Emberessing moments with the Crush

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Tiger claw: Saki made his threat real and stucks to me like glue, he even takes the time when I take a shower or go to the bathroom to have exactly 24 hours and the nights also won't get count. Means he sleeps right beside me , but not a single second will get count as over. My Niece Conocy told me about a meeting with my adoptive Parents and my real ones, I hate evrything about my so called real Parents but I do love and respekt my adoptive parent which is why I go there even with Saki."So I finally meet your Parents" he said to lighten up my mood, I just smiled at him and were silently walking. "Takashi, how are you my dear? " My mom asked me. "Hi Mom, Hello Mother, I'm fine how are you two? and where are the monsters?" I said and saki came in. "We are fine too, the 'Other parents'are in the living room. But may I could ask you a quastion dear? Who is your cute boyfriend and why did you never tell us?" my mother said and I turned red giving them a confused look. "Boyfriend? No he is one of my Friends and my boss, we aren't dating really.I just was worried about 'them' and he joined me since his Family also abonded him." I explained and they looked at eachother. "suree whatever you say dear" my mother said. "Alright Tiger bear what now?" Saki said annoying. I always knew meeting my realparents again would sent me to hell, but that I have to go to hell first to see them is new.

Karai: I got invited for a shopping tour, sarcastacly hooray, by 2 girls that are way to obsessed with love and pink and that stuff.I hate Pink Unicorn stuff, but dad said it would be rude to disagree, but I do have a date with leo so I only can hope their done quick. "Guys we really need to hurry up, I don't want to be late." I complained to get a weird look from them. "Late for what? Are you having a date or something?" Eli asked and I blushed. "What? NO? I mean I could get one if I wanted one , but I dont and I dont need one to be late for. And eh and uhm Shut up" I answered. I went to my date with my normal clothes and where just in time to help leo with a fight against those jerks again."Is that your date?" Eli asked as I looked shock behind me. "Fighting with your date against Jason and Daniel? Where is the romantic in it?" Liz asked. "Guys it's not a date, besides what are you doing here anyway?" I asked annoyed. "Oh we wanted to see with who you hang up? Anyways Sorry for not telling you who we are first, mister uhm" Liz started. "Leo , Karai's buddy and you are?" Leo asked. "We are here other friends whats up with  that blond girl that looks like a slut?" Liz asked. "Thats Fredericke I think " I said unsure. "Hey turtle boy wanna come with me?" the bitch asked and I kinda snapped. "BISH THATS MY MAN!! GET YOUR SLUTY ASS OUT OF HERE!!!" I yelled after pushing her away from leo. "Sooo , you guys sure your just friends or does somebody wants to talk about something with maybe a turtle mutant??( Lenny face)" Eli asked as I started to calm my dumb ass down.

Charlie: I always liked Pranking and I barely get mad but boyy, I got Pranked where it hurts the most. I wanted to spent some qualiti time with my Sister which was emberesst, I don't know why though, but as I entered her room I saw her texting with someone and then she just yelled No out of nowhere. I went back to my room to make myself look goofy to cheer her up and acted like a clumpsy clown. well she did laugh ,but then I heard another very familier laugh, the person she called was Racer which just saw me doing the most emberessing things in my life. Great a Joke on my neck and a compliment for my sister. Got Pranked by her acting like she was sad.

Bradford: My brother was in town and as the chaotic and annoying ass he is he brought his friends with him. I was on Patrol with Karai and Xever, to get the new weapons, as We found the turtles to our surprise eventhough Karai looked like she knew they would be here.as we made a plan and tried to findout where they live My idiotic brother shooted a football and screamed " Hey dude Did ya miss me?" I frownd. "No , I was on a patrol and tried to find out where the turtles live. what are you doing here anyways?" I asked but he only grinnded at me. "I got told that a few lovebirds need help, so who is your crush? Propaply not that girl cuz you don't seem to like eachother. Maybe the black guy? Xever I think?" he asked."hell no" I answered to get an "Thats what they all say"from my dear brother. "I rather kill myself" I answered. " but if your dead you won't find your true love, dude" he argument. I just sight knowing that letting him get on my nervs. is the worst thing I could let happen. After all he is mammys and daddys favorit and even ur adoptive parents liked him more, there for I'm more loved at the foot than he ever would be. Xever just laughed at the point that me and my brother are related, I am a mutated dog that's works for the foot and he works as an clown. Lucky me

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