Date Him?

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                                           Derek left Natalie in the dining room and made his way to his car. Shit! What the hell is wrong with him. He was being rude to Natalie on purpose. He couldn't help himself. It was either be mean or do something stupid like...kiss those delicious pink lips of hers. Oh stop that!  Getting behind the steering wheel Derek steeled himself. 


                                                  "Get it together man!" he said to himself. He could not lose this deal. He had to calm himself down and think clearly. For some reason the arrival of that Jason guy was making Derek lose control. Maybe this is for the best Derek thought. Her boyfriend staying with them might make Natalie think twice about her seduction plan. He was sure Jason would never allow that. He smiled to himself. "Well... There goes your plan witch! Noway you getting me on your bed now!" Happy with himself Derek drove away.

                                                    Natalie stood in the dining hall arranging the table for lunch. Second time! It was bloody second time in the day that he had acted like a total ass Natalie thought. She had to do something about Derek. Maybe she could ask Jason she thought. He could help her. Yes...She would definitely ask him. Jason would be down any minute for lunch. And maybe Jason staying in the inn would help her focus better on getting Derek out of her inn instead of focusing on that spectacular body of Derek's. Natalie had just finished serving lunch when Jason came down to the dining table.

                                              "Wow! Smells nice in here. I have missed your cooking honey!" He kissed Natalie and sat down at the table. "Is it just the two of us? Where is that handsome boyfriend of yours?"

                                                    Natalie snapped her head up from her plate. "He is not my boyfriend alright!" 

                                                  "Whoa! Relax...I was just kidding Natalie." Jason replied. Great..She had overreacted again Natalie thought. Like she would ever date a loser like Derek Morgan! 

                                                 "Oh Jason...I'm sorry. I was just distracted. Sorry?" Natalie apologized.


                                                "And apology accepted!" Jason winked at her. "So then there is nothing between you guys? I thought I saw some chemistry there. He looked ready to kill me when I kissed you. "

                                              What? Derek did? Noway! Derek Morgan hated her and the feeling was so very mutual. "Oh no...I've only met him yesterday. And you know I'm not interested in dating anyone right now."

                                              "Right now? Natalie you've been saying that since ages! Its time you really move on over Mark. That guy was a bastard. All men are not  like him!" Jason said.

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