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                                                       ~ 5 Years later ~
          "Mrs. Reed, have you seen Jin?" You run your fingers through your hair, brushing out the knots before looking over at Mrs. Reed. She places her knitting tools down on her lap, shaking her head lightly.
           "He went outside with Jimin and Suga this morning." You hum, and thank the kind woman. You reach over to the coat rack and grab your cloak and satchel before waving goodbye to Mrs. Reed, stating you and the others wouldn't be home tonight as you were visiting the palace.
          "Good morning (y/n)." One of the villagers greets you as you exit the small cottage. You bow at the, in greeting before saying you were looking for Jin, Suga, and Jimin. They point to the forest, stating they saw the three males enter the brush earlier this morning.
          "Thank you!" You bow once again before heading through the village. Ever since the gem was returned to the Gem Keeper, the village began to flourish with crops and water filled in the wells. There were also gods roaming around, assisting the people. They were laughing and talking together in harmony. Each one you pass bows their head in greeting before carrying on their duties. You smile as you finally see a familiar head in the crowd, running up to tackle the male before you. He lets out a laugh and hugs you back before pulling away and patting your head.
          "RM it's good to see you!"
          "Ouch, I don't get a hug?" You laugh and whack Alex on his shoulder lightly.
          "Shut up loser." Alex wipes at fake tears.
          "I save your life and all I get is a 'shut up loser.'" You roll your eyes before hugging him and smiling as he ruffles your hair.
          "Where's Jimin, Jin and Suga? We have to head to the palace. Hoseok said it was important." You shrug at RM's question, pointing at the forest.
          "They're probably training." Alex and RM hum in acknowledgement before RM walks off to the forest, stating he'd be back with the three musketeers. Both you and Alex chuckle at his mocking tone, watching him disappearing into the brush.
          "So... how's it going with RM?" You nudge Alex's shoulder playfully, causing the male to turn a bright red. He stammers lightly, trying to avoid the subject of his relationship with the God of Weather and Storm.
          "I- well I mean he's nice and he um-" You burst out in laughter before squishing Alex's cheeks.
          "Awe is someone embarrassed about his little crush?" You coo at him causing him to smirk widely and roll his eyes.
          "Awe, are you trying to focus on me so you can avoid talking about-" You cover his mouth in annoyance and give him a slight glare.
          "What are you guys doing?" Suga eyes the two of you in curiosity before leaning on Jimin and rolling his eyes as the two of you talk over each other in order to try and embarrass the other more. Jin lets out a sigh at your bickering forms, deciding to turn to the slightly amused RM instead.
           "Are we all set to head to the palace now?" RM nods, taking Alex's hand, immediately shutting the male up and earning a remark from you to tease him. Alex gives you the biggest glare before RM rolls his eyes and clears his throat.
          "Everyone grab onto each other, we're going the palace now." Jin holds onto RM's shoulder before grabbing onto your hand. You hold onto Jimin and Alex grabs Suga. In the blink of an eye you feel your body suddenly become lighter before falling down at a much more rapid pace. You hold your head in slight pain, steadying yourself on Jin, who has the same expression of pain as you.
          "No matter how many times we do that, I'll always hate it." Jimin mutters angrily before standing up straight again.
          "You're just a baby."
          "Alex- you're dead. It doesn't effect you traveling through space and matter like that!"
          "Uh- my little heart, how dare you!" Jimin and Alex begin to bicker back and forth, earning yet another sigh of disappointment from Jin. You, RM and Suga just laugh at the duo and roll your eyes.
          "(Y/n)!" You jump lightly as a teenage female tackles you in a hug. You laugh and hug the female back, patting her long hair. You nod at the male following after her. He smiles and greets the other males as well.
          "Grace, Taehyung, it's so good to see you!"
          "How are things at your village?"
          "They're good. How are things here?" Taehyung rests a hand on Grace's head. She was still shorter than you, even though she was 15 now. She honestly hadn't grown much, but her power certainly had. The amount of magical energy she bore was unimaginable. It was the power of the gem, she connected with it faster than the previous gem keepers ever had, unlocking a part of it no one had discovered before.
           "It's been okay." Taehyung mutters happily. He gestures to the door. "Hoseok, Mal, and Jungkook are waiting in the throne room for you guys." You all nod before Jin let's out a snort, following Taehyung and Grace.
           "Speaking of Jungkook, is he still trying to court Mal?" The others all chuckle along with him before Taehyung and Grace let out a sigh, rolling their eyes simultaneously.
           "He hasn't stopped. She doesn't seem to mind though."
           "Well Hoseok certainly does..." You smile at a sour looking Jungkook in front of the large doors of the throne room. He hugs you all before Turing back to the large doors of the palace. "He still won't let me..." He pouts slightly, making you laugh and rub his back.
          "Awe it's okay, once you're both a bit older he might let you." Jungkook rolls his eyes, muttering how they're both legally at an age where they can marry. He was right, it was just Hoseok loved messing with the younger male. He'd cave as soon as Mal gave him the puppy dog eyes and let the two of them marry. Mal just wasn't ready yet, she wanted to finish her training in magic before even thinking about marrying.
