Part 1

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Weather. Storm. A man standing before you with a halo of light adorning his features. A warning flies from his lips but you can't hear him. What is he saying?What does he mean? Who is in danger? You shoot up from your bed cot, sweat drops running down your face as you take in your still blurry surroundings. You blink a couple of times before calming yourself. It was a dream... the same dream that you've been having for a couple of weeks now. You wipe your forehead with the back of you hand before trying to remember the mysterious man and his warning. Who was he? Why did his voice sound so soothing and beautiful, yet like nails on a chalkboard? You shake your head before swinging your feet over the side of you bed and removing the covers from your body. Why did you always wake up with more stress than you went to sleep with? A light knock on your door causes you to lose your train of thought, making you heave another sigh.
          "(Y/n)? Oh good you're awake."
          "Morning Mrs. Reed." You greet the old widow kindly. She had taken you in when your mentor had died a few years back. She always looked out for you and Jin. Speaking of Jin, usually he woke you up... where was he?
          "Good morning dear. I hate to bother you but Jin left this morning and hasn't come back yet. I'm a bit worried since I know soldiers are in town as well as that circus." You smile kindly at Mrs. Reed before getting up and going over to your small dresser. You pull out some clothes and place them on your bed neatly. It was a plain white shirt that that hung off you're shoulder. You paired it with a pair of baggy brown pants that belonged to Jin. You usually tied something around your waist to keep them from falling. You smile gently before walking over to the door and resting your hand on the handle.
          "I'll go out and try to find him."
          "Okay. Be safe dear. There's some bread in the kitchen for when you're dressed." You nod and bow lightly before closing the door and quickly throwing on your clothing. You pull your hair up in a small braided bun before grabbing your satchel and heading into the main hall. Mrs. Reed's cottage was larger compared to others but also extremely small. It had two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen and a small lounge area. It was really luxurious, it even had working plumbing! You make your way into the kitchen and grab the small piece of bread before waving at the widow and leaving the cottage. You knew exactly where Jin would be. There this place just beyond the village and the woods where the trees part for this beautiful lake. You would train there often with your mentor and whenever Jin becomes upset, he'd go there. You push aside a few branches, smiling at the sight of Jin kneeling before the bank of the lake.
          "Jin! There you are! You made Mrs. Reed worried!" You jog up to Jin's side but stop in your tracks when you see what he is looking at. Oh no. "Oh Jin, I'm so sorry..." A deep frown etches itself across Jin's face as he cradles the small white dove in his hand. His fingers were stained with the blood of the creature and so was the cloth he was using to hold it. A green and red arrow goes through the head of the dove, almost a perfect shot.
          "They killed him. It's a soldier's arrow. I'd recognize it anywhere." He pulls the arrow from the bird's head before throwing the it into the lake. Both of you watch as it is taken away by the current, floating farther and farther away from your forms. Jin stands up and wraps the small creature in a brown cloth before looking back at you. His frown deepens when he sees your upset form, so he chooses to fake a smile and bump your shoulder. He hates seeing you upset. You look up at him with a small smile of your own before placing your hand over the brown cloth, saying your prayers for the small innocent creature.
          "Let's go back. Mrs. Reed has fresh baked bread." Jin nods, following you through the thick forest and out the other side to the edge of your small village. A few villagers smile at you and nod before continuing on their way. Usually the villagers would ask for favors like watering their crops with your rain or asking Jin to tell the forest critters to stay out of them, but with the soldiers here they didn't want to bring attention to either of you.
           "Oh hey!" Both of you stop as a voice calls out in your direction. You turn and smile as the male bows before rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Do you guys think you can help me?" Jin looks at the foreign man strangely before you pat his shoulder in reassurance.
          "Yeah I can." You push Jin lightly before smiling kindly at him. "Go back to the house and talk to Mrs. Reed." Jin eyes the male behind you suspiciously before nodding and continuing to the small cottage you resided in. You turn back to the male and he lets out a huge sigh in relief.
          "Thanks so much! We're short staffed since some of our circus members quit." He hands you a piece of the circus tent's metal poles before grabbing a couple of his own.
          "I heard about you guys coming here. I didn't realize you'd be here so early though." The male laughs before setting up a couple of the poles in the ground. He moves some of his hair out of his eyes before focusing again on the poles and making sure they were properly rooted in the ground.
          "Yeah. We're also a bit ahead of schedule. My name is Jimin by the way."
          "My name is (y/n)."
          "That's a beautiful name." He winks at you before grabbing the last pole from you hands. You jump lightly when you feel a sudden presence behind you. You turn your head to look but see nothing. You blink a few times before shaking your head and turning back to Jimin. He seems to have a surprised expression for a few moments before wiping it off his face and replacing it with a smile.
          "Do you need anything el-" You turn around quickly and reach out grabbing at the air. You freeze when your fingers latch around a wrist. Your eyes widen as a male slowly appears in front of you. Shock was evident on his face before he looks past you and at Jimin, his eyes begging for help.
          "Let him go! He means no harm." You slowly release the male's arm and he lets go of your pouch, letting you place it back in your satchel. He was stealing your money? Is that why Jimin asked you to help him? Was he a magician?
          "Who are you, we're you trying to steal from me, and do you guys know magic?" Jimin looks at the other male nervously before they both look around quickly and pull you behind some cottages. You ready yourself to fight and scream if they try anything but both of them exchange secret glances, almost like they were communicating with just their eyes. The mysterious boy lets out a sigh before facing you with a strained smile.
