Chapter 22: Speed dating game(1)

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[Marcus POV]

"How about a speed dating game?"

The class were filled with excitement and happiness. The game is new for them, so they don't know how to play this. Well, except for me since I read about this and the outcome of this game.

Sir West continued, "This game is to know your classmate better. Let me explain this to you; this game is about knowing your friends better. I prepared questions for you to ask your classmates and all of those must be answered for about 5 minutes. After that, you'll change your partner and will ask the same questions"

One of my classmate raised her hand, "how does that related to dating?"

"Good question. You see, after you ask your classmates a bunch of same set of questions, you will decide one of them to be your 'date' and since you have free time afterwards, I'll give you enough time to be with your date and deepen your relationship."

Hoo..I see, if that's the case then—

"So can we go outside? Since you said we should deepen our relationship"

"I'll give you a permission for that but the only farthest you can go is the plaza"

I silently punched the air. I see, I see then I can roam outside.  I like this game already.

Skyler raised his hand, "Sir, you said that we will decide one of our dates right? What if that person we chose didn't choose us?"

Sir West nodded at him,"I already assumed that. So for your question, you will have five choices for your chosen date. So if the first one didn't chose you, you have two remaining choices."

Sir West pondered a little. "but if those five, by any chance, rejected you; then you can draw lots with your other classmates who have no partners as well; Random partner is also fun", he laughed as if he was entertained by that idea, "let me know your experience. The partners should write an essay about their date"

This instructor seems like your ol' shipper; he reeks that kind of feeling. The one who will push two people since they look good together.

I let out an empty laugh. Even in this world, these kind of people also exist. I'm also like that, so I can relate to him.

Sir West picked up something from his bag and coughed to get our attention, "I have a set of questions for all of you", he hands a paper to us, "you will ask that to everyone of your classmates since I don't discriminate, you can choose any gender to be your date "

he mumbled something under his breath but I didn't hear it. I turned my gaze to the paper that was handed to me and read the contents:

1. Your first impression to the one you're talking to.
2. What is the likeability level of the one you're talking to? Scale 1-5, 5 being the highest.
3. What makes you fall in love?
4. Free: (Ask anything you want!)


I blinked more faster than usual; I'm amazed how these questions escalated quickly. You only asked them about their first impression and then you'll talk the meaning of love. I think Sir West is really excited for this game

"The game will consist of two teams; after you are done with your group, you can start asking the people in the other group" Sir West announced while shaking the box.

Yeah, he really is excited about this game the most. He prepared all these things for us and how can we have an enough time for our supposed-to-be date.


We stand in line while we are getting our first partner in the box. I wonder who will I be getting first?

"Hey~ Marcus, what are thinking about?"

From behind, Rick asked me while poking my cheek.

"Nothing," I shook my head, "I'm thinking about who will be my first partner for this"

Rick was still poking my cheeks but I knew that he listened to what I said, "Is that so? It doesn't matter for me, I think even without that I'll place you in one of my choices to date with"

I turned to him, "But I'm a guy? Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah, we are friends right?" Rick tilted his head, as if I spouted an obvious question. "We can go wherever we want."

He pinched my cheeks while smiling."where do you want to go? If there's anything you want, then we will go there"

"it hurshts!! I dun kno' where to goo~ sho shtop dis!" He let go and patted my head. Oww, seriously! I held my cheeks, maybe he will try this stunt again. Even if I glared at him he will dismissed it with his laugh.

"Mr. Vermillion" Sir West called me while shaking the box, "it's your turn."

I do what he said and I put my hand inside the box.

"Hmm.." I shuffled the paper and picked one, "seems I'm at the red team"

"Then I'll want to be in red team as well" Rick mumbled while picking his team

.. Even if he went to the other team, we can ask these questions later on. No need to bother about your group, Rick.

"Yay!" Rick shouted and turned to me, "I'm at the same group as you!"

He hugged me while jumping because of happiness. Since Skyler is after Rick, I peeked at his paper that is– blue. Oh, so he is at the other group. He really looks dejected while going to his respective group.

..The group really doesn't matter since we can ask the other team. It is only made to be organized somehow; Is being in the red team important?


The game starts now. My first partner is Bert Linden, George' friend. Even if we fought last time in the fencing class, I don't know anything about him. We faced each other and I started the question first:

Bert let me ask you first:

"1. What is your first impression of me?"
"A messed up person who only wanted to ridicule people but now I see that you're different."

A really blunt person, this man

"2.What is my likeability level?"
"Hmm.. 3?" I clicked my tongue.

"3. What makes you fall in love?"

"Maybe if we have same interests in Nature" Bert then laughed, "If both of us went to mountain then we can have a good conversation"

I nodded at him. This man seems a little romantic, huh? To be in nature with your love is a nice feeling.
I stared at the paper. Since I have last question, I must not waste it.

"Then for my last question—" I coughed and looked at him,

"Does George have any strange behavior from how he naturally acts to us? Like he hides something from anyone?"

He stopped smiling and looked away, ".. Nothing, it's nothing".

It seems there is something wrong. I furrowed my eyebrows and pressed it further,

"You have something on your mind. What is it?"

Bert didn't even bother to look at me and tries to avoid at my question, "nothing.. George is a kind person. I, I assure you"

I tried to ask more when Sir West rang a bell, indicating that your other partner will ask you.

I sighed. I didn't get any but based on his actions,

There is something going on with George

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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