          "Lets get to it then. I don't know what's so important." Suga grumbles, wanting to just go home and sleep. He had been training all morning with Jin and Jimin. You all open the doors, smiling at Hoseok sitting on the throne. He had a jeweled crown upon his head, smiling kindly at the two villagers before him.
          "Thank you so much King Hoseok." Hoseok waves his hand dismissively at the villagers, they had been two people kicked out of their farmland after the Pirate King and his followers took over. Even after five years, there was much to fix and to do in order to help the other kingdoms rebuild and flourish. Hoseok was working hard to organize them all, rarely having time to talk to the ones of you that lived outside the palace. He was asked to be king after you had rejected the offer. At first he also wanted to reject, but you encouraged him to take the thrown, stating he'd be a far better ruler than you'd ever be. He countered saying he was just a soldier and nothing more, but you and the gods told him he had the heart of a good king. And you were right.
          "Please, allow my guards to escort you to your new farming land." The villagers bow once again to Hoseok before following two guards out of the throne room. They bow as they pass you, smiling gratefully to the guards escorting them. Hoseok looks at us before standing and patting Jimin's head.
          "Took you guys long enough." Jin laughs, scratching the back of his neck.
          "Yeah sorry about that. I was busy training Suga and Jimin today."
          "At like 5 am..." Suga grumbles off to the side of you. You chuckle and bump his shoulder.
          "Lighten up Yoongi." The male smiles sheepishly at the use of his real name. You were really the only one who he allowed to call him that, so when you used that name, it made him feel slightly special. He rolls his eyes when he realizes that's also why you used it... to make him less sour about waking up early. 
          "Why'd you call us here?"
          "I haven't had a break in a while and I wanted to talk to you all." Hoseok mutters sheepishly, looking at you all with a goofy grin. He missed you guys. He loved being ruler and he loved working side by side with the gods to keep the Gem Keeper and the kingdoms safe, but he missed just talking to you guys. The others laugh and begin to laze around, chatting about what they might have missed out on in the last month since you all last saw each other. You were busy talking with Jin and Hoseok when Taehyung suddenly lets out a loud cry.
          "What!? You aren't allowed to have a boyfriend!" Taehyung grumbles, shaking Grace's shoulders. She laughs while holding on to a flustered Suga. Suga wasn't sure what to do with himself, looking at Alex and Jimin for assistance. Jin laughs, walking over to try and defend Suga from the teenage girl's grasp and Taehyungs's overprotectiveness.
          "(Y/n), can I talk to you?" You nod at Hoseok before following him out of the thrown room and to a small balconies overlooking the vast forest beyond the Kingdom.
          "It's been a while since we last had a private conversation." You mumble, smiling up at the male. He nods, leaning against the balcony and watching the trees sway in the wind.
          "About four months." You eyes widen. Had it really been that long since the last time the two of you talked? You lean on the balcony next to him, smiling at the peaceful aura.
          "I didn't realize. I guess we've all been so busy..." He nods, glancing over to watch you. You smile slightly with your eyes closed, allowing yourself to be lost in wind and sounds of the bustling city below. Hoseok smiles, taking in your beauty before reaching out and taking your hand. You jump lightly, looking over to the male with a shy smile, your cheeks dusted slightly pink.
           "Actually, there's one more reason I called you here..." Hoseok takes both your hands in his before smiling fondly at you. He lifts one hand to brush some of your hair out of your face, letting it linger there. He cups your cheek gently and runs his thumb over your cheek bone. "Will you be my queen?" You eyes widen in shock.
          "You don't have to answer me now. You can alw-" You reach up to the taller male and plant your lips on top of his. His eyes flutter closed before you pull away.
          "AHA YES!" Both of you leap away from each other at the sudden shouting. At the balcony doors stood all the others. Jin had a slight pout on his lips, complaining about his his little girl is growing up too fast. Grace still clung to a distressed Suga, her brother fuming off to the side. Alex claps his hands along with Mal, RM, Jungkook, and Jimin.
          "How long were you all standing there?"
          "The whole time. We realized you two disappeared right away." Mal smiles happily, taking your hands in hers. "We'll have to plan the wedding right away! Oh we can have a double wedding." Her statement earns a shout of protest from Hoseok and one of shock from Jungkook. The others just laugh at the distress of the two males. Alex hops around saying he'd wants to be the maid of honor. You let out a loud snort, laughter bubbling up from your throat. You loved them.

                                                             The end.


This was an interactive au on Instagram so like here's some of the alternative endings:

What could have happened if they picked all the wrong choices:

          -> if you had went back to Jin instead of straight to the palace, you wouldn't have gotten there in time and he would have been executed.

          -> If you didn't let Suga fight with you guys, You wouldn't have been able to save Taehyung in time and he would have died.

          -> if you gave Jungkook the shell instead of keeping it, he would have attempted to blow it as soon as Grace had the gem and nothing would have happened. If nothing happened the soldiers would start to attack again resulting in Jungkook's death.

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