Part 6

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          "Hoseok, you can take us to the gem?" Hoseok smiles at you gratefully before nodding his head. Jin smiles at you and pats the top of your head, Jungkook looks off to the side, slightly doubting Hoseok's motives.
          "It'll be a long trip if you don't want to get caught. We have to take the back roads into Geheimnis. From there we can enter the main city of Treasure."
          "I have some rebels stationed in Geheimnis." Jungkook mutters, leaning against the carriage and eyeing Hoseok. He still didn't trust the male, but he did trust your judgement. If you agreed to let Hoseok come along, then he wouldn't argue.
          "Geheimnis was the circus' next stop. They'll help us as well." Jimin nods at Jungkook. The circus was his family, they'd do what they had to in order to assist him and Alex.
          "They can help with distractions then. All of them." Jin runs his hand over his face. This was a risky infiltration. They really didn't know what to do or how to do it. But then again, when did any rebellion have a confirmation that it would end in the rebel's favor?
          "Our main goal is to get Grace to the gem." You reach into your satchel, and pull out your book. Hoseok's eyes widen at the sight of it. Weren't those banned? How did you get your hands on one of those? "If she touches the gem, the gods receive their full power back. It also means the Pirate King loses his power."
          "Will the gods even help us? I mean they can't even manifest in our world anymore... they can only appear through possession..." Hoseok mumbles, looking over to you. You were the prime example of possession. When the gods first disappeared, they possessed few people to announce their departure and removal of magic, that was the last anyone had heard from them.
          "We'll have to summon them. I'm not sure how... but we'll figure it out."
          "Maybe when Grace touches the gem, it'll alert them." Alex points out. Taehyung nods along with the male's idea.
          "That might be how, but we'll have to wait and see."
          "There's also the possibility that the Pirate King's power may not completely disappear." Jin says from your side, pointing at the book. "It says the gem's power has a lasting effect, meaning his power may linger after the removal of the gem."
          "It means we'll have to be prepared to fight, and find a quick way to summon the gods." Jungkook kicks himself off the side of carriage and looks over your shoulder. You nod in agreement before closing the book and shoving it into your satchel.
          "Lets head out now. We'll get to Geheimnis by day break." Jin mutters. All of you make your way to the carriage. You help Grace into the cart along with her bunny and sit down with her and Jimin. He does a few tricks to make her laugh while Alex and Jungkook talk with Taehyung in the rear of the carriage. Hoseok hops into the front with Jin to lead him through the dark roads. No one would dare attack a carriage where a soldier is visible, but if they did, you had a rebel leader in the back to stop them.
          The trip wasn't too long, Jin had switched with Hoseok to guide the horses. Grace was fast asleep in Taehyung's lap while Alex and Jimin played with some cards they found in the carriage. Jungkook sat with the conch shell in his lap. He was mesmerized with it at the moment. You let out a sigh before leaning through the hole in the front of the carriage. You smile at Jin's sleeping form before turning to look at Hoseok.
          "Are you okay?"
          "Yeah, I took a nap while Jin was leading the horses." You hum and lean against your arms staring out at the road before you. It was starting to become lighter out, meaning morning would be here soon.
          "What made you seek us out?" Hoseok's back straightens out before looking off to the side. His reason seemed strange to him... it was almost embarrassing to admit it out loud.
          "You." You blink at him in surprise. What? You were the reason he seeker the rest of you out? Why would he do that?
          "I'm not sure I'm following you..." He lets out a chuckle before focusing back on the trail before him. He plays lightly with the straps connecting the carriage to the horses.
          "I'm not sure myself. When I first saw you, you felt different..." Hoseok lets out a laugh before scratching his chin in embarrassment. "In a way I felt attracted to you, but not in a weird way. You feel safe and like someone I could rely on... I don't know... does that sound weird?"
          "No. It doesn't. That's like me with Jin. I could be in a horrible situation, but as long as he's there... I feel... safe." Hoseok nods before glancing over at you. You were beautiful, that was certain, but that's now what attracted him. Your energy was different, he couldn't place it. Then after the display of your magic, he feared you.,, but also felt drawn to you,
          "We're almost there. Want to wake up anyone who's asleep?" Hoseok gestures to the village not too far in the distance, the sun rising slowly into the sky. You nod and whack Jin aggressively. He jumps before flicking your forehead in annoyance.
           "Brat- couldn't just wake up me up normally?" You stick your tongue out at him before sliding back into the carriage and nodding over to Taehyung.
          "We're there, wake Grace up." He gently wakes her up as Alex and Jimin put away the cards, tucking them into their pockets. You walk over to Jungkook and tap his shoulder, breaking him out of his trance.
          "Time to go." He nods, handing you the conch shell. You feel a jolt of energy pass through you when your fingers make contact with it. You shake your head and slide it into your satchel. You all hold on to the sides of the carriage as it halts. You all file out, Jungkook sliding his mask over his face. In the distance, you notice the familiar sight of circus tents. Hoseok looks over at some wandering soldiers before making his way over to you guys.
          "I'll go check in with them. You go do what you need." You nod and turn back to the others as Hoseok walks over to the soldiers nearby.
          "Alex, and Jimin go talk to the circus folk. Taehyung, stay here with Grace. Jungkook, Jin and I will go talk to the rebels." They all nod as you give out orders. Taehyung hops back into the carriage, reaching out to pull Grace in. Jin pats Grace's head before pointing to Moon.
