14: Unexpected suprise

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Third Person POV

???: Y/n?

You: Sana...

(The two of them stood there, awkwardly looking at each other.)

You: Um, you can take that bag... I'll grab another one...

(Y/n grabbed a different bag of chips and tried to flee the scene but Sana stopped him first by grabbing his arm.)

Sana: Wait! I-I want to talk to you...

(Y/n sighed, with his back faced to her.)

You: There's nothing to talk about anymore...Sana...

Sana: Yes there is... I-

Chaeyoung: Hey oppa, I grabbed the drink that you liked

(Chaeyoung secretly eavesdropped and interrupted the conversation, on purpose, because she knew it was gonna get weird in a bit.)

Sana: Oh, your girlfriend is here...Sorry for bothering your time...

(Y/n didn't hear hear the statement Sana just said. Sana quickly walked past the two, payed for her snacks, and left the 7/11.)

You: Thanks Chae...

Chaeyoung: So that's the Sana you've been talking about, huh?

(Y/n nodded his head.)

Chaeyoung: Hmm, alright, let's head to the car and go home.

You: Before we go home, let's stop somewhere...

(Chae nodded.)



Chaeyoung: Ew oppa

(After coming from the liquor store, Y/n got drunk in Chae's room.)

Chaeyoung: You better be quiet, my parents are asleep

You: Hehe, sorry Chae

Chaeyoung: So, are you gonna talk to her since your in Seuol?

You: Talk to who?

(Chae face palmed.)

Chaeyoung: Sana you idiot!

You: Oh yeah, no

(Chae smacked the drunk Y/n on the back of his head.)

Chaeyoung: You sound stupid, at least talk to her!

You: But why? She is just some stupid b*tch who left me for a rich guy

(Y/n, clearly, was still heartbroken by Sana. He didn't really mean that Sana was a b*tch.)

Chaeyoung: You should talk to her, work things out. You two ended the relationship in a toxic and unhealthy way, but talking to her can solve the problems and even evolve to a good friendship. Even if you don't want to be friends with her anymore, just clear things out and end it off in a good way.

(Y/n looked at the ground and sighed.)

Chaeyoung: You're still upset about her, I know, but talking it out will tie up loose ends. I promise you...

(Chae hugged the now crying Y/n.)


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