not sure about motives of the male before him. He lets out a small sigh before nodding at you.
          "You can't bring him into the village. They'll nab him right away."
          "Don't worry about that." You turn to Jungkook and smile at him to relieve some of his stress. A happy face always seems to calm someone in these types of circumstances. It makes them feel like everything will be okay, even if the situation is dire. "You'll stay here for now. I think I have an idea, but you'll have to trust me." Jungkook looks at you in slight skepticism. He thinks back to what you just did a few moments ago and how you were going out of your way to help him... so maybe he could trust you... You seemed to be a reliable person and it seems like you don't have any other ulterior motive. Something in his gut told him that you were a person of your word.
          "I'll be fine here. Just don't rat me out. I'm trusting you."
          "Wouldn't dream of it." You laugh out before turning back to Jin and nodding quickly. "Okay, lets go. It's almost time for the show so I have to get to them fast." Jin nods and walks off into the brush. He was on his way to Mrs. Reed's cottage to tell her you'd both be away for a while. How was he going to explain to her everything that was happening? You definitely gave him the hardest job there is. That woman could argue for hours if she wanted...
          "You'll be okay here right?"
          "I've already said I would." You let out a small sigh before heading over to the end of the clearing. You turn back around and smile lightly at Jungkook. He stares at your form in mild interest.
          "We don't usually mix with rebels. We try and stay away but something is telling me to help you. I don't know what it is... but I hope it's right." So you felt it too? Lately there's been this feeling in the air, one that most rebels have been feeling. Almost like someone is calling out to them and trying to tell them something. Because of this they've become more rowdy and began taking more risks, hence Jungkook's arrest. Something is telling them to make a change, and they'll be damned if they didn't at least try.
          "Me too." He mumbles lightly before watching you disappear from his sight. He sits down next to the lake and closes his eyes, letting his right hand fall in the water of the lake. It felt beautiful and like it was cleansing him of his sins. He felt like this small body of water could heal him from any wound; physically or mentally. Maybe it could. He reaches his arm down farther, feeling the water soak into the cloth you wrapped around his wrist. Jungkook is now practically lying on the ground, his arm fully submerged into the water. The sleeve of his shirt barely touches the surface of the lake before he feels something prick his finger. He breaths out and grabs the object. When he opens his eyes again he sees a small conch shell with an alluring design. He then looks at his pointer finger and places it in his mouth, sucking lightly on the finger to stop the blood. Interesting...
          "Dammit, they've already started." You curse under your breath as you watch multiple villagers venture into the tents of the circus. You eye a couple of the soldiers standing by, noting the the two that stopped you earlier talking to what seems to be the ringmaster. You look around the tents for a few more minutes before letting out a sigh. There had to be some way to get to Alex and Jimin...
          "Right this way to see the amazing Jimin and his floating fire!" Bingo. You make your way into the tent and take a seat in the front. You bounce your leg up and down in anticipation as you watch the two soldiers from earlier walk in and sit by the entrance. They seem to be watching each and every person that enters in an attempt to see if Jungkook would try and blend in with crowd of people. Everything about this was putting you on edge but you felt like you needed to do this. This is what you need to do. You don't know why, but you need to. Eventually the ring aster steps out and introduces the show but you zone out, completely listening to the crowd around you rather than the performance. Soldiers littered the entire place, looking for Jungkook. You could only imagine the amount of soldiers outside right now as well. You look over and see the two soldiers you ran into earlier leave the tent and make their way to the other side of the village.
          "And now, Jimin and his floating fire!" You tune back in and watch as Jimin performs a dance. His movements were delicate and full of power. You smile absentmindedly as he dances with power and spirit. He almost looks magical and like a fairy from the tales you were told when you were young. You note as small flames float around him, realizing it must be Alex controlling them. No wonder they always did so well when they traveled to different villages... You make eye contact with Jimin and he falters lightly at your stern expression before you signal that you need to talk to him. He nods lightly and while taking his bow, he points over to the side of the tent. You jump up and slowly make your way out of the tent and to the back, waiting.
          "Couldn't stay away?" You roll your eyes lightly as Alex and Jimin make their way into your line of sight. Alex looks annoyed at Jimin's shameless flirting while Jimin seems rather pleased with himself.
          "No. I have a favor."
          "A favor? Why would we do you a favor? We don't even know you." Alex raises a brow at you, crossing his arms impatiently. Who did you think you were asking for a favor. You let out a distressed sigh before looking back over at the forest.
          "Do you guys have time before you leave? I need to talk to you guys..."
          "No, we don't real-"
          "Yes, of course." Alex and Jimin share a look before Alex grumbles lightly and nods along with Jimin. You smile gratefully and begin to lead them into the clearing. Jungkook shoots up in alarm at your appearance but relaxes when he realizes it is just you. Jungkook nods lightly at you before Alex stops and shakes his head.
          "Nope, absolutely not. This is the rebel they're searching for! Are you insane!?" Jimin looks at the male in interest before smirking at you and bumping your shoulders.
          "Oooh~ I see what's happening here! A young lady like you wants three men to-" You whack the back of his head at the same time Alex does, causing the poor male to cradle his head in pain. He whines lightly as you and Alex chuckle at his misfortune. Jungkook stands by with the conch shell in his hands and a concerned look across his face.
          "These are the people who are going to help us?" Jimin give Jungkook an offended look as Alex lets out a sigh. What did he get himself into?
          "I know it doesn't seem like it but they can. Alex is a magician and can control light." Jungkook looks at Alex with wide eyes before the said male holds out his hands in protest.
          "Woah wait- you can't be serious right now!"
