Chapter 3: Looking forward on my new life

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[Marcus POV]

On my way to Academy, I looked at my white haired butler,Freed. Looks like the original Marcus didn't hate this one, he took his job perfectly and he is also smart.  "Freed, I want to ask you something". The butler looks at me and said, " May I inquire what is it, Young master?"

"Can you get the whole list of first year students here in Academy?", I said.

"I will immediately do that Young master. Looks like my master follows the Duke and Duchess now". He smiled at me like his own kid are now getting mature.

"No." I said with a serious tone, "There is a different reason for that, I just wanted to check something on my batch."

"As you wish, Master". As I noticed, there is a drop of tears in his eyes "Young master, you are now growing up from your old self".

I ignored him and looked at the window, "Am I really a jerk to you?" Which then he answered, " I don't think I must answer that,  young master."

The carriage reached the academy now, I looked away from the window and hissed at him, "Seriously, Freed. Maybe because I like your attitude, I don't want fire you".
He lowered his head and said, "Thank you for your kindness master. I will  prepare the list of those students. Must I prepare your rose bath after your class?"

"Yes please and prepare some strawberry cupcakes for me". Freed is slightly shocked, "You like sweets, young master?". 'oh shit, I thought I am doing a great job acting'. I nervously sweat from his question. I tried to maintain a stoic face and said, "There are new things that you learn from a person. Isn't it fun to learn from my attitude?"

Freed chuckled, "I guess so. Then i will prepare for strawberry cupcakes also." He went down to the carriage and held the door for me

"Thank you." I said while going down. I remained my composure while eyeing the façade of the academy. 'The school must have a lot of money to build this kind of school, since the classes started a month ago, then this Marcus must have a lot of enemies right now given on his anger issues'.

As I expected, some students stared at me with discontentand some of them gossips right in front of me. As if I would be let down from that, there are more important things from those malicious gossip.

The final boss of this novel: "The love blossomed on Sophie's life. Fight on!"

The final boss that will use Marcus as a stepping stone to achieve something. Marcus got interested on that person since that person is also a tricky person, leaving no opening and hates stupid people like Marcus, they made a deal and they harassed other students here which caused those students to drop from their student.

That final boss wears mask everytime he/she talked with Marcus. So when Marcus caught red-handed, he can't appeal from the king the one who orchestrated the plan. Which caused Marcus to be killed in the story.

I don't even know who is that person. Argh! I should let Rena to spoil me. Now that I think about it, I wonder what my family are doing? I don't have many friends, I only have Rena. Because my life revolves only on novels, studies, and supporting my family. I pray for their well being, i wish for their happiness and health.

I snapped out from my thoughts when I heard the squeals of the other students. My eyes laid on source of commotion, that black  haired man with glasses. If I am not mistaken this person is--

"Hello Skyler!" "Good morning Skyler!!" "He smiled at me!!"

That's right, Skyler Isaac Harrington

The main lead of  the novel.

He looked at my direction and glared at me.
'oh, such a despicable glare from a handsome face. Too hot for me'. He walked in my direction while gritting his teeth. "You! Why did you that to our Rick?!". 'such a mocking tone, stop tarnishing your handsome image but-'. "Who the hell is Rick, Mr. Skyler?"

"You don't even know the name of the person you punched?!"

"No. I deeply apologize, but it is his fault for sitting on my desk"

"Stop hitting other people for dumb reason!!" He shouted.

"Look at the time, mister. The class started right now". I lazily looked and pointed at the school clock, "And stop shouting in the morning, it ruins your face. What a waste", I walked towards the entrance without sparing a glance to him.

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