Part 4

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          "Hide. Go, take Grace and go." You turn to the others and push them lightly. You hand Jungkook Your satchel and push Jin away from you.
          "Are you insane?" Jungkook shouts but you just choose to ignore him and turn back at the sight before you.
          "Listen, if they see you they'll kill you. You have to hide. Protect the Gem Keeper. You and Jin know how to fight." Taehyung holds Grace close to his chest, fear evident in his eyes. Jungkook grips the strap of your bag before turning and running with Grace and Taehyung to a carriage nearby. Jin grabs your elbow, his features scrunched in concern.
          "I'm not leaving you." You pull his hand off your elbow before smiling gently.
          "I'll be okay. Go to the carriage. Get it ready to run." Jin looks into your eyes before pulling you in for a hug. He holds you for no longer than a minute, but it felt like forever.
          "If you get yourself captured I'll kill you..." You laugh and push him away.
          "Go." Jin looks back at the soldiers setting fire to the village then looks back at you. He takes your face in his hands and kisses your forehead before running off to the carriage with Grace and the others. You take a shaky breath before holding out your hand. You feel a jolt of electricity flow through your body before focusing it into the palm of your hand. The air around you shifts lightly as a few droplets of rain dance across the sky. Some of them hit the tip of your nose before finally it begins to downpour. The soldier look up in awe, as the shouts of the villagers lowers greatly. Their distress turns into fear as the soldiers around them pull out their swords, sensing magic in the air.
          "Come on..." You mutter, jutting your hand out further, almost to the point where you can be seen from behind your hiding place. The air shifts again as a strong wind pushes the soldiers near Alex and Jimin back. The two of them, as well as the other tied up circus folk look around in amazement. The soldiers attempt to stand, but the wind is too strong for them. You feel the sweat drip down your face as you bring your hand down in a swift movement. The clouds open up to allow a large bolt of lightning to strike at the feet of the soldiers. The leaves on the ground whip around from the force of the wind, surrounding the soldiers, making them unable to see anything. If they tried to push through, the force is large enough for the leaves to cut through their armor and flesh. You run from your hiding spot and Jimin's eyes light up.
          "(Y/n)!" You smile at Jimin before untying his restraints.
          "I'll grab Alex, you untie the rest of the circus people." He immediately stands and begins to untie his friends. You lift Alex from the ground and he smiles at you, half unconscious. His face was a mess. His right eye was swollen shut and his lip was cracked open.
          "Well, look who decided to show up!" He chuckles and you roll your eyes before helping him stand. You look over at Jimin and he smiles before making his way over to you. His hair was soaked and it clung to the side of his face. He had discarded his completely torn shirt, preferring to just stay shirtless. You look up with concerned features as the rain starts to let up. You hand Alex over to Jimin, feeling your energy drain slowly.
          "Let's go, Jin and the others are in a carriage waiting." Jimin looks back at the circus, distress floating in his eyes before looking back at Alex. If they stayed, they'd kill Alex... but if they left... the circus could be in danger... they were his family...
          "Go." The ringmaster mutters before standing in front of the two males. "We'll be fine. Protect him." Jimin tears up and nods at the ringmaster before turning back to you. You stumble lightly, your magic letting up, releasing the soldiers from the tornado of leaves.
          "Shit." You curse out, watching as the soldiers make eye contact with you all. You get up quickly, running with Jimin and Alex as best as you could. One of the carriages takes off from the side of you, swerving so it can be in front of the three of you. The back opens up revealing Taehyung and Jungkook. Jimin and you run faster, each of you holding onto Alex's beaten form. You both lift the injured male up for Jungkook and Taehyung to grab. They pull him up, struggling slightly before they're able to lay him off the the side. The rain finally disperses as you stumble once again. Jimin is able to jump up into the carriage, Jungkook grabbing the rim of his pants and hoisting him up. Your head begins to feel fuzzy as the soldiers scream at your back. Your vision blurs but you keep your steady pace up and jump, your hand outstretched. A firm hand locks onto your own as Taehyung reaches out further, grabbing you and hoisting you up. You let out a cough as Taehyung finally gets you up and into the carriage, both of you falling on top of each other. You feel the jolt of the carriage as Jin fastens the pace knowing you are all on board safely. You sit up quickly, holding out your hand, feeling the last of your energy burst out and towards the soldiers hot on your trail. They are all blown back with such force you could no longer see them in the distance.
         "Wow." Taehyung mutters from beside you, letting out a small yell as you collapse in his arms. "Are you okay?"
          "I used too much energy." You cough out. Grace sits in the corner, holding her rabbit close to her chest. She eyes you with worry before coming to your side and holding your arm in her tiny hands.
          "Will you be okay miss magician?" You smile over at her and nod before Taehyung helps you get back up and against the side of the carriage. You look to the front as Jungkook leans through the small hole, connecting the driver and the passengers.
          "Your powers are amazing. How did you do that?" Alex calls out.
          "I've been training my magic since I was little. I used to hurt myself a lot in the beginning." You rest your head against the side of the carriage before sighing in content. You close your eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep as Taehyung slides a small blanket over you and Grace, who still clutches your side. Jungkook leans back out of the hole in the carriage before sitting down.
          "Jin said we're heading to this enchanted forest." He brings his right knees up so he can rest his arm on it. "Says he knows the animals there. They'll protect us while we hide for a while." Taehyung nods, helping Jimin tend to Alex's wounds. Grace had cuddled up next to you, fast asleep as well, her rabbit laying across the blanket covering both of you. It doesn't take you long to awake from your slumber, happy that it restored most of your energy. The road becomes bumpier and more hazardous the more Jin steers off the trail and into the enchanted forest. The animals welcome him with small chirps and howls, guiding him to a clearing deep in the forest. He parks the carriage off to the side of the clearing before looking back through the small hole.
          "Everyone out." He cheers, jumping out of the carriage himself. He goes around the back helping Jimin take Alex out as Jungkook helps you. Taehyung lifts Grace gently and jumps out of the carriage following you all. Jin tells Jimin to place Alex on the ground before they back away from him.
          "Are you doing what I think you are?" You mutter out, still groggy from the lack of energy. Jungkook shifts lightly, helping you stand better.
          "We're in the enchanted forest... Of course I am." Jin lets out a low whistle, his hands rising slowly from his sides. He focuses his energy as a light emits from his fingertips. Small specs of light come floating from the forest around you. They look almost like the spores that come from flowers and mushrooms. The collect themselves around Jin's fingertips before they spread across his entire hands. He kneels before Alex and firmly presses his hands against the male's chest. The light fades slowly, Alex's body absorbing it. Soon the light dissipates and Alex sits up, his face no longer battered and bruised.
          "Wh-What just happened?" Jin lets out a cough before leaning against Alex, who supports his form.
          "It's part of my magic. The animals in this forest are able to give me their life force to heal someone." The others stare in awe as Alex helps Jin to his feet.
          "Let's set up some stuff and get to sleep. We can go into the village I saw on the way here for supplies tomorrow." Jungkook suggest, all of you head back into the carriage and laying out sheets to sleep. You stay near Grace, brushing some hair out of her face before covering her up. She sleeps well.
          "I say that tomorrow Taehyung, Grace and Alex stay here. Alex can hide you all in case soldiers tracked us here. Jimin, Jungkook and I will head to the village. (Y/n), what do you want to do?"
          "I want to stay with Taehyung, Alex and Grace."

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