         "My name is Alex. I know magic, Jimin doesn't... and yes... we were trying to steal from you..."
         "Do you try to steal from every person you meet?"
         "Only the pretty ones." Jimin smirks at you and you roll your eyes. Okay so they obviously try and steal from whoever finds them attractive and Jimin can distract easily. Alex elbows Jimin before looking back at you with pleading eyes.
          "Don't tell anyone. We are a part of the circus... we just really need money." You sigh before looking at Alex and pulling out your pouch. They both eye you suspiciously before you hold out two gold pieces and grin widely.
          "I don't have much, but if you tell me your magic, it's yours."
          "You're a magician. How else would you be able to do that?" Alex heaves a sigh before looking nervously at Jimin. Jimin just shrugs before eyeing you carefully and then looking back towards the tent to make sure no one was watching them.
          "I can bend light. It's what allows me to become invisible... I'm not good at it besides being able to do that..." He turns his face away from you, his cheeks dusted pink in embarrassment. He felt kind of pathetic admitting that... What magician doesn't know how to use their powers anyway? He was definitely ashamed.
          "Maybe I can help you with that." Jimin raises a brow before jumping lightly when two older men call him and Alex back over to the tents. "Maybe another time, looks like you're needed." You toss the gold coins at the two men before going around the cottages and down the road. Another magician... in your village. How exciting... You skip lightly before looking back as the two guys begin to put the tent back together. You turn around but stop short as a male crosses behind two cottages with thorns around his wrists. What is going on with your village today? First a soldier shoots Jin's dove, then there are two circus thieves (one of which is a magician), and now a strange man that seems to be restrained? You shake your head as two soldiers grab your arms roughly and pull you back.
          "You, have you seen a restrained rebel?" You blink at them owlishly before remembering the man who crossed between the two cottages just seconds ago.
          "No, I'm sorry." The man grunts before shoving your arm away from him and motions for the other soldier to follow him. The second soldier looks at you with pity, eying your arm to make sure you were okay. What is with this one soldier? Soldiers never show mercy in their eyes... why was he?
          "Hoseok. Let's go." The soldier stands straighter in alarm and follows after the older looking one. You turn back around, no longer heading for Mrs. Reed's cottage but rather in the direction of the restrained rebel. You needed to get him out of here as soon as possible. If not, he was sure to face execution. You make your way around a couple of the cottages before finally making eye contact with a male hiding behind some crates. You put your finger to your lips as you watch four soldiers pass by before making your way over to him.
          "Come with me." You mutter quietly and lift the male up before beginning to walk into the forest. You hear the chirp of a bluebird before smiling at it. It seems to nod its head and fly off in the direction of the village. You eventually make it to the clearing you and Jin had just came from before bringing the confused and wary rebel over to the lake. Were you going to drown him? Were you going to call the soldiers?
          "What do you want with me?" You grab his arms and slide them under the water. He stares at your face with curiosity, noting how some of your hair fell from your braided bun and stuck to the sides of your face from the humidity. You purse your lips as you slide your fingers under the thorns. He blinks a few times in disbelief as the thorns break and slide off his wrists.
          "These types of thorns aren't made to survive in areas that receive lots of rain. They become soggy and break apart." You mumble before wiping your hands on your pants and smiling up at him. "My name in (y/n). Nice to meet you rebel."
          "Jungkook. Why did you he-" Both of you stand up in alarm as the bushes rustle. Jungkook pushes you behind him protectively before Jin emerges from the bushes. He is out of breath of relief before he eyes Jungkook suspiciously.
          "Jin!" You run from around Jungkook and smile at the taller male before you. He lets out a low growl and pulls you in for a hug, his chin resting on the top of your head. He glares lightly at Jungkook.
          "You scared me! Why'd you run off like that!?"
          "He's a rebel! We should help him just lik-"
          "No. No, you were right, we shouldn't mix with the rebels anymore." You stare at him with wide eyes. What's he serious? Just a few weeks ago he was all about rebels but what suddenly changed his mind? You look back at Jungkookbefore pulling Jin to the side.
          "I found another magician."
          "What?" Jin looks back over at Jungkook before looking at you in disbelief. You laugh and shake your head before bringing him down to your level a bit more.
          "Not him. In the circus." You rub the corner of your eyes before looking back at Jungkook with a smile. "I know how I said not to mess with rebels anymore but... today so many things were off and I've been having dreams so maybe it's a si-"
          "Dreams? You didn't tell me you were having dreams!" You shush Jin before smiling sheepishly at him. You eye the ground before thinking back to everything that happened today... if had to be a sign... right?
          "Look, I don't understand it but my gut is telling me that this is what we are supposed to be doing. Please Jin... trust me for once!" Jin looks at you sternly before looking back at Jungkook with wary eyes. It's not that he didn't trust you... he just didn't trust him. Rebels sold out his father all those years back... Mrs. Reed had told him when you were gone and doing whatever you were doing with this rebel. They did it to save their own skins... and what did his father get? Execution. He looks back at your eyes and sighs when he sees the determination and spirit behind them. Your eyes held a flame he didn't see often, but loved so much. He would go to the ends of the earth for you. You were his best friend. His soulmate. Jin stands straight before looking at you then at Jungkook. He pulls you over to the other male before rubbing his temples.
         "The circus performs tonight then they leave for the next village. That's the routine they follow. We can stow away with them..." He looks back in the direction of the village before turning to you. "Or we can hide him back at Mrs. Reed's place. It's up to you."
           "I think we should stow away with the circus." The others nod at your decision. Circus it is.

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