          "If anything happens, send Moon to us." She nods, happy to be given such a big job before following Taehyung into the carriage. Jimin and Alex start their way down the trail to the circus tents while Jungkook grabs your hand, leading you through the crowd. Jin follows closely, making sure to not bump into anyone or draw too much attention.  He leads the two of you to a run down bar. He makes his way to the back and knocks three times, waiting for a few seconds before ringing the bell hanging off to the side. The door opens up and Jungkook slides the mask off his face. The male in the door throws one of his arms around Jungkook, a half smile adorning his face.
          "Look who made it back! You're not dead after all!" The man cheers, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Good to have you back Jungkook!"
          "Nice to see you too Yugyeom." Jungkook gestures for you and Jin to follow him into the bar.
          "Listen up!" Yugyeom shouts, drawing the attention of everyone in the bar. There were a mixture of females and males of all ages. Most seemed to be in their teens or late twenty's. Jungkook stands tall on a stool nearby, earning a few cheers and happy welcome backs.
          "Now we have three magicians and the Gem Keeper on our team."
          "Gem Keeper!?"
          "Magicians!?" The bar shouts out in excitement, others in confusion.
          "Shut up!" Jungkook shouts out, quieting them all down. He points over at the two of you. "They're two of the magicians, powerful ones. We have a plan to get the gem to the Gem Keeper and take down the Pirate King, but we need distractions."
          "Whatever you need count us in!" Yugyeom calls out, patting the male's shoulder. Jungkook smiles as the other nod in agreement. He fills them in that once he gives the signal, they'll create a distraction so that way you guys can sneak into the main city of Treasure. You quickly meet a few other people like Mingyu, Byeongkwan, and Momo. They were a rowdy trio, that seemed to enjoy poking fun at Jungkook. All together, the rebels were an interesting bunch. They were ready for whatever was to come, as long as Jungkook was leading. After everything was arranged, the three of you bid the rebels farewell and began back to the carriage.
          "They really respect you." Jin mutters, impressed with the loyal following Jungkook has.
          "We've all been through a lot together. We'll do what it takes for freedom, even if it means we'll die."
          "No ones going to die." You mumble, your fists tightening to the point your knuckles were almost pure white.
          "(Y/n)..." Jin lets out a sigh and grabs your hand, running his thumb over your knuckles. You breath out before smiling at the two males.
          "We'll all be fine. No one will die." Jungkook smiles and pats your head before stopping when he sees three familiar figures running by. A shadow chases two of them, the third trying to hit the shadow. He blinks as a small bunny stops before the three of you.
          "Shit." Jin growls out, scooping up the bunny and handing it to you. You fumble with it, surprised from the sudden movement. "The carriage is being attacked!"
          "Let's go!" Jungkook starts running after the three familiar figure, who he now realizes are Hoseok, Jimin and Alex. You follow after your companions, eyes widening at the sight of shadows surrounding the carriage. Taehyung stood at the top, Grace clutched in his arms, trying to battle off the shadows attacking them. He had cuts and bruises all over his body. Grace's legs were scratched up from the shadows attempting to grab her and pull her away. She cries out as more attempt to take her away from her brother.
          "It's Suga!" Hoseok shouts out. You look over to Alex and point to Hoseok.
          "Alex, hide Hoseok's presence! He's our way into the palace!" You activate your magic, wind whipping your hair around as you gently place Moon into your satchel to protect him. Alex wraps Hoseok in a small film of light before turning to the shadows and lightning them on fire. They disappear slowly, hurt from the light touching them. Taehyung falls off the top of the carriage, allowing you to catch him with your wind and gently place him and Grace down.
           "Magicians!" A soldier shouts, causing them all to look over to you. Jin pushes your behind him and calls out to the forest nearby. His eyes light up a blue color as multiple wolves come to his side. The soldiers halt in their movements, gripping their swords. Unfortunately, being so close to the city of Treasure means there are more soldiers around than in the outskirts of the kingdom.
          "Get in the carriage and get out of here!"
          "Jin no! I'm not leaving you behind!" You shout, grabbing his arm to pull him towards you. Your magic dissipates as you beg the male before you to come with you. He pushes you away from him and Jungkook catches you.
          "Get away! Get Grace to the gem!" Jungkook and Jimin pull you to the carriage, Alex gets in the front with an invisible Hoseok. Taehyung had managed to get him and Grace into the back of the carriage and away from harm. Your eyes tear up as Jungkook lets out a rather loud whistle. A few people nearby perk up at the sound and begin to attack some of the soldiers. You reach out to call for Jin, but a soldier attacks him and knocks the male out. The wolves then begin to attack in order to defend Jin's unconscious body, but some are forced back into the forest while a few others are brutally slaughtered. You let out a cry as the carriage starts to move away from the scene. The circus folk nearby, having noticed the commotion and realizing it was Alex and Jimin in danger, begin to crowd the soldiers as well, causing a distraction for you to all escape.
          "We have to go back!" You shout, pulling away from Jungkook and Jimin. You push yourself through the front and attempt to grab the reigns from Alex, but Hoseok stops you.
          "We can't. They'll take him to Suga. And he knows who you are now. That much is obvious!" He pulls you to his side of the carriage and hugs you, patting your head to calm you down. "We'll make it to the palace at the same time they will. We'll get him then. For now we need to focus on the mission at hand."
          "As much as I hate agreeing with a soldier... he's right (y/n)..." Jungkook reaches in the front and pats your shoulder. "Lets get Grace to the gem. We'll save him when they bring him to the castle."

With D-2 being released, this is EXACTLY how I picture Suga.

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