          "Alex, do you think you can sneak Me, Jungkook and my friend Jin on your circus carriages?" Alex gives you a dumbfounded look before vigorously shaking his head. How was he supposed to do that? You were crazy, he's confirmed that in his head.
          "How would he even do that?" Jimin questions you, now taking a serious tone. Sure he believes you had some sort of motive and plan and that you were a nice person, but this seems a little risky. How could Alex possibly do that?
          "Easy, he does it to himself. He just has to make us invisible."
          "Wait but I don't know how! I mean sure I can do it on myself but I've never tried a different person before, let alone a group of people!" Alex lets out a small scream as Jin enters the clearing, confused to see two more men. He makes his way over to you and you smile lightly at him. He nods at you before turning to Alex and Jimin in curiosity.
          "Circus people?" You hum and Jimin waves lightly as Alex pulls his hair in distress. You smile gently and pull his hands away from his hair. He stares at you with wide eyes and you just continue to give him a small smile. You spread his curled up hands out before pointing both of his palms up to the sky. He relaxes gently as you step away from him.
          "Focus. Pull all of your energy out and place it in your palm."
          "Shh, don't talk. Just focus." Alex nods and stares at his palms before letting out a sigh and shaking his head. He closes his eyes and you all just wait in silence. He eventually opens his eyes and throws his hands down in frustration.
          "This isn't going to work!" You sigh and bring him over to the lake. You make him sit down and place his hands gently in the water.
          "Try again." Alex puffs out his cheeks but then eventually does as he told. Jungkook grips the conch shell in his hands and smiles lightly. There you were, doing it again. Something about you was so relaxing. You almost seemed godly. You were like a guiding spirit put in place to help people. It was strange, but as he looks at the other two males he realizes just how much power you hold. You were stronger than he thought.
          "Focus Alex." You mumble lightly. Alex closes his eyes tighter before eventually he feels a small tingle course through his body. He opens his eyes and smiles as he feels a pulse of energy in his palm. He lifts up his hand and a small beam of light appears. He looks at you with excitement before turning around and showing Jimin. Both men laugh and jump around in joy before Jin clears his throat.
          "Umm, want to explain what's happening?" You laugh and nod at Jin before standing beside him again.
          "We're on our way to sneak you three into our carriages." Alex smirks confidently before Jimin jumps up with more excitement.
           "We're rebels now!" Jimin cheers before Jungkook rolls his eyes. This guy was too excitable for his taste. They all turn to you and Jin and both of you smile before nodding. You help Alex focus his energy a few more times before he eventually gets the hang of it. The others watch in interest, Jin explaining that you were both magicians yourselves. Jungkook and Jimin were in awe, Jimin muttering how uncool it was that he wasn't special. Jungkook had to console the male, saying that he wasn't special either. Only when it was close to becoming too dark to see did Alex finally understand control. He was ready.
          "Okay, lets get going." You mumble lightly and all of them nod at you. Alex holds his hands out and a small film of light engulfs you, Jungkook and Jin. You stare in wonder as both males flank your sides, just as amazed as you were.
          "Wow, it actually worked..." Jimin mumbles in disbelief before Alex whacks him.
          "Of course it worked." Jimin laughs, rubbing his shoulder from the sting of being hit. Alex has a good amount of strength for such a weak looking guy.
          "We need to stay quiet and close. No telling if it'll break apart of we stray to far from each other." You grumble and grab Jin's hand before holding onto Jungkook's sleeve. They nod at you and you all begin to follow Alex and Jimin out of the forest and back into the village. You watch silently as the ringmaster yells at them for being lazy and disappearing during clean up. The two males just roll their eyes before helping clean up what was left. All three of you move around together to avoid people walking into you and eventually hop into the back of a carriage that Jimin opened up.
          "Halt." You all freeze as Alex whips around, a nervous smile on his face.
          "How can we help you?"
          "We're searching the carriages." The kind soldier you talked to earlier hops into the carriage that the three of you were in. Your grip tightens around Jungkook's sleeve, instinctively pulling him closer to you. Jin's palm becomes sweaty in your grip as the soldier comes closer to the three of you before hovering lightly in front of you. He stops for a moment, almost like he can see through Alex's magic. He then shakes his head and hops out of the carriage before both of them leave. Jimin hops into the carriage after Alex and lets out a sigh in relief. He hits the front of the carriage as a signal to the driver and closes the doors before it begins moving along the trails.
         "That was close..." Jin mumbles lightly as he leans against the wall of the carriage. You finally release your hold on Jungkook's sleeve and sit down, taking in your surroundings, it wasn't all too cluttered in the back of the carriage. Most of it was just sheets and poles from the tent. The four males begin to discuss what to do when you get to the next village but you suddenly feel tired. Your eyes flutter close as Jin looks over and catches your form before you hit the ground.
          "Is she okay!?" Their voices fade out as you find yourself in a dark room. The floor splashes lightly, almost like you were walking on water. A man stands before you, a smile adorning his features. His figure is outlined in a white light. Immediately you recognize this as the man from your dreams.
          "I was finally able to reach you properly."
          "Who are you?"
          "RM, god of weather and Storm. But this is unimportant. I don't have much time. The Village of Wiedergeburt holds the next gem keeper. Get to them before the Pirate King." You reach out your hands to stop RM from leaving but scream as the floor gives way and you fall through into the water. You shoot up, coughing into your hand as Jin rubs your back lightly.
          "Are you okay? What happened?" Jungkook places his conch shell in cloth before making his way over to you and placing his hand against your forehead, checking for a fever.

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