Part 8

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           "Okay, I won't tell the others." Jungkook smiles, handing you the conch shell once again. You run your fingers over it, slightly guilty that you were keeping such a large secret from the others. You look over the balcony and sigh at the rising sun, it was day already... You could barely see it shine behind the towering palace, it's presence was overwhelming.
          "We should wake up the others. Start planning and eat something." You nod as Jungkook walks off and back to his room. You slide your hand along the railing before smiling at the sun. You and Jin used to watch the sun rise on a cliff next to your village... You just hope he's alright. Shaking your head you turn back into the hall and go to your room. Taehyung and Grace were still fast asleep on the bed. You smile lightly at Taehyung's light snore and the fact he had drool coming out of his mouth. Walking over to your satchel, you slide the conch shell in before sliding it over your head to rest across your body.
          "Hey. The sun is up, let's get some breakfast." Grace rises slowly from her sleep, rubbing her eyes gently.
          "Time to wake up already?" You chuckle at her whining as Taehyung slides a pillow over his head.
          "A few more minutes." You and Grace smirk before pushing the poor male off the bed and onto the floor. He groans loudly, giving the two of you a side glare.
          "Come on, Alex and Jimin won't wait for us. They'll eat everything." Grace holds your hand as you walk out of the room. Taehyung grunts slightly before getting up and following you all out. He shuts the door behind you all, nodding at the other three males slowly coming out from their room.
          "I'm starving." Jimin whines, following you and Grace to the front of the inn where Mal sits reading a book. She smiles at you all before jumping up and greeting you.
          "Good morning, did you sleep well?" You smile at her, nodding your head to assure her you all slept well. "Are you looking for some food?"
          "That'd be great." Jungkook slides in front of you, making the poor girl blush at his sudden appearance. Honestly can't he just not? You push his head away from in front of you before offering an apologetic smile.
          "Yes, where can we get some breakfast?" Mal chuckles, dismissing Jungkook's behavior before pointing down the hall.
          "There's some fresh pastries and bread in that room. Luckily you're the first to wake up so you have first pick." You nod at her words, leading the others down the hall and into a rather large room. It was plain looking, but a few tables were set up in the middle with chairs while the ones against the walls displayed different pastries and bread. Grace runs off to grab some pastries while Taehyung tries and guides her away from anything too sweet. She secretly feeds Moon some of her pastries. Alex and Jimin share a large loaf of bread while Jungkook continues to try and talk with Mal. You pick up some bread, smiling sadly at it. It reminded you of Mrs. Reed and her fresh baked bread every morning. You hope she's okay. You turn to Mal and smile, trying to push Jungkook away.
          "Hoseok told us you're a magician." She blinks at you in surprise before sheepishly looking away. She didn't expect her brother to tell you all such a thing. He must really trust you if he to,d you she was a magician.
          "I can move water. I'm not good at it, but I try and train in secret."
          "It must be hard living in a city full of soldiers then." Jungkook mutters, smiling sadly at her. She nods, fidgeting with the hem of her Hijab.
          "Sometimes... yeah it is..."
          "Guys!" You almost drop your bread as Hoseok bursts through the doors. Jungkook side steps away from Mal, attempting to look innocent, but Hoseok still sends him a glare for flirting with his little sister.
          "Hoseok, is everything okay?" Hoseok grabs your arms, a bright smile adorning his face.
          "Jin is okay. They have him in a cell awaiting trial." Your eyes tear up and you drop your bread on the ground. He's safe. You can get there in time before the trial. You hug Hoseok, tears trailing down your face. He pats the back of your head before turning to Mal. "Go and stay with our parents, things will be hectic." She attempts to fight with him but he shakes his head, giving her a stern look. "Go." She looks at him with worry before nodding and leaving to find their parents.
          "I can round up some rebels to distract while we grab Jin. Then we can sneak into the palace."
          "I know where they keep the gem. I can take us there." Hoseok mutters. Jungkook nods before grabbing some more bread and pastries and heading for the door. He turns back and looks at you all, his face full of determination.
          "Get ready, I'll go to the rebels. Meet me in front of the palace." You nod at the male before eating the rest of your bread and then looking over to the others.
          "We'll split up. As much as I want to see Jin, I'll go with Taehyung, Hoseok and Grace to the gem."
          "Alright, Alex and I will go with Jungkook to grab Jin." You nod at Jungkook before grabbing Grace's hand and following Hoseok out of the inn. The five of you make your way down the streets, still amazed by the beauty of the city. Your heart pounds in your chest as you near the palace. It looms over the five of you, a dark aura radiating off of it, warning you to stay away. Grace pulls herself closer to you, afraid of the palace and its presence. You rub your thumb over her knuckles, calming her slightly before looking around. You note the familiar head of Jungkook in the crowd of people. He makes eye contact with you before nodding, signaling over to some men. One of them approaches a guard, shoving them lightly. You pull grace over to stand near Hoseok and Taehyung as the soldier attempts to reprimand the man. You cringe in disgust as the man spits in the soldiers face. It goes down hill from there. Fists fly everywhere as the soldier attacks the man, multiple other people joining in to defend him. Soldiers by the gate run over to support one of their own.
          "Come on." Hoseok pulls on your shoulder, leading all of you into the palace while the guards were distracted. Jungkook runs to meet up with you all. He hands Jimin a large pipe before nodding at you all.
          "You guys head up, we'll meet back up after we get Jin." Hoseok point them to the cells, letting them know where Jin would be. You nod as the three males run off towards the cells. You take Grace and Taehyung to follow Hoseok up to the gem room.
          "Move." Jungkook puts an arm out to stop Jimin and Alex. He looks around the corner and smirks. Jin was cuffed up, two soldiers shoving him to move forward. 
          "Sorry, but you holding my elbow and pushing me isn't making me go any faster." Jin barks back, sneering at the soldier holding his elbow. The soldier scoffs, hitting him and pushing the male to the ground. The soldier's heel digs into Jin's temple as he steps on him.
          "Watch your mouth and learn your place traitor." Jungkook nods at Alex. The male takes a deep breath before extending his palms, focusing his energy onto the cloth of the soldier's belt. A small flame sparks, distracting the soldiers. Jungkook and Jimin run behind them, hitting the two soldiers with the pipes, knocking them out.
          "Jimin? Jungkook?" Alex waves at Jin after stepping out from around the corner.
          "Hi yeah I'm here too." Jin laughs, allowing Alex to help him get out of his cuffs. He burns them off, but careful enough to not burn Jin's skin.
          "Wow, you've really improved."
          "All thanks to you and (y/n)." They help the male stand before running back down the corridor.
          "They said they were heading this way." Jungkook shouts, leading them down the palace halls. Jin smiles watching as you stop, turning to face Jungkook's voice. He runs full speed, tackling you in a hug. You cry out, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him as close as you possibly can. You didn't want to let go.
          "You're okay." Jin runs his fingers through your hair, smiling as his head rests on top of yours. You didn't realize how afraid you were until now. Without Jin you just didn't feel complete. He wasn't someone you could live without, even if it was just for a day or two. You never wanted this to happen again.
          "Of course I am. It's okay, it's okay." He cups your cheeks, kissing your forehead  before nodding at the others. "What's the plan?"
          "We're getting Grace to the gem." Jin nods at Taehyung's words before letting go of you. Hoseok takes lead once more to guide you all to the gem, but you stop. You tug on Jungkook's shirt, pulling him away from the retreating group. Your hands play with the straps of your satchel as you debate what to do. Should you give Jungkook the shell now?

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