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When I was little my great grandfather used to tell me these stories... they were of when our world, the Land Of The Gems, was beautiful. Their was life roaming every corner of every kingdom. He used to tell me of the fairies and the forests that the gods resided in. These gods loved us so much that they bestowed upon us powers to control nature. With theses powers we could harvest foods, build homes, cross oceans, do anything we wanted. They did this all for us as long as we kept the gem, Pura Mundi, and the Gem Keeper away from harm. Pura Mundi is the one thing that gods loved more than us. It is this gem that holds all of the gods' powers. Without the gem they become nothing. They become weak, almost like mortals but not completely. As long as we agreed to protect it, they gave us all we wanted. We lived like this for centuries, always protecting the gem and the keeper from evil hands. Hands that we're filled with greed and that hungered for power beyond belief. Unfortunately, the Gem Keeper was brutally murdered and the gem was stolen. The Pirate King, Hongjoong, took the gem, causing our lands and harvests to quickly die. Plagues spread across our kingdoms and our people were slowly dying. When we turned to the gods for help, they turned their backs on us, for we had betrayed their trust. They stripped us of our powers and removed magical beings from our forests. Since then, only few are born with powers, and if they are found, they are brought before the Pirate King. If they refuse to work for him, they are executed without second thoughts. I am one of those people. My family kept me a secret from the royal guards and gave me to my mentor. Him and his son, Kim Seokjin, kept me away from the Pirate king and his guards. We practice in the dark and use our magic only for the rebels and the people in our village that know we possess it. Until the next Gem Keeper is born, we shall stay in darkness.
          Unfortunately, a few years ago my mentor was found while on a mission in another village and was taken to the Pirate King. He was executed later that day and the local village widow took Jin and I in. Together we practiced our magic without anyone knowing. Our existence soon became a secret that only those in the village knew. Jin was able to communicate with animals and I was able to control the weather. My powers often caused the two of us trouble, but Jin has always protected me when some of the villagers became angry or if soldiers came through.  Soldiers were something that frightened all of us, not just those with special abilities. They come without warning and take what they want. They often leave most villages without any food and kill our livestock. They don't care about anyone but themselves. To them it is easier to rule with fear than love, something the Pirate King and his followers believed in almost religiously. After all, it was ruling with love and trust that led to the downfall of the gods. Unfortunately, their system isn't as perfect as they had hoped. Over the past six to seven years rebels have been popping up across all kingdoms. They have slowly been overthrowing those in power.  Three out of the eight kingdoms have broken out into war, resulting in the rebels winning. King Seonghwa, Yunho and Mingi have all fallen at the hands of the rebels. Hongjoong has since put more guards in places where rebels are rumored to be housed and they push down as many rebellions and movements as possible. Hongjoong's kingdom, the one which we reside in, is the largest, but is the most under control. Most of us believe it is because he has Suga. Suga is a magician that works under the Pirate King and is notoriously known for having no mercy. No one knows his true identity, just his alias and his reputation.
          Rumors have been floating around our village that a rebel leader has been arrested and that there will be a public execution to show us what will happen if we attempt to rebel. The execution is expected to take place a week from harvest day. Jin and I have avoided working with rebels like my mentor did in fear of ending up with the same fate... death. However, with each day that passes Jin becomes angrier with the soldiers and the loyal subjects of the Pirate king. I fear he may follow his father's path and attempt to rebel against the eight kingdoms to help steal the gem back to restore our world. In some ways I want to help him, but there's is no Gem Keeper to restore the gem's powers, at least not one that we know of. Until the Gem Keeper is reborn, I will protect Jin and I from harm.
                                       My name is (y/n), and this is my story.
                                                         This is our story.
                            This is our time to rewrite history. Will you join us?

                                                Yes                                  No

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