Part 9

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          "Keep it." You look up at Jungkook with wide eyes. He lets out a sigh before starting to walk. "I can tell you want to keep it in order to keep it safe, so keep it. You'll know when to give it to me. I trust you." You smile and nod at him, running faster to catch up with the rest of the group.
          "Over here, this is the room the gem is in!" Hoseok pushes open two large doors. The gem sits on display, under a red tinted glass case. You all stare in awe, but something about this entire thing feels off. It couldn't possibly be as easy as it seems, could it? Your heart beat increases as Jungkook and Jimin approach the gem. There's no way. It can't be this easy... Jungkook lifts the case as Jimin grabs the gem, rubbing his thumb over it. He turns to Grace, a small smile on his face. He kneels down before her, holding it out, the gem shining from the light pouring in through the windows.
          "This is yours."
          "Mine?" Taehyung laughs and kneels next to her as well. He pats her head, edging her forward to touch the gem.
          "Yes, it'll make you better." Grace looks at Taehyung with hesitation before reaching out and touching the gem. Nothing happens...
          "Did it work?" Alex tilts his head to the side. He jumps over to your side as soon as a loud and low chuckle comes from behind you all as Suga appears from the shadows. The room becomes pitch black, the windows no longer allowing any light to peak through. You quickly grab Grace and pull her to your side.
          "Did you really think we'd just leave the gem out in the open after that whole fiasco outside? It was obvious you were creating a distraction."
          "Where's the gem?" Grace clings to your side, her face buried into your hip. Suga eyes her, a smile creeping onto his face. Shadows begin to creep up on all of you, but Alex throws his hands forward, fending off the shadows with his light. Suga sneers, his eyes flashing black.
          "What a little pest."
          "A cute little pest." Alex smiles cockily back at Suga. You stumble lightly, feeling your mind being pushed to the side as RM enters it. You feel yourself float, no longer in control of your own movements. He uses you to step forward, a growl rising from in his throat.
          "Dong Sicheng, god of shadows, you traitor..."
          "RM, long time no see." Suga's eyes flash black once again. He was possessed... just like what RM does to you except Dong Sicheng has complete control offer the male in front of you. "I see you've been assisting the humans. I though all gods agreed to stop helping them?"
          "I could say the same to you. Why help a human steal the gem?"
          "All of you were blind, helping the humans and destroying our reign as gods. Despicable. You gave up our power and for what?" He throws his hands up, pushing Alex back slightly. The male winces, but keeps his ground against the god. "Just so those ungrateful humans could use us and bleed us dry!"
          "Lies. You just wanted the power, but with them in the way you couldn't get it."
          "Shut up!" Suga's eyes become completely back as he throws his hands forward, blowing you all back. You feel RM being ripped from your conscious. You squeeze your eyes shut as RM holds on to your mind for as long as he possibly can.
          "(Y/n), you're a pure blood! One drop of your blood will expel Sicheng from Suga's body! Do it!" You clutch your head in pain as he shouts into your head. With those final words RM is forcefully pushed out of your mind. You fall back, holding Grace close to you. Suga stands before you all, a smile etched permanently one to his face.
          "Unfortunately, you need to hand over the gem keeper. She needs to be eliminated." You hand Grace to Taehyung before turning to the others. He pulls her close, hiding behind Jungkook and Jin in order to protect her from Suga.
          "I know what to do! You guys just have to get me close to him!" Alex nods, running and throwing a flash of light to temporarily blind Suga. Jin grabs Moon from Grace and whispers in the rabbits ear. It runs out of the room as Jin waits by the door, ready to defend the gem keeper and Taehyung. You stand and hold your arms out, power surging through your body. With a sharp downwards motion of you hand, lightning strikes the window, shattering it and allowing light to seep into the room.
          "Pests!" He growls out. Suga throws his arm forward, a shadow being sent straight to Jin and the others. You reach out to send a bolt of lightning to protect them, but a wolf jumps through the shadow, tearing it apart. Jin smirks, Moon back in his arms as four wolves surround him. Alex uses the moment of distraction to set Suga's multiple shadow figures on fire.
           "Jungkook, knife." Jungkook throws his small pocket knife at you. You catch it, opening it up and slicing your hand open. Suga eyes you, not understanding why you would use the knife on yourself and not him. You use some wind to propel yourself at Suga. He throws his hands up to send a shadow at you, but Alex blocks it with light. None of his shadow monsters can come to his aid as Jin and his wolves are battling them. You tackle the male to the ground, wiping your palm against his cheek. Your blood smears across his face. He throws you off of him with such force you are thrown against the wall. You groan in pain, clutching your side in the hopes that you ease the pain slightly. You cough up some blood, Jimin running over to help you up.
          "What did you do!?" Suga shouts out, the blood burning his skin. You watch as  eyes flash back to their normal color. He drops to his knees, the shadows around him dissipating slowly. The others watch in awe as he lets out a another scream.
           "RM said only a drop of my blood would expel you from his body."
           "You're a pure blood!?" Suga attempts to send a shadow your way but ultimately falls to the ground. He lets out a few pained groans before completely collapsing on the ground. Jimin helps you stand up, your legs still shaky from being thrown across the room. You point over to Suga, letting him help you over to him.
          "Are you okay?" You kneel down before him. The others all step forward, afraid of what he would do to you.
          "(Y/n), be careful!" Jin shouts out, his hand on the top of a wolf's head. He was ready to send it over and attack Suga if necessary. You touch Suga's back, smiling sadly as you hear the male let out a cry. He lifts his head, tears trailing down his face. He looked so small and fragile in that moment.
          "Thank you. Thank you so much." The others relax slightly, sadly staring at the male before them. "I never wanted to do any of that."
          "What happened to you?" Jimin kneels down with you, attempting to comfort the male as well.
          "As soon as I discovered my powers, the Pirate King and his men took me away from my family. They slaughtered my entire village. Dong Sicheng said I was to be his vessel. I didn't have a choice." You and Jimin help the male stand, he was shaking just as badly as you were.
          "We need to find the gem. Please, where is it?"
          "Hongjoong has it. He knew you were coming." Jin walks over to you, helping you steady yourself before lifting your shirt to check your side and wincing. A large purple bruise took up half of your torso.
          "I'm so sorry." You chuckle and wave the male off.
          "It's fine. It wasn't you." You stand up straight, despite the pain and the worry of Jin. "Besides, it's just a bruise. I'll live."
          "We need to get to the Pirate King. He is most likely armed with soldiers."
          "He has no other magicians. Him and Sicheng killed them all. All that is left are his soldiers." You nod solemnly, looking over to Hoseok.
          "Hoseok, do you think you can lead us to the king?" He nods at you before looking over at Suga.
          "What about him?" Everyone looks at the male with uncertainty.
          "Let me fight with you. I've been under their control for too long."
          "There's no way. We can't." Jungkook shakes his head. Taehyung nods along in agreement, still a bit unsure about the male before him.
          "We need the man power. Who knows how many guards he'll have. And (y/n) is already hurt, we can't only rely on them." Alex points out the very obvious fact hanging above their heads. You were weakened, all of you used your magic, if you went in blindly then it could end horribly.
          "Suga... I think it's best that